Psalm 140 ~ Psalm 140


1 F ree me, O Jehovah, from the evil man; preserve me from the violent man:

O Lord, take me away from sinful men. Keep me safe from men who want to hurt others.

2 W ho devise mischiefs in heart; every day are they banded together for war.

They make sinful plans in their hearts. They always start wars.

3 T hey sharpen their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

They make their tongues sharp like a snake’s. And the poison of a snake is under their lips.

4 K eep me, O Jehovah, from the hands of the wicked, preserve me from the violent man, who devise to overthrow my steps.

O Lord, keep me from the hands of the sinful. Keep me safe from men who want to hurt others and have planned to trip my feet.

5 T he proud have hidden a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the way-side; they have set traps for me. Selah.

The proud have hidden a trap for me. With ropes they have spread a net. They have set traps for me beside the road.

6 I have said unto Jehovah, Thou art my God: give ear, O Jehovah, to the voice of my supplications.

I said to the Lord, “You are my God. Listen to the voice of my prayers, O Lord.

7 J ehovah, the Lord, is the strength of my salvation: thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.

O God the Lord, the strength that saves me, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

8 G rant not, O Jehovah, the desire of the wicked; further not his device: they would exalt themselves. Selah.

O Lord, do not give the sinful what they want. Do not let their plans work, or they will be honored.

9 t he head of those that encompass me, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.

“As for those who gather around me, may the wrong-doing of their lips come upon their heads.

10 L et burning coals fall on them; let them be cast into the fire; into deep waters, that they rise not up again.

May burning coals fall upon them. May they be thrown into the fire, into deep holes, and rise no more.

11 L et not the man of tongue be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the man of violence to ruin.

Do not let the man whose talking hurts people stand in the land. May trouble hurry to catch and destroy the man who wants to hurt others.”

12 I know that Jehovah will maintain the cause of the afflicted one, the right of the needy.

I know that the Lord will stand by those who suffer and do what is right for the poor.

13 Y ea, the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name; the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

For sure those who are right and good will give thanks to Your name. Those who are right will live with You.