Exodus 38 ~ Exodus 38


1 A nd he maketh the altar of burnt-offering of shittim wood, five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth (square), and three cubits its height;

Then he made the altar for burnt gifts of acacia wood. It was as long and as wide as three steps, and as tall as a man’s chest.

2 a nd he maketh its horns on its four corners; its horns have been of the same; and he overlayeth it with brass;

He made horns on its four corners of one piece with it and covered it with brass.

3 a nd he maketh all the vessels of the altar, the pots, and the shovels, and the sprinkling-pans, the forks, and the fire-pans; all its vessels he hath made of brass.

He made all the objects of the altar, its pails, its tools for picking up the ashes, its pots, meat-hooks and fire-holders of brass.

4 A nd he maketh for the altar a brazen grate of net-work, under its border beneath, unto its midst;

He made a net for it of brass. It was put under the altar and it came up half-way.

5 a nd he casteth four rings for the four ends of the brazen grate -- places for bars;

He put four rings of brass at the four corners of the net to hold the long pieces of wood.

6 a nd he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with brass;

He made the long pieces of wood out of acacia wood and covered them with brass.

7 a nd he bringeth in the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it with them; hollow boards he made it.

He put the long pieces of wood through the rings on each side of the altar for carrying it. He made the altar with pieces of wood so it was empty inside. Making the Pot of Brass for Washing

8 A nd he maketh the laver of brass, and its base of brass, with the looking-glasses of the women assembling, who have assembled at the opening of the tent of meeting.

He made the pot for washing and its base of brass. They were made from the mirrors of the women servants who worked at the door of the meeting tent.

9 A nd he maketh the court; at the south side southward, the hangings of the court of twined linen, a hundred by the cubit,

Then he made the open space for the holy tent. On the south side were curtains for the open space. They were made of fine linen, as long as fifty long steps.

10 t heir pillars twenty, and their brazen sockets twenty, the pegs of the pillars and their fillets silver;

They hung from twenty pillars with twenty brass bases. The hooks of the pillar and their rings were made of silver.

11 a nd at the north side, a hundred by the cubit, their pillars twenty, and their sockets of brass twenty; the pegs of the pillars and their fillets silver;

And on the north side there were curtains as long as fifty long steps, and twenty pillars with twenty brass bases. The hooks of the pillars and their rings were made of silver.

12 a nd at the west side hangings, fifty by the cubit; their pillars ten, and their sockets ten; the pegs of the pillars and their fillets silver;

On the west side there were curtains as long as twenty-five long steps. They had ten pillars with ten bases. The hooks of the pillars and their rings were made of silver.

13 a nd at the east side eastward fifty cubits.

The east side was as wide as twenty-five long steps.

14 T he hangings on the side fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets three,

The curtains for one side of the gate were as long as seven steps. They had three pillars with three bases.

15 a nd at the second side at the gate of the court, on this and on that, hangings, fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets three;

And on the other side there were curtains as long as seven steps, with three pillars and three bases.

16 a ll the hangings of the court round about of twined linen,

All the curtains around the open space were made of fine linen.

17 a nd the sockets for the pillars of brass, the pegs of the pillars and their fillets of silver, and the overlaying of their tops of silver, and all the pillars of the court are filleted with silver.

The bases for the pillars were made of brass. The hooks of the pillars and their rings were made of silver. Their tops were covered with silver. And the pillars were joined with silver.

18 A nd the covering of the gate of the court the work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen; and twenty cubits the length, and the height with the breadth five cubits, over-against the hangings of the court;

The curtain for the gate of the open space was the work of an able workman. It was made of blue, purple and red cloth and fine linen. It was as long as ten long steps, and as high as a man raises his hand, to go with the curtains around the open space.

19 a nd their pillars four, and their sockets of brass four, their pegs of silver, and the overlaying of their tops and their fillets of silver;

Its four pillars and their bases were made of brass. Their hooks and rings were made of silver. And their tops were covered with silver.

20 a nd all the pins for the tabernacle, and for the court round about, of brass.

All the nails of the meeting tent and the open space were made of brass. The Parts Are Weighed

21 T hese are the numberings of the tabernacle (the tabernacle of testimony), which hath been numbered by the command of Moses, the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.

This is the number of the things for the meeting tent, the meeting tent of the Law, as they were given by the mouth of Moses, for the work of the Levites, under the leading of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the religious leader.

22 A nd Bezaleel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, hath made all that Jehovah commanded Moses;

Bezalel, the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the family of Judah, made all that the Lord had told Moses.

23 a nd with him Aholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, and designer, and embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in scarlet, and in linen.

With him was Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the family of Dan. He was an able workman who cut words in stone, gold or silver, and in sewing blue, purple and red cloth and fine linen.

24 A ll the gold which is prepared for the work in all the work of the sanctuary (and it is the gold of the wave-offering) twenty and nine talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary.

All the gold used for the work of the holy tent, the gold given as a gift in worship, weighed as much as twelve men.

25 A nd the silver of those numbered of the company a hundred talents, and a thousand and seven hundred and five and seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary;

The silver given by the people weighed as much as forty men.

26 a bekah for a poll (half a shekel, by the shekel of the sanctuary,) for every one who is passing over unto those numbered, from a son of twenty years and upwards, for six hundred thousand, and three thousand, and five hundred and fifty.

Each one of the men who were twenty years old and older, added up to 603, 550 men, gave only a small weight of silver.

27 A nd a hundred talents of silver are to cast the sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the vail; a hundred sockets for the hundred talents, a talent for a socket;

One hundred heavy weights of silver were used for making the bases for the holy tent and for the curtain in front of the most holy place. One hundred bases were made from the heavy weights of silver.

28 a nd the thousand and seven hundred and five and seventy he hath made pegs for the pillars, and overlaid their tops, and filleted them.

And from the heavy weights of silver he made hooks and joining parts for the pillars, and also covered their tops.

29 A nd the brass of the wave-offering seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred shekels;

The brass that was given weighed as much as thirty men.

30 a nd he maketh with it the sockets of the opening of the tent of meeting, and the brazen altar, and the brazen grate which it hath, and all the vessels of the altar,

With it he made the base for the door of the meeting tent, the brass altar and its brass net, and all the objects of the altar.

31 a nd the sockets of the court round about, and the sockets of the gate of the court, and all the pins of the tabernacle, and all the pins of the court round about.

He also made bases all around the open space and the base for the gate of the open space, and all the nails of the meeting tent and all around the open space.