Mark 8 ~ Markos 8


1 I n those days the multitude being very great, and not having what they may eat, Jesus having called near his disciples, saith to them,

Maalmahaas dadkii aad buu u badnaa oo waxay cunaanna ma haysan, markaasaa Ciise xertiisii u yeedhay oo ku yidhi,

2 ` I have compassion upon the multitude, because now three days they do continue with me, and they have not what they may eat;

Dadka badan ayaan u naxariisanayaa, waayo, durba saddex maalmood ayay ila joogeen, oo waxay cunaanna ma haystaan.

3 a nd if I shall let them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way, for certain of them are come from far.'

Haddii aan guryahooda u diro, iyagoo sooman, jidkay ku itaalbeeli doonaan, waayo, qaarkood waxay ka yimaadeen meel fog.

4 A nd his disciples answered him, `Whence shall any one be able these here to feed with bread in a wilderness?'

Kolkaasaa xertiisii u jawaabtay, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Meeshan cidlada ah xaggee looga heli karaa kibis dadkanu ka dhergaan?

5 A nd he was questioning them, `How many loaves have ye?' and they said, `Seven.'

Goortaasuu weyddiiyey, Immisa kibsood baad haysaan? Waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Toddoba.

6 A nd he commanded the multitude to sit down upon the ground, and having taken the seven loaves, having given thanks, he brake, and was giving to his disciples that they may set before; and they did set before the multitude.

Kolkaasuu dadkii badnaa ku amray inay dhulka fadhiistaan. Markaasuu toddobadii kibsood soo qaaday, oo goortuu ku mahadnaqay ayuu kala jejebiyey oo xertiisii siiyey inay hortooda dhigaan. Markaasay dadkii badnaa hor dhigeen.

7 A nd they had a few small fishes, and having blessed, he said to set them also before;

Waxay haysteen in yar oo kalluun yaryar ah. Oo intuu barakeeyey, wuxuu ku amray inay kuwaasna hortooda dhigaan.

8 a nd they did eat and were filled, and they took up that which was over of broken pieces -- seven baskets;

Markaasay cuneen oo dhergeen; kolkaasay soo ururiyeen toddoba dambiilood oo ka buuxa jajabkii hadhay.

9 a nd those eating were about four thousand. And he let them away,

Kuwii cunayna waxay ku dhowaayeen afar kun, markaasuu diray.

10 a nd immediately having entered into the boat with his disciples, he came to the parts of Dalmanutha,

Kolkiiba xertiisii ayuu doonni la fuulay, oo wuxuu yimid dhinacyada Dalmanuuta. Ciise Baa Diiday Markii Calaamo La Weyddiistay

11 a nd the Pharisees came forth, and began to dispute with him, seeking from him a sign from the heaven, tempting him;

Markaasaa Farrisiintu u soo baxday, oo waxay bilaabeen inay wax weyddiiyaan, oo waxay ka doonayeen inuu calaamo cirka ka tuso, si ay u jirrabaan.

12 a nd having sighed deeply in his spirit, he saith, `Why doth this generation seek after a sign? Verily I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.'

Intuu ruuxiisa ka taahay ayuu yidhi, Qarnigan muxuu calaamo u doondoonayaa? Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Qarnigan calaamo lama siin doono.

13 A nd having left them, having entered again into the boat, he went away to the other side;

Markaasuu ka tegey oo haddana doonniduu fuulay oo dhanka kale u kacay. Ciise Baa Xertii Ku Canaantay Indhala'aantoodii

14 a nd they forgot to take loaves, and except one loaf they had nothing with them in the boat,

Xertii waxay illoobeen inay kibis soo qaataan, oo doonnida kibis kuma ay haysan mid keliya maahane.

15 a nd he was charging them, saying, `Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod,'

Markaasuu wuxuu ku amray, oo ku yidhi, Iska eega oo iska jira khamiirka Farrisiinta iyo khamiirka Herodos.

16 a nd they were reasoning with one another, saying -- `Because we have no loaves.'

Markaasay isla wada hadleen, oo isku yidhaahdeen, Sababtaasu waa kibistii aannan haysan aawadeed.

17 A nd Jesus having known, saith to them, `Why do ye reason, because ye have no loaves? do ye not yet perceive, nor understand, yet have ye your heart hardened?

Ciise oo gartay ayaa ku yidhi, Maxaad isu la hadlaysaan? Ma kibistii aydnaan haysan aawadeed ba? Miyaydnaan weli arkin oo aydnaan garanaynin? Qalbigiinnu weli ma engegan yahay?

18 H aving eyes, do ye not see? and having ears, do ye not hear? and do ye not remember?

Indho baad leedihiin, miyaydnaan waxba arkaynin? Dhegona waad leedihiin, miyaydnaan waxba maqlaynin oo aydnaan xusuusnayn?

19 W hen the five loaves I did brake to the five thousand, how many hand-baskets full of broken pieces took ye up?' they say to him, `Twelve.'

Goortii aan shantii kibsood shantii kun u kala jejebiyey, immisa dambiilood oo jajab ka buuxa ayaad soo ururiseen? Waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Laba iyo toban.

20 ` And when the seven to the four thousand, how many hand-baskets full of broken pieces took ye up?' and they said, `Seven.'

Oo goortii aan toddobadii kibsood afartii kun u kala jejebiyey, immisa dambiilood oo jajab ka buuxa ayaad soo ururiseen? Waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Toddoba.

21 A nd he said to them, `How do ye not understand?'

Wuxuuna ku yidhi, Miyaydnaan weli garanaynin? Ciise Wuxuu Bogsiiyey Nin Indhala' Oo Beytsayda Joogay

22 A nd he cometh to Bethsaida, and they bring to him one blind, and call upon him that he may touch him,

Markaasay yimaadeen Beytsayda. Oo waxay u keeneen nin indha la' oo ay ka baryeen inuu taabto.

23 a nd having taken the hand of the blind man, he led him forth without the village, and having spit on his eyes, having put hands on him, he was questioning him if he doth behold anything:

Markaasuu ninkii indhaha la'aa gacanta qabtay, oo tuulada dibadda uga saaray, oo goortuu indhaha kaga tufay oo gacmihiisii saaray, wuxuu weyddiiyey, Wax ma arkaysaa?

24 a nd he, having looked up, said, `I behold men, as I see trees, walking.'

Kor buu u eegay oo yidhi, Waxaan arkayaa niman, oo waxay ii le'eg yihiin sida geedo socda.

25 A fterwards again he put hands on his eyes, and made him look up, and he was restored, and discerned all things clearly,

Kolkaasuu mar kale gacmihiisii indhaha ka saaray. Markaasuu aad iyo aad wax u eegay, wuuna bogsaday, oo wax walba bayaan buu u arkay.

26 a nd he sent him away to his house, saying, `Neither to the village mayest thou go, nor tell to any in the village.'

Kolkaasuu gurigiisii u diray, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Tuulada ha gelin. Butros Wuxuu Qiray Inuu Ciise Yahay Masiixa

27 A nd Jesus went forth, and his disciples, to the villages of Cesarea Philippi, and in the way he was questioning his disciples, saying to them, `Who do men say me to be?'

Markaasaa Ciise iyo xertiisii waxay tageen oo galeen tuulooyinka Kaysariya Filibos. Xertiisii ayuu jidka ku weyddiiyey, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Dadku yay igu sheegaan?

28 A nd they answered, `John the Baptist, and others Elijah, but others one of the prophets.'

Waxay yidhaahdeen, Yooxanaa Baabtiisaha, qaarna, Eliyaas, qaar kalena, Nebiyada midkood.

29 A nd he saith to them, `And ye -- who do ye say me to be?' and Peter answering saith to him, `Thou art the Christ.'

Markaasuu weyddiiyey, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Idinkuse yaad igu sheegtaan? Butros ayaa u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad tahay Masiixa.

30 A nd he strictly charged them that they may tell no one about it,

Markaasuu ku amray inayan ninna isaga u sheegin. Ciise Wuxuu Sii Sheegay Dhimashadiisa Iyo Sara Kiciddiisa

31 a nd began to teach them, that it behoveth the Son of Man to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to rise again;

Kolkaasuu bilaabay inuu baro inay waajib ugu tahay Wiilka Aadanahu inuu wax badan ku xanuunsado, oo ay waayeellada iyo wadaaddada sare iyo culimmadu diidaan, oo la dilo, oo saddex maalmood dabadeed uu soo sara kaco.

32 a nd openly he was speaking the word. And Peter having taken him aside, began to rebuke him,

Hadalkaas bayaan buu ugu hadlay. Markaasaa Butros gees u waday oo bilaabay inuu canaanto.

33 a nd he, having turned, and having looked on his disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, `Get behind me, Adversary, because thou dost not mind the things of God, but the things of men.'

Laakiin Ciise markuu soo jeestay oo xertiisii eegay, ayuu Butros canaantay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Gadaal iga mar, Shayddaan yahow, waayo, waxyaalaha Ilaah kama fikirtid, waxaadse ka fikirtaa waxyaalaha dadka. Waa In Nafta La Diido

34 A nd having called near the multitude, with his disciples, he said to them, `Whoever doth will to come after me -- let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow me;

Goortaasuu dadkii badnaa u yeedhay iyo xertiisiiba oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Mid uun hadduu doonayo inuu iga daba yimaado, ha dayriyo doonistiisa, iskutallaabtiisana ha soo qaato oo ha i soo raaco.

35 f or whoever may will to save his life shall lose it; and whoever may lose his life for my sake and for the good news' sake, he shall save it;

Kan doonaya inuu naftiisa badbaadiyo, waa lumin doonaa, laakiin kan naftiisa u lumiya aawaday iyo injiilka aawadii, kaasaa badbaadin doona.

36 f or what shall it profit a man, if he may gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?

Waayo, nin maxay u taraysaa hadduu dunida oo dhan helo oo uu naftiisa lumiyo?

37 O r what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?

Nin muxuu u bixiyaa naftiisa beddelkeeda?

38 f or whoever may be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also shall be ashamed of him, when he may come in the glory of his Father, with the holy messengers.'

Haddaba ku alla kii qarnigan dembiga iyo sinada leh kaga xishooda aniga iyo hadalkaygaba, Wiilka Aadanaha ayaa ka xishoon doona isaga markuu ammaantii Aabbihiis kula yimaado malaa'igaha quduuska ah.