Isaiah 63 ~ Isaiah 63


1 W ho is this Who comes from Edom, with dark red clothing from Bozrah? Who is this One Who is beautiful in His clothing, walking in the greatness of His strength? “It is I, Who speaks what is right and good, powerful to save.”

`Who this coming from Edom? With dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is honourable in his clothing, Travelling in the abundance of his power?' -- `I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save.'

2 W hy is Your clothing red? Why is Your clothing like his who crushes the grapes?

`Wherefore thy clothing red? And thy garments as treading in a wine fat?'

3 I have crushed the grapes alone. From the people there was no man with Me. I crushed them in My anger. I was angry as I stepped on them. And their life blood is on My clothing, and all My clothing is red.

-- `A wine-press I have trodden by myself, And of the peoples there is no one with me, And I tread them in mine anger, And I trample them in my fury, Sprinkled is their strength on my garments, And all my clothing I have polluted.

4 F or the day of punishment was in My heart. And My year to save My people and make them free has come.

For the day of vengeance in my heart, And the year of my redeemed hath come.

5 I looked, and there was no one to help. I wondered that there was no one to help. So My own arm brought saving power to Me, and My anger helped Me.

And I look attentively, and there is none helping, And I am astonished that there is none supporting, And give salvation to me doth mine own arm. And my wrath -- it hath supported me.

6 I crushed the nations in My anger and I made them drunk in My anger. I poured out their life blood on the earth.” Israel Remembers God’s Loving-Kindness

And I tread down peoples in mine anger, And I make them drunk in my fury, And I bring down to earth their strength.

7 I will tell of the loving-kindness of the Lord, and praise Him for all He has done. I will tell of all the Lord has given us, the great goodness He has shown to the family of Israel and given to them because of His loving-pity and His great loving-kindness.

The kind acts of Jehovah I make mention of, The praises of Jehovah, According to all that Jehovah hath done for us, And the abundance of the goodness to the house of Israel, That He hath done for them, According to His mercies, And according to the abundance of His kind acts.

8 F or He said, “For sure they are My people, sons who will not be false to Me.” So He saved them from the punishment of sin.

And He saith, Only My people they, Sons -- they lie not, and He is to them for a saviour.

9 H e suffered with them in all their troubles, and the angel of the Lord saved them. In His loving-kindness He paid the price and made them free. He lifted them up and carried them all the days of long ago.

In all their distress no adversary, And the messenger of His presence saved them, In His love and in His pity He redeemed them, And He doth lift them up, And beareth them all the days of old.

10 B ut they turned against Him and made His Holy Spirit have sorrow. So He turned Himself and hated them, and fought against them.

And they have rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit, And He turneth to them for an enemy, He Himself hath fought against them.

11 T hen His people remembered the days long ago, the days of Moses. Where is He Who brought them through the sea with the shepherd of His flock? Where is He Who put His Holy Spirit among them?

And He remembereth the days of old, Moses -- his people. Where He who is bringing them up from the sea, The shepherd of his flock? Where He who is putting in its midst His Holy Spirit?

12 W here is He Who caused His great arm to be at the right hand of Moses? Where is He Who divided the waters in front of them to make for Himself a name that lasts forever.

Leading by the right hand of Moses, the arm of His glory, Cleaving waters from before them, To make to Himself a name age-during.

13 W ho led them through the sea? Like a horse in the desert, they did not lose their step.

Leading them through the depths, As a horse in a plain they stumble not.

14 L ike cattle that go down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest. So You led Your people, to make for Yourself a great and honored name. A Prayer for Help

As a beast into a valley goeth down, The Spirit of Jehovah causeth him to rest, So hast Thou led Thy people, To make to Thyself a glorious name.

15 L ook down from heaven, and see from Your holy and beautiful house. Where are Your strong desires and Your powerful works? Your kindness and Your loving-pity are kept from me.

Look attentively from the heavens, And see from Thy holy and beauteous habitation, Where Thy zeal and Thy might? The multitude of Thy bowels and Thy mercies Towards me have refrained themselves.

16 F or You are our Father. Even though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not see who we are, You, O Lord, are our Father. The One Who bought us and made us free from long ago is Your name.

For Thou our Father, For Abraham hath not known us, And Israel doth not acknowledge us, Thou, O Jehovah, our Father, Our redeemer from the age, Thy name.

17 O Lord, why do You make us turn aside from Your ways and make our hearts hard so we do not fear You? Return because of Your servants, the families of Your promised land.

Why causest Thou us to wander, O Jehovah, from Thy ways? Thou hardenest our heart from Thy fear, Turn back for Thy servants' sake, The tribes of Thine inheritance.

18 Y our holy people kept Your holy house for a little while. But those who hate us have broken it under their feet.

For a little while did Thy holy people possess, Our adversaries have trodden down Thy sanctuary.

19 W e have become like those over whom You have never ruled, like those who were not called by Your name.

We have been from of old, Thou hast not ruled over them, Not called is Thy name upon them!