1 T he Lord reigns, let the peoples tremble; He is enthroned above the cherubim, let the earth shake!
Rabbigu isagaa taliya, dadyowgu ha gariireen, Isagu wuxuu ku fadhiyaa keruubiimta, dhulku ha dhaqdhaqaaqo.
2 T he Lord is great in Zion, And He is exalted above all the peoples.
Rabbigu Siyoon dhexdeeda waa ku weyn yahay, Oo dadyowga oo dhanna wuu ka wada sarreeyaa.
3 L et them praise Your great and awesome name; Holy is He.
Iyagu ha ammaaneen magacaaga weyn oo laga cabsado, Isagu waa quduus.
4 T he strength of the King loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.
Oo weliba boqorka xooggiisu wuxuu jecel yahay garsoorid, Caddaalad baad adkaysaa, Garsoorid iyo xaqnimo baad u samaysaa reer Yacquub.
5 E xalt the Lord our God And worship at His footstool; Holy is He.
Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah sarraysiiya, Oo meeshuu cagaha saartona ku sujuuda, Isagu waa quduus.
6 M oses and Aaron were among His priests, And Samuel was among those who called on His name; They called upon the Lord and He answered them.
Muuse iyo Haaruun waxay ka mid ahaayeen wadaaddadiisa, Samuu'eelna wuxuu ka mid ahaa kuwa magiciisa u yeedha, Iyagu waxay baryeen Rabbiga, oo isna wuu u jawaabay.
7 H e spoke to them in the pillar of cloud; They kept His testimonies And the statute that He gave them.
Wuxuu iyagii kala dhex hadlay tiirkii daruurta ahaa, Iyana waxay xajiyeen markhaatifurkiisii iyo qaynuunkii uu iyaga siiyey.
8 O Lord our God, You answered them; You were a forgiving God to them, And yet an avenger of their evil deeds.
Rabbiyow Ilaahayagiiyow, waad u jawaabtay, Oo waxaad ahayd Ilaah iyaga cafiyey, In kastoo aad falimahoodii ka aargoosatay.
9 E xalt the Lord our God And worship at His holy hill, For holy is the Lord our God.
Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah sarraysiiya, Oo isaga ku caabuda buurtiisa quduuska ah, Waayo, Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ahu waa quduus.