1 H ear now what the Lord is saying, “Arise, plead your case before the mountains, And let the hills hear your voice.
Haddaba maqla waxa Rabbigu leeyahay, Sara joogsada, dacwaddiinna buuraha ku hor sheegta, oo kuruhuna codkiinna ha maqleen.
2 “ Listen, you mountains, to the indictment of the Lord, And you enduring foundations of the earth, Because the Lord has a case against His people; Even with Israel He will dispute.
Buuraha iyo dhulka aasaasyadiisa warayow, Rabbiga dacwaddiisa maqla, waayo, Rabbigu dacwad buu la leeyahay dadkiisa, oo wuxuu la muddici doonaa dadka Israa'iil.
3 “ My people, what have I done to you, And how have I wearied you? Answer Me.
Dadkaygiiyow, bal maxaan idinku sameeyey? Maxaanse idinku daaliyey? Haddaba bal igu markhaatifura.
4 “ Indeed, I brought you up from the land of Egypt And ransomed you from the house of slavery, And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam.
Waayo, dalkii Masar waan idinka soo bixiyey, oo guriga addoonsiga waan idinka soo furtay, oo waxaan idin hor mariyey Muuse, iyo Haaruun iyo Maryan.
5 “ My people, remember now What Balak king of Moab counseled And what Balaam son of Beor answered him, And from Shittim to Gilgal, So that you might know the righteous acts of the Lord.” What God Requires of Man
Dadkaygiiyow, bal haatan soo xusuusta wixii uu Baalaaq oo ahaa boqorkii Moo'aab ku tashaday, iyo wixii u Balcaam ina Becoor ugu jawaabay, bal soo xusuusta wixii dhacay tan iyo Shitiim iyo ilaa Gilgaal, si aad ku ogaataan falimaha xaqa ah ee Rabbiga.
6 W ith what shall I come to the Lord And bow myself before the God on high? Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, With yearling calves?
Bal maxaan Rabbiga hortiisa la imaadaa? Oo sidee baan Ilaaha sare ugu hor sujuudaa? Ma qurbaanno la gubo baan Rabbiga hortiisa la imaadaa? Ma weylo gu jira baan la imaadaa?
7 D oes the Lord take delight in thousands of rams, In ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I present my firstborn for my rebellious acts, The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
Rabbigu ma ku farxaa kumanyaal wanan, amase toban kun oo webi oo saliid ah? Xadgudubkayga aawadiis miyaan curadkayga u bixiyaa? Dembigii naftaydase ma midhaha jidhkaygaan u bixiyaa?
8 H e has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
Nin yahow, Rabbigu wuxuu ku tusay waxa wanaagsan. Oo bal maxaa Rabbigu kaa doonayaa, inaad caddaaladda samaysid, oo aad naxariista jeclaatid, oo aad si hoosaysa Ilaahaaga ula socotid mooyaane? Dembigii Iyo Ciqaabtii Israa'iil
9 T he voice of the Lord will call to the city— And it is sound wisdom to fear Your name: “Hear, O tribe. Who has appointed its time?
Codkii Rabbigu magaalada buu u qaylinayaa, oo ninkii xigmad lahu magacaaga buu ka cabsan doonaa. Idinku usha maqla iyo kan soo dirayba.
10 “ Is there yet a man in the wicked house, Along with treasures of wickedness And a short measure that is cursed?
Guriga sharowga weli miyey yaalliin khasnadihii sharnimadu iyo weliba qiyaastii dhimanayd oo karaahiyada ahayd?
11 “ Can I justify wicked scales And a bag of deceptive weights?
Miyaan daahir ahaanayaa anoo haysta kafado xun iyo kolay miisaanno khiyaano miidhan ah?
12 “ For the rich men of the city are full of violence, Her residents speak lies, And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.
Waayo, dadkeeda taajiriinta ahu waa dulmi miidhan, oo kuweeda degganuna been bay ku hadlaan, oo carrabka afkooduna waa khiyaano miidhan.
13 “ So also I will make you sick, striking you down, Desolating you because of your sins.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed dhaawac aad u xun baan idinku dhuftay, oo dembigiinna aawadiis cidla baan idinka dhigay.
14 “ You will eat, but you will not be satisfied, And your vileness will be in your midst. You will try to remove for safekeeping, But you will not preserve anything, And what you do preserve I will give to the sword.
Wax baad cuni doontaan mase dhergi doontaan. Gaajadiinnu dhexdiinnay ku jiri doontaa. Wax baad kaydin doontaan, laakiinse sinaba uma aad nabad gelin doontaan, oo wixii aad nabadgelisaanna seef baan u gacangelinayaa.
15 “ You will sow but you will not reap. You will tread the olive but will not anoint yourself with oil; And the grapes, but you will not drink wine.
Wax baad beeran doontaan mase goosan doontaan, oo saytuunka waad tuman doontaan laakiinse saliiddiisa kuma subkan doontaan, oo canabkana waad tuman doontaan laakiinse khamrigiisa ma cabbi doontaan.
16 “ The statutes of Omri And all the works of the house of Ahab are observed; And in their devices you walk. Therefore I will give you up for destruction And your inhabitants for derision, And you will bear the reproach of My people.”
Waayo, qaynuunnadii Boqor Coomrii iyo shuqulladii reer Boqor Axaab oo dhanba waad dhawrteen, oo waxaad ku socotaan talooyinkoodii, si aan cidla laga yaabo idiinka dhigo, oo dadka magaaladiinna degganna waxaan ka dhigi doonaa wax lagu foodhyo, oo idinku waxaad qaadan doontaan cayda dadkayga.