1 H ow dark the gold has become, How the pure gold has changed! The sacred stones are poured out At the corner of every street.
Dahabkii sidee buu u dhalaal beelay! Dahabkii ugu wada saafiyaysnaase sidee buu u beddelmay! Dhagxantii meesha quduuska ahna waxaa lagu daadshay rukunka jid kasta.
2 T he precious sons of Zion, Weighed against fine gold, How they are regarded as earthen jars, The work of a potter’s hands!
Wiilashii Siyoon ee qaaliga ahaa oo dahabka saafiga ah la mid ahaa Sidee baa loogu tiriyey dheryo dhoobo ah oo uu dheryasameeyuhu gacmaha ku sameeyey oo kale!
3 E ven jackals offer the breast, They nurse their young; But the daughter of my people has become cruel Like ostriches in the wilderness.
Xataa dawacooyinku naasahay soo bixiyaan, oo dhallaankooda way nuujiyaan, Laakiinse dadkaygu way u naxariis darnaadeen sida gorayada cidlada joogta.
4 T he tongue of the infant cleaves To the roof of its mouth because of thirst; The little ones ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them.
Caanonuugga carrabkiisu wuxuu dhabxanagga ugu dhegaa oon daraaddiis Carruurta yaryaruna kibis bay baryaan, laakiinse ciduna uma gooyso.
5 T hose who ate delicacies Are desolate in the streets; Those reared in purple Embrace ash pits.
Kuwii cunto macaan cuni jiray jidadkay ku baabba'aan. Kuwii dharka cas ku soo korayna meesha digaday ku dhegaan.
6 F or the iniquity of the daughter of my people Is greater than the sin of Sodom, Which was overthrown as in a moment, And no hands were turned toward her.
Ciqaabta xumaanta dadkaygu way ka sii weyn tahay ciqaabtii dembigii Sodom, Taasoo daqiiqad qudha lagu afgembiyey iyadoo aan ciduna far saarin.
7 H er consecrated ones were purer than snow, They were whiter than milk; They were more ruddy in body than corals, Their polishing was like lapis lazuli.
Kuweedii ahaa Nadiir Ilaah loo soocay barafka cad way ka sii daahirsanaayeen, oo caanahana way ka sii caddaayeen, Oo jidhkooduna murjaanta cas wuu ka sii guduudnaa, oo midabkooduna wuxuu ahaa sidii safayr oo kale.
8 T heir appearance is blacker than soot, They are not recognized in the streets; Their skin is shriveled on their bones, It is withered, it has become like wood.
Jaahoodu dhuxul wuu ka sii madow yahay, oo markay jidadka marayaanna lama garto. Haraggoodii lafuhuu ku dhegaa oo waa engegay, oo wuxuu noqday sidii qori oo kale.
9 B etter are those slain with the sword Than those slain with hunger; For they pine away, being stricken For lack of the fruits of the field.
Kuwa seefta lagu laayo waa ka roon yihiin kuwa gaajada u le'da, Waayo, kuwanu way caatoobaan oo abaar bay u bakhtiyayaan iyagoo midhihii beeraha waayay.
10 T he hands of compassionate women Boiled their own children; They became food for them Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.
Naagihii raxiimka ahaa gacmahoodii waxay kariyeen carruurtoodii, Oo waxay iyagu u noqdeen cuntadoodii markii la baabbi'iyey dadkayga.
11 T he Lord has accomplished His wrath, He has poured out His fierce anger; And He has kindled a fire in Zion Which has consumed its foundations.
Rabbigu cadhadiisii buu sii daayay, oo xanaaqiisii kululaa wuu daadiyey. Siyoonna dab buu ka dhex shiday oo aasaaskeedii wuu baabbi'iyey.
12 T he kings of the earth did not believe, Nor did any of the inhabitants of the world, That the adversary and the enemy Could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
Boqorrada dhulka iyo dadka dunida deggan oo dhammuba ma ay rumaysteen In cadowga iyo nacabku ay irdaha Yeruusaalem geli doonaan.
13 B ecause of the sins of her prophets And the iniquities of her priests, Who have shed in her midst The blood of the righteous;
Sababteeduna waxay ahayd dembiyadii nebiyadeeda iyo xumaatooyinkii wadaaddadeeda Kuwaasoo dhexdeeda dhiiggii kuwa xaqa ah ku daadshay.
14 T hey wandered, blind, in the streets; They were defiled with blood So that no one could touch their garments.
Sidii iyagoo indha la' ayay jidadka iska daba wareegaan oo dhiig bay ku nijaasaysan yihiin, Sidaas daraaddeed dharkooda lama taaban karo.
15 “ Depart! Unclean!” they cried of themselves. “Depart, depart, do not touch!” So they fled and wandered; Men among the nations said, “They shall not continue to dwell with us.”
Waxaa iyaga loogu qayliyey, War taga, nijaas yahay! Taga, taga, oo hana taabanina. Markay carareen oo ay iska daba wareegeen ayaa quruumaha waxaa laga dhex yidhi, Iyagu halkan innaba sii degganaan maayaan.
16 T he presence of the Lord has scattered them, He will not continue to regard them; They did not honor the priests, They did not favor the elders.
Rabbigu cadhadiisuu ku kala firdhiyey, oo mar dambe fiiro u lahaan maayo. Wadaaddadii lama sharfin, oo odayaashiina looma nixin.
17 Y et our eyes failed, Looking for help was useless; In our watching we have watched For a nation that could not save.
Intaannu waxtarla'aan caawimaad u fiirinaynay ayaa indhihii na daaleen. Quruuntii aannu fiirinaynay waxay ahayd quruun aan na badbaadin karin.
18 T hey hunted our steps So that we could not walk in our streets; Our end drew near, Our days were finished For our end had come.
Way na raadraadiyaan, oo jidadkayagana ma mari karno. Ugudambaystayadii way soo dhowaatay. Cimrigayagii wuu dhammaaday, waayo, ugudambaystayadii way timid.
19 O ur pursuers were swifter Than the eagles of the sky; They chased us on the mountains, They waited in ambush for us in the wilderness.
Kuwii na eryanayay gorgorka samada way ka sii dheereeyeen. Waxay nagu eryadeen buuraha dushooda, oo cidlada dhexdeeda way noogu gabbadeen.
20 T he breath of our nostrils, the Lord’s anointed, Was captured in their pits, Of whom we had said, “Under his shadow We shall live among the nations.”
Kii sankayaga neefta u ahaa oo ahaa kii Rabbigu subkay ayaa godadkoodii lagu qabtay, Kaasoo aannu nidhi, Quruumaha dhexdooda ayaannu hooskiisa ku sii degganaanaynaa.
21 R ejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, Who dwells in the land of Uz; But the cup will come around to you as well, You will become drunk and make yourself naked.
Reer Edom oo dalka Cuus degganow, farax oo reyree. Koobku adiguu kuu soo gudbi doonaa, waanad sakhraami doontaa, oo waad isqaawin doontaa.
22 T he punishment of your iniquity has been completed, O daughter of Zion; He will exile you no longer. But He will punish your iniquity, O daughter of Edom; He will expose your sins!
Magaalada Siyoonay, ciqaabtii xumaantaadu way dhammaatay. Isagu innaba mar dambe maxaabiis ahaan kuu kaxaysan maayo. Reer Edomow, xumaantaada wuu soo ciqaabi doonaa, Oo dembiyadaadana daahuu ka qaadi doonaa.