Job 19 ~ ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 19


1 T hen Job answered,

فَأجابَ أيُّوبُ:

2 How long will you make me suffer and crush me with words?

«إلَى مَتَى تُعَذِّبُونَنِي. وَتَسحَقُونَنِي بِكَلامِكُمْ؟

3 T en times you have put me to shame and are not ashamed to wrong me.

أهَنتُمُونِي مَرَّةً بَعدَ مَرَّةٍ! وَأسأتُمْ إلَيَّ بِلا خَجَلٍ.

4 E ven if it is true that I have done wrong, it stays with me.

فَحَتَّى لَوْ أخطَأتُ، فَخَطَيَّتِي عَلَيَّ أنا.

5 Y ou put yourselves up high against me, and try to prove my shame to me.

إنْ كُنتُمْ تَحسِبُونَ أنْفُسَكُمْ أفضَلَ مِنِّي، وَتَستَخدِمُونَ ذُلِّي حُجَّةً ضِدِّي،

6 Y ou will know then that God has wronged me, and has set a trap around me.

فَاعلَمُوا أنَّ اللهَ أوْقَعَنِي فِي الخَطَأِ وَحاصَرَنِي بِفَخِّهِ.

7 See, I cry, ‘Someone is hurting me!’ but I get no answer. I call for help, but no one stands for what is right and fair.

أصرُخُ مِنَ الظُّلْمِ وَما مِنْ مُجِيبٍ، وَأستَغِيثُ وَما مِنْ عَدلٍ.

8 H e has built a wall in my way so that I cannot pass. And He has put darkness on my paths.

سَدَّ طَرِيقِي، فَلا أستَطِيعُ المُرُورَ، وَأظلَمَ كُلَّ طُرُقِي.

9 H e has taken my honor from me, and taken the crown from my head.

جَرَّدَنِي مِنْ مَجدِي، وَأزالَ التّاجَ عَنْ رَأسِي.

10 H e breaks me down on every side, and I am gone. He has pulled up my hope like a tree.

يَهدِمُنِي مِنْ كُلِّ الجِهاتِ، فَيُقضَى عَلَيَّ، وَيُقلَعُ رَجائِي كَما تُقلَعُ الشَّجَرَةُ.

11 H e has made His anger burn against me, and thinks of me as one who fights against Him.

أشعَلَ ضِدِّي غَضَبَهُ، وَاعتَبَرَنِي عَدُوّاً لَهُ.

12 H is armies come together and build a path against me. They camp around my tent.

تَتَقَدَّمُ قُوّاتُهُ مَعاً وَتَسُدُّ طَرِيقِي، وَتُعَسكِرُ حَولَ بَيتِي.

13 He has taken my brothers far away from me and my friends have all left me.

«أبعَدَ عَنِّي إخْوَتِي، وَأصبَحَ أصدِقائِي غُرَباءَ عَنِّي.

14 M y brothers have left me, and my close friends have forgotten me.

تَرَكَنِي أقرِبائِي، وَأصدِقائِي نَسُونِي.

15 T hose who live in my house and my women servants think of me as a stranger. I am like one from another country in their eyes.

ضُيُوفُ بَيتِي وَخادِماتِي يَنظُرُونَ إلَيَّ كَغَرِيبٍ. صِرتُ أجنَبِيّاً فِي عُيُونِهِمْ!

16 I call to my servant, but he does not answer. I have to beg him.

أُنادِي خَادِمِي، فَلا يُجِيبُ. حَتَّى لَوْ تَوَسَّلْتُ إلَيهِ.

17 M y breath smells bad to my wife, and I am hated by my own brothers.

زَوجَتِي تَكرَهُ رائِحَتِي، وَصِرتُ مَكرُوهاً حَتَّى عِندَ إخْوَتِي.

18 E ven young children hate me. When I get up they speak against me.

حَتَّى الصِّغارُ يَكرَهُونَنِي. أقِفُ فَيَتَكَلَّمُونَ عَلَيَّ.

19 A ll my friends hate me. Those I love have turned against me.

أصدِقائِي الحَمِيمُونَ كُلُّهُمْ يَنفُرُونَ مِنِّي. انْقَلَبَ عَلَيَّ الَّذِينَ أحبَبتُهُمْ.

20 I am only skin and flesh. And I have gotten away only by the skin of my teeth.

«التَصَقَتْ عِظامِي بِجِلدِي وَلَحْمِي، وَبِالكادِ نَجَوْتُ بِجِلْدِي.

21 H ave pity on me. Have pity on me, O you my friends. For the hand of God has hit me.

«أَشْفِقُوا عَلَيَّ يا أصدِقائِي، أَشْفِقُوا لأنَّ يَدَ اللهِ قَدْ ضَرَبَتْنِي.

22 W hy do you make it hard for me as God does? Have I not suffered enough to please you?

لِماذا تُطارِدُونَنِي كَما يَفعَلُ اللهُ؟ ألَمْ تَكتَفُوا مِنَ الهُجُومِ عَلَيَّ؟

23 If only my words were written! If only they were written down in a book!

«لَيتَ كَلِماتِي تُكتَبُ، وَتُحفَظُ فِي كِتابٍ.

24 I f only they were cut forever into the rock with an iron cutter and lead!

لَيتَها تُنقَشُ فِي صَخرَةٍ إلَى الأبَدِ بِقَلَمِ حَدِيدٍ وَرَصاصٍ.

25 B ut as for me, I know that the One Who bought me and made me free from sin lives, and that He will stand upon the earth in the end.

لأنِّي أعلَمُ أنَّ فادِيَّ حَيٌّ، وَسَيَقُفُ هُنا عَلَى الأرْضِ للِدِّفاعِ عَنِّي فِي النِّهايَةِ.

26 E ven after my skin is destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.

فَحَتَّى بَعدَ أنْ أتْرُكَ جَسَدِي، وَيَفنَى جِلدِي، أعلَمُ أنني سأرَى الله.

27 I myself will see Him. With my own eyes I will see Him and not another. My heart becomes weak within me.

أراهُ بِنَفسِي، وَتَنظُرُهُ عَينايَ لا عَينا غَيرِي. أتُوقُ إلى هَذا مِنْ أعْماقِي.

28 I f you say, ‘How will we make it hard for him?’ and, ‘The root of the problem is in him,’

«تَتَساءَلُونَ: ‹كَيفَ نُضايِقُهُ أكثَرَ، لِيَعلَمَ أنَّ المُشكِلَةَ فِيهِ؟›

29 y ou should be afraid of the sword for yourselves. For anger is punished by the sword, that you may know there is punishment for wrong-doing.”

لَكِنِ احذَرُوا مِنَ السَّيفِ، لأنَّ غَضَبَكُمْ إثمٌ يَستَوجِبُ السَّيفَ، لِكَي تَعلَمُوا أنَّ هُناكَ دَينُونَةً.»