1 H ear my cry, O God. Listen to my prayer.
إلَهِي، اسْمَعْ صَرخَتِي. وَإلَى صَلاتِي انتَبِهْ.
2 I call to You from the end of the earth when my heart is weak. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
حَيثُما كُنتُ وَحِينَما أضعُفُ، بِكَ أستَنجِدُ! فَقُدنِي إلَى قَلعَةٍ أعلَى مِنِّي.
3 F or You have been a safe place for me, a tower of strength where I am safe from those who fight against me.
لأنَّكَ أنتَ قَلعَتِي المُرتَفِعَةُ! وَأنتَ بُرجِيَ المَنِيعُ فِي وَجهِ أعدائِيَ!
4 L et me live in Your tent forever. Let me be safe under the covering of Your wings.
أُرِيدُ أنْ أسكُنَ فِي خَيمَتِكَ إلَى الأبَدِ، مُحتَمِياً تَحتَ جَناحَيكَ. سِلاهْ
5 F or You have heard my promises, O God. You have given me that which You give to those who fear Your name.
لأنَّكَ نَظَرتَ إلَى نُذُورِي يا اللهُ. وَأعطَيتَنِي مِيراثَ خائِفِيكَ.
6 Y ou will add days to the life of the king. His years will be as long as the lives of many children and grandchildren added together.
لَيْتَكَ تُطِيلُ عُمْرَ المَلِكِ، فَيَعِيشَ عَبرَ الأجيالِ الآتِيَةِ.
7 H e will stay forever with God. Set apart loving-kindness and truth to keep him safe.
لَيْتَهُ يُتَوَّجُ إلَى الأبَدِ فِي حَضْرَةِ اللهِ، تَحمِيهِ رَحمَتُكَ وَأمانَتُكَ.
8 S o I will sing thanks to Your name forever and keep my promises day by day.
سَأُرَنِّمُ تَرانِيمَ إكراماً لاسمِكَ إلَى الأبَدِ، وَأُوفِي نُذُورِي يَوماً فَيَوماً!