1 A ue, te mate mo nga hepara e whakakorekore nei, e whakamarara nei i aku hipi i hepara ai, e ai ta Ihowa.
Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says Yahweh.
2 M o reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira mo nga hepara e whangai nei i taku iwi, Kua whakamararatia e koutou aku hipi, aia atu ana ratou, kihai hoki i tirotirohia e koutou; nana, ka whiua koutou e ahau mo te kino o a koutou mahi, e ai ta Ihowa.
Therefore Yahweh, the God of Israel, says against the shepherds who feed my people: You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them; behold, I will visit on you the evil of your doings, says Yahweh.
3 A ka huihuia mai e ahau nga toenga o aku hipi i nga whenua katoa i peia atu ai ratou e ahau, ka whakahokia mai hoki ratou ki o ratou puninga, a ka hua ratou, ka tini.
I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and multiply.
4 A ka whakaarahia ake e ahau etahi kepara mo ratou, mana ratou e whangai: a e kore ratou e wehi a muri ake nei, e kore e pawera, e kore hoki tetahi e ngaro atu, e ai ta Ihowa.
I will set up shepherds over them, who shall feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be lacking, says Yahweh.
5 N ana, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e whakaarahia ai e ahau he Manga tika mo Rawiri, a ka kingi ia, he kingi, a ka mahi i runga i te whakaaro nui, ka whakarite hoki i te whakawa, i te tika ki te whenua.
Behold, the days come, says Yahweh, that I will raise to David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.
6 I ona ra ka whakaorangia a Hura, ka noho humarie a Iharaira: a ko tona ingoa tenei e karangatia ai ia, Ko Ihowa to tatou tika.
In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely; and this is his name by which he shall be called: Yahweh our righteousness.
7 N o reira, na, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e kore ai e korerotia, E ora ana a Ihowa nana nei i kawe mai nga tama a Iharaira i te whenua o Ihipa;
Therefore behold, the days come, says Yahweh, that they shall no more say, As Yahweh lives, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
8 E ngari, E ora ana a Ihowa nana nei i kawe mai, nana nei i arahi mai nga uri o te whare o Iharaira i te whenua ki te raki, i nga whenua katoa ano i peia atu ai ratou e ahau; a ka noho ratou ki to ratou oneone.
but, As Yahweh lives, who brought up and who led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all the countries where I had driven them. They shall dwell in their own land.
9 N a mo nga poropiti. Kei te maru toku ngakau i roto i ahau, ngaueue ana oku wheua katoa; e rite ana ahau ki te tangata haurangi, ki te tangata kua mate i te waina; he whakaaro hoki ki a Ihowa, he whakaaro ki ana kupu tapu.
Concerning the prophets. My heart within me is broken, all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of Yahweh, and because of his holy words.
10 K ei te kapi hoki te whenua i te tangata puremu; kei te tangi hoki te whenua, he mea mo te kanga; kua maroke nga wahi kai o te koraha; a ko to ratou rerenga he kino, ko to ratou kaha, kahore i tika.
For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourns; the pastures of the wilderness are dried up. Their course is evil, and their might is not right;
11 N o te mea ko te poropiti, ko te tohunga, kua poke ngatahi raua: ae ra, kua kitea e ahau to ratou kino i roto i toku whare, e ai ta Ihowa.
for both prophet and priest are profane; yes, in my house have I found their wickedness, says Yahweh.
12 M o reira ka rite to ratou ara ki a ratou ki nga wahi pahekeheke i roto i te pouri: ka aia atu ratou, a ka taka ki reira: ka kawea atu hoki e ahau he kino ki runga ki a ratou, ko te tau hoki e tirotirohia ai ratou, e ai ta Ihowa.
Therefore their way shall be to them as slippery places in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein; for I will bring evil on them, even the year of their visitation, says Yahweh.
13 A kua kite ahau i te wairangi i roto i nga poropiti o Hamaria; na Paara ta ratou poropititanga, a whakapohehetia ana e ratou taku iwi, a Iharaira.
I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied by Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.
14 K ei nga poropiti ano hoki o Hiruharama, kua kitea e ahau tetahi mea whakahouhou rawa; e puremu ana ratou, a ka haere i runga i te teka, a e whakakahangia ana e ratou nga ringa o nga kaimahi o te kino, e kore rawa ai tetahi e tahuri mai i tona ki no; ki ahau kua rite ratou katoa ki Horoma, a ko nga tangata o reira, koia ano kei o Komora.
In the prophets of Jerusalem also I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies; and they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one returns from his wickedness: they have all become to me as Sodom, and its inhabitants as Gomorrah.
15 M o reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano mo nga poropiti: Nana, ka whangaia ratou e ahau ki te taru kawa, a ka whakainumia ratou ki te wai kawa: no te mea i ahau atu i nga poropiti o Hiruharama te takahi tapu puta noa i te whenua katoa.
Therefore Yahweh of Armies says concerning the prophets: Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has gone out into all the land.
16 K o te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Kei whakarongo ki nga kupu a nga poropiti e poropiti na ki a koutou: e ako ana ratou i a koutou ki te wairangi: e korero ana ratou i te kite a to ratou ake ngakau, a ehara i te mea na te mangai o Ihowa.
Yahweh of Armies says, Don’t listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you: they teach you vanity; they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of Yahweh.
17 E mea tonu ana ratou ki te hunga e whakahawea ana ki ahau, Kua ki mai a Ihowa, Ka mau te rongo ki a koutou; a, ki te hunga katoa e haere ana i runga i nga tikanga pakeke o o ratou ngakau, e mea ana ratou, E kore te kino e tae mai ki a koutou.
They say continually to those who despise me, Yahweh has said, You shall have peace; and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart they say, No evil shall come on you.
18 K o wai oti i tu i runga i to Ihowa whakaaro, e kite ai, e rongo ai ranei ki tana kupu? ko wai i mahara ki taku kupu, i rongo hoki?
For who has stood in the council of Yahweh, that he should perceive and hear his word? who has marked my word, and heard it?
19 N ana, kua puta te tukauati i a Ihowa, koia ano ko tona riri, ae ra, he tukauati powaiwai: tera e pakaru ki runga ki te upoko o te hunga kino.
Behold, Yahweh’s storm, his wrath, has gone out. Yes, a whirling storm. It shall burst on the head of the wicked.
20 E kore e hoki to Ihowa riri, kia oti ra ano, kia whakapumautia ra ano e ia nga whakaaro o tona ngakau: i nga ra whakamutunga ka tino marama koutou.
Yahweh’s anger shall not return, until he has executed, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days you shall understand it perfectly.
21 K ihai ahau i unga i enei poropiti, heoi rere ana ratou; kihai ahau i korero ki a ratou, heoi kei te poropiti ratou.
I sent not these prophets, yet they ran: I didn’t speak to them, yet they prophesied.
22 O tiia me i tu ratou i runga i toku whakaaro, kua meinga e ratou taku iwi kia rongo ki aku kupu, kua whakahokia mai e ratou i to ratou ara kino, i te kino hoki o a ratou mahi.
But if they had stood in my council, then had they caused my people to hear my words, and had turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
23 H e Atua tata ianei ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, a ehara i te Atua i tawhiti?
Am I a God at hand, says Yahweh, and not a God afar off?
24 E taea ranei e tetahi te huna i a ia ki nga wahi ngaro, e kore ai ia e kitea e ahau? e ai ta Ihowa. He teka ianei kapi tonu i ahau te rangi me te whenua? e ai ta Ihowa.
Can any hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him? says Yahweh. Don’t I fill heaven and earth? says Yahweh.
25 K ua rongo ahau i nga kupu a nga poropiti, e poropiti teka na i runga i toku ingoa, e mea na, He moe naku, he moe naku.
I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
26 K ia pehea te roa o te mau o tenei i roto i te ngakau o nga poropiti, e poropiti teka na; ara o nga poropiti, e poropiti na i te tinihanga o to ratou ngakau?
How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart?
27 E whakaaro na, ma a ratou moe e korerotia na e ratou ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, ka meinga ai taku iwi kia wareware ki toku ingoa, kia pera me o ratou matua i wareware nei ki toku ingoa, i mea nei ki a Paara.
who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name for Baal.
28 K o te poropiti he moe nei tana, me korero e ia te moe; a ko te tangata i a ia taku kupu, kia pono tana korero i taku kupu. He aha oti ta te papapa ki te witi? e ai ta Ihowa.
The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? says Yahweh.
29 H e teka ianei e rite ana taku kupu ki te ahi? e ai ta Ihowa; ki te hama e wahi nei i te kamaka a mongamonga noa?
Isn’t my word like fire? says Yahweh; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
30 M o reira, na, hei hoariri ahau mo nga poropiti, e ai ta Ihowa, e tahae nei i aku kupu i tona hoa, i tona hoa.
Therefore behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who steal my words everyone from his neighbor.
31 N ana, hei hoariri ahau mo nga poropiti, e ai ta Ihowa, mo te hunga e whakamahi nei i o ratou arero, e ki nei, E mea ana ia.
Behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who use their tongues, and say, He says.
32 N ana, hei hoariri ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, mo te hunga e poropiti ana i nga moe teka, a korerotia ana e ratou, whakapohehetia ana e ratou taku iwi ki a ratou korero teka, ki ta ratou whakapehapeha wairangi: otiia ehara ratou i ahau i unga, i whakaha u ranei; e kore rawa hoki tenei iwi e whai pai i a ratou, e ai ta Ihowa.
Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says Yahweh, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting: yet I didn’t send them, nor commanded them; neither do they profit this people at all, says Yahweh.
33 A , ki te ui tenei iwi, ki a koe, te poropiti, te tohunga ranei, ki te mea, Tena koa ta Ihowa pikaunga? katahi koe ka ki atu ki a ratou, E tae te pikaunga! Ka maka atu koutou e ahau, e ai ta Ihowa.
When this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask you, saying, What is the burden of Yahweh? Then you shall tell them, What burden! I will cast you off, says Yahweh.
34 N a, ko te poropiti, ko te tohunga, ko te iwi ranei, e mea ana, Ko te pikaunga a Ihowa, ka whiua e ahau taua tangata, ratou ko tona whare.
As for the prophet, and the priest, and the people, who shall say, The burden of Yahweh, I will even punish that man and his house.
35 K o te kupu tenei ma koutou ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa, ki tona teina, ki tona tuakana, Tena koa te kupu i whakahokia mai e Ihowa? a, I pehea mai a Ihowa?
You shall say everyone to his neighbor, and everyone to his brother, What has Yahweh answered? and, What has Yahweh spoken?
36 K ati hoki ta koutou whakahua i te pikaunga a Ihowa; no te mea ko te kupu ake a tenei, a tenei hei pikaunga mana; kua whakarereketia hoki e koutou nga kupu a te Atua, ora, a Ihowa o nga mano, a to tatou Atua.
You shall mention the burden of Yahweh no more: for every man’s own word shall be his burden; for you have perverted the words of the living God, of Yahweh of Armies our God.
37 K o tau tenei e korero atu ai ki te poropiti, He aha te whakautu a Ihowa ki a koe? ko tenei hoki, I pehea mai a Ihowa?
You shall say to the prophet, What has Yahweh answered you? and, What has Yahweh spoken?
38 E ngari ki te mea koutou, Ko te pikaunga a Ihowa; na ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa; Mo ta koutou korero i tena kupu, Ko te pikaunga a Ihowa, a kua unga tangata ahau ki a koutou, hei mea, Kaua koutou e ki, Ko te pikaunga a Ihowa;
But if you say, The burden of Yahweh; therefore Yahweh says: Because you say this word, The burden of Yahweh, and I have sent to you, saying, You shall not say, The burden of Yahweh;
39 M o reira, na, ka wareware rawa ahau ki a koutou, ka akiritia atu ano koutou i toku aroaro, me te pa i hoatu e ahau ki a koutou ko o koutou matua.
therefore, behold, I will utterly forget you, and I will cast you off, and the city that I gave to you and to your fathers, away from my presence:
40 K a utaina hoki e ahau he ingoa kino ki runga ki a koutou, he mea mau tonu, he whakama hoki e mau tonu ana, a e kore e wareware.
and I will bring an everlasting reproach on you, and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.