ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 35 ~ Genesis 35


1 ث ُمَّ قالَ اللهُ لِيَعقُوبَ: «قُمْ وَاذْهَبْ إلَى بَيتِ إيلَ وَاسْكُنْ هُناكَ. وَابْنِ مَذْبَحاً هُناكَ للهِ الَّذِي ظَهَرَ لَكَ وَأنتَ هارِبٌ مِنْ وَجهِ أخِيكَ عِيسُو.»

And God said to Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an altar unto the God that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother.

2 ف َقالَ يَعقُوبُ لِأهلِ بَيتِهِ وَلِكُلِّ الَّذِينَ كانُوا مَعْهُ: «تَخَلَّصُوا مِنَ الآلِهَةِ الغَرِيبَةِ الَّتِي لَدَيكُمْ. وَطَهِّرُوا أنفُسَكُمْ، وَغَيِّرُوا ثِيابَكُمْ.

And Jacob said to his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange gods that are among you, and cleanse yourselves, and change your garments;

3 ف َلْنُغادِرْ هَذا المَكانَ وَنَذْهَبْ إلَى بَيتِ إيلَ، فَأبنِيَ هُناكَ مَذبَحاً للهِ الَّذِي استَجابَ لِي فِي وَقتِ ضِيقِي، وَرافَقَنِي فِي الطَّرِيقِ الَّذِي مَضَيتُ فِيهِ.»

and we will arise, and go up to Bethel; and I will make there an altar to the God that answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way that I went.

4 ف َأعطُوا لِيَعقُوبَ كُلَّ الأوثانِ الغَريبَةِ الَّتِي كانَتْ لَدَيهِمْ، وَالأقْراطِ الَّتِي كانَتْ فِي آذانِهِمْ. فَدَفَنَها يَعقُوبُ تَحْتَ شَجَرَةِ البُطْمِ قُرْبَ شَكِيمَ.

And they gave to Jacob all the strange gods that were in their hand, and the rings that were in their ears, and Jacob hid them under the terebinth that by Shechem.

5 ث ُمَّ انطَلَقُوا. وَجَعَلَ اللهُ أهلَ المُدُنِ حَولَهُمْ يَهابُونَ عائِلَةَ يَعقُوبَ. فَلَمْ يُلاحِقُوا أبْناءَ يَعقُوبَ.

And they journeyed; and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.

6 ف َجاءَ يَعقُوبُ وَكُلُّ الَّذِينَ مَعَهُ إلَى لُوزَ، أي بَيتِ إيلَ فِي أرْضِ كَنْعانَ.

And Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is, Bethel, he and all the people that were with him.

7 و َبَنَى مَذبَحاً هُناكَ. وَدَعا المَكانَ «إلَهَ بَيتَ إيلَ.» لِأنَّ اللهَ أعلَنَ لَهُ نَفْسَهُ وَهُوَ هارِبٌ مِنْ أخِيهِ.

And he built there an altar, and called the place El-beth-el; because there God had appeared to him when he fled from the face of his brother.

8 و َماتَتْ دَبُّورَةُ، مُرضِعَةُ رِفْقَةَ هُناكَ. وَدُفِنَتْ تَحتَ البَلُّوطَةِ قُرْبَ بَيتِ إيلَ. وَسَمَّى يَعقُوبُ ذَلِكَ المَكانَ «بَلُّوطَةَ الحُزنِ.» اسْمُ يَعْقُوبَ الجديد

And Deborah, Rebecca's nurse, died; and she was buried beneath Bethel, under the oak; and the name of it was called Allon-bachuth.

9 و َفِي طَرِيقِ عَوْدَتِهِ مِنْ فَدَّانَ أرامَ، ظَهَرَ اللهُ لِيَعقُوبَ وَبارَكَهُ

And God appeared to Jacob again after he had come from Padan-Aram, and blessed him.

10 و َقالَ لَهُ: «اسْمُكَ يَعقُوبُ. لَكِنَّكَ لَنْ تُدعَى يَعقُوبَ فِيما بَعْدُ، بَلْ إسْرائِيلَ.» فَسَمّاهُ اللهُ «إسْرائِيلَ.»

And God said to him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not henceforth be called Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And he called his name Israel.

11 و َقالَ لَهُ: «أنا اللهُ الجَبّارُ. لِيَكُنْ لَكَ أبناءٌ كَثِيرُونَ، وَلْتَزْدَدْ عَدَداً. سَتَخرُجُ مِنْكَ أُمَّةٌ، بَلْ جَماعَةٌ مِنَ الأُمَمِ. وَسَيَنحَدِرُ مُلُوكٌ مِنْكَ.

And God said to him, I am the Almighty God: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee; and kings shall come out of thy loins.

12 و َسَأُعطِيكَ الأرْضَ الَّتِي أعطَيتُها لإبْراهِيمَ وَإسْحاقَ. وَسَأُعطِيها لِنَسلِكَ مِنْ بَعدِكَ أيضاً.»

And the land that I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.

13 ث ُمَّ مَضَى عَنْهُ اللهُ فِي المَكانِ الَّذِي كَلَّمَهُ فِيهِ.

And God went up from him in the place where he had talked with him.

14 ف َأقامَ يَعقُوبُ نَصَباً تَذْكاريّاً حَجَرِيّاً فِي المَكانِ الَّذِي كَلَّمَهُ اللهُ فِيهِ، وَكَرَّسَهُ للهِ بِسَكِيبٍ مِنَ النَّبِيذِ وَزَيتِ الزَّيتُونِ.

And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had talked with him, a pillar of stone, and poured on it a drink-offering, and poured oil on it.

15 و َسَمَّى يَعقُوبُ المَكانَ الَّذِي كَلَّمَهُ اللهُ فِيهِ بَيتَ إيلَ. مَوتُ راحِيلَ أثْناءَ الوِلادَة

And Jacob called the name of the place where God had talked with him, Beth-el.

16 ث ُمَّ انطَلَقُوا مِنْ بَيتِ إيلَ. وَقَبلَ أنْ يَصِلُوا إلَى أفْراتَةَ بَدَأتْ راحِيلُ تَلِدُ. وَكانَتْ أوجاعُ الوِلادَةِ شَدِيدَةً.

And they journeyed from Bethel. And there was yet a certain distance to come to Ephrath, when Rachel travailed in childbirth; and it went hard with her in her childbearing.

17 ف َقالَتْ لَها القابِلَةُ أثْناءَ وِلادَتِها العَسِرَةِ: «لا تَخافِي، فَهَذا ابْنٌ آخَرُ لَكِ.»

And it came to pass when it went hard with her in her childbearing, that the midwife said to her, Fear not; for this also is a son for thee.

18 و َأثناءَ نِزاعِها، وَقُبَيلَ مَوْتِها، سَمَّتِ ابْنَها «بَنْ أُونِي،» لَكِنَّ أباهُ سَمّاهُ «بَنْيامِيْنَ.»

And it came to pass as her soul was departing—for she died—that she called his name Benoni; but his father called him Benjamin.

19 و َماتَتْ راحِيلُ وَدُفِنَتْ فِي الطَّرِيقِ إلَى أفراتَةَ، أي بَيتَ لَحْمَ.

And Rachel died, and was buried on the way to Ephrath, which Bethlehem.

20 ف َأقامَ يَعقُوبُ عَمُوداً فَوقَ قَبْرِها وَهُوَ مَعرُوفٌ حَتَّى هَذا اليَوْمِ بِاسْمِ عَمُودِ قَبْرِ راحِيلَ.

And Jacob erected a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of Rachel's grave to day.

21 ث ُمَّ تابَعَ إسْرائِيلُ ارتِحالَهُ. وَخَيَّمَ جَنُوبَ بُرجِ عِدْرٍ.

And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent on the other side of Migdal-Eder.

22 و َبَينَما كانَ إسْرائِيلُ ساكِناً فِي تِلكَ المَنْطِقَةِ، ذَهَبَ رَأُوبَيْنُ وَنامَ مَعَ بِلْهَةَ، خادِمَةِ أبِيهِ. فَعَلِمَ إسْرائِيلُ بِالأمْرِ. عائلةُ إسْرائِيل وَكانَ لِيَعقُوبَ اثْنا عَشَرَ ابْناً.

And it came to pass when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah, his father's concubine; and Israel heard of it. And the sons of Jacob were twelve.

23 أ بْناؤُهُ مِنْ لَيئَةَ هُمْ رَأُوبَيْنُ بِكْرُ يَعقُوبَ، وَشِمْعُونُ وَلاوِي وَيَهُوذا وَيَسّاكَرُ وَزَبُولُونُ.

The sons of Leah: Reuben—Jacob's firstborn—and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun.

24 و َابْناهُ مِنْ راحِيلَ هُما يُوسُفُ وَبَنْيامِيْنُ.

The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin.

25 و َابْناهُ مِنْ بِلْهَةَ، خادِمَةِ راحِيلَ، هُما دانُ وَنَفْتالِي.

And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's maidservant: Dan and Naphtali.

26 و َابْناهُ مِنْ زِلْفَةَ، خادِمَةِ لَيئَةَ، هُما جادُ وَأشِيرُ. هَؤُلاءِ هُمْ أولادُ يَعقُوبَ الَّذِينَ أنجَبَهُمْ فِي فَدَّانَ أرامَ.

And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's maidservant: Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob that were born to him in Padan-Aram.

27 و َجاءَ يَعقُوبُ إلَى أبِيهِ إسْحاقَ فِي مَمْرا، قَرْيَةِ أرْبَعَ، أي حَبْرُونَ، حَيثُ كانَ إبْراهِيمُ وَإسْحاقُ قَدْ عاشا هُناكَ.

And Jacob came to Isaac his father to Mamre—to Kirjath-Arba, which is Hebron; where Abraham had sojourned, and Isaac.

28 و َعاشَ إسْحاقُ مِئَةً وَثَمانِينَ عاماً.

And the days of Isaac were a hundred and eighty years.

29 ث ُمَّ لَفَظَ أنفاسَهُ الأخِيرَةَ وَماتَ. وَانْضَمَّ إلَى جَماعَتِهِ عَجُوزاً شَبِعَ مِنَ الحَياةِ. وَدَفَنَهُ ابْناهُ عِيسُو وَيَعْقُوبُ.

And Isaac expired and died, and was gathered to his peoples, old and full of days. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.