ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 9 ~ Judges 9


1 و َذَهَبَ أبِيمالِكُ بْنُ يَرُبَّعَلُ إلَى شَكيمَ، إلَى أخوالِهِ، وَقالَ لَهُمْ وَلِكُلِّ القَبِيلَةِ الَّتِي تَنْتَمِي إلَيها أُمُّهُ:

Now Abimelech son of Jerubbaal (Gideon) went to Shechem to his mother’s kinsmen and said to them and to the whole clan of his mother’s family,

2 « اسألِي كُلَّ سَادَةِ شَكيمَ: ‹أيُّهُما أفضَلُ لَكُمْ: أنْ يَحكُمَكُمْ أبناءُ يَرُبَّعَلَ السَّبعُونَ، أمْ أنْ يَحكُمَكُمْ رَجُلٌ واحِدٌ؟› وَتَذَكَّرُوا أنَّنِي مِنْ لَحمِكُمْ وَدَمِكُمْ.»

Say, I pray you, in the hearing of all the men of Shechem, Which is better for you: that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal reign over you, or that one man rule over you? Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh.

3 ف َنَقَلَ أخوالُهُ كُلَّ هَذِهِ الأُمُورِ نِيابَةً عَنْهُ إلَى سَادَةِ شَكيمَ، فَقَرَّرُوا أنْ يَتبَعُوا أبِيمالِكَ، إذْ قالُوا: «إنَّهُ قَرِيبُنا.»

And his mother’s kinsmen spoke all these words concerning him in the hearing of all the men of Shechem, and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech, for they said, He is our brother.

4 و َأعطُوهُ سَبعِينَ قِطعَةً فِضِّيَّةً مِنْ هَيكَلِ بَعلِ بَرِيثَ. فَاسْتَأْجَرَ أبِيمالِكُ بِها رِجالاً أدْنِياءَ، فَتَبِعُوهُ.

And they gave him seventy pieces of silver out of the house of Baal-berith, with which Abimelech hired worthless and foolhardy men who followed him.

5 و َذَهَبَ إلَى بَيتِ أبِيهِ فِي عَفْرَةَ، وَقَتَلَ إخْوَتَهُ أبناءَ يَرُبَّعَلَ السَّبْعِينَ عَلَى حَجَرٍ واحِدٍ. أمّا يُوثامُ، الابْنُ الأصْغَرُ لِيَرُبَّعَلَ، فَقَدِ اخْتَبَأ فَنَجا.

And he went to his father’s house at Ophrah and slew his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, on one stone. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerubbaal, was left, for he hid himself.

6 ح ِينَئِذٍ، اجْتَمَعَ كُلُّ سَادَةِ شَكيمَ وَكُلُّ سُكّانِ مِلُّو وَبايَعُوا أبِيمالِكَ مَلِكاً عِندَ بَلُّوطَةِ العَمُودِ فِي شَكيمَ. قِصَّةُ يُوثام

And all the men of Shechem gathered together and all of Beth-millo, and they went and made Abimelech king by the oak (terebinth) of the pillar at Shechem.

7 و َعِندَما عَلِمَ يُوثامُ بِهَذا، ذَهَبَ وَوَقَفَ عَلَى جَبَلِ جِرِزِّيمَ، وَصَرَخَ بِصَوتٍ مُرتَفِعٍ: «استَمِعُوا إلَيَّ يا سَادَةَ شَكيمَ، وَلْيَستَمِعِ اللهُ إلَى جَوابِكُمْ.

When it was told to Jotham, he went and stood at the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted to them, Hear me, men of Shechem, that God may hear you.

8 « ذَهَبَتِ الأشْجارُ لِتَختارَ لَها مَلِكاً، فَقالُوا لِشَجَرَةِ الزَّيتُونِ: ‹كُونِي مَلِكَةً عَلَينا.›

One time the trees went forth to anoint a king over them, and they said to the olive tree, Reign over us.

9 « فَقالَتْ شَجَرَةُ الزَّيتُونِ لِلأشجارِ: ‹أَأُوقِفُ إنْتاجَ زَيتِيَ الغَنِيَّ الَّذِي تُكَرَّمُ بِهِ الآلِهَةُ وَالبَشَرُ لِكَي أملُكَ عَلَى الأشْجارِ؟›

But the olive tree said to them, Should I leave my fatness, by which God and man are honored, and go to wave over the trees?

10 « فَذَهَبَتِ الأشجارُ إلَى التِّينَةِ وَقالَتْ: ‹تَعالَي وَكُونِي مَلِكَةً عَلَينا.›

Then the trees said to the fig tree, You come and reign over us.

11 « لَكِنَّ التِّينَةَ قالَتْ لِلأشجارِ: ‹أَأُوقِفُ إنْتاجَ ثَمَرِي الجَيِّدَ الحُلْوَ لِكَي أملُكَ عَلَى الأشجارِ؟›

But the fig tree said to them, Should I leave my sweetness and my good fruit and go to wave over the trees?

12 « فَقالَتِ الأشجارُ لِلكَرْمَةِ: ‹تَعالَي أنتِ وَكُونِي مَلِكَةً عَلَينا.›

Then the trees said to the vine (grapevine), You come and reign over us.

13 « لَكِنَّ الكَرمَةَ قالَتْ لِلأشجارِ: ‹أَأُوقِفُ إنْتاجَ خَمرِيَ الَّذِي يُفرِحُ الآلِهَةَ وَالبَشَرَ لِكَي أملُكَ عَلَى الأشجارِ؟›

And the vine (grapevine) replied, Should I leave my new wine, which rejoices God and man, and go to wave over the trees?

14 « فَقالَتْ كُلُّ الأشجارِ لِلشَجَرَةِ الشّائِكَةِ: ‹تَعالَي أنتِ وَكُونِي مَلِكَةً عَلَينا.›

Then all the trees said to the bramble, You come and reign over us.

15 « فَقالَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ الشّائِكَةُ لِلأشجارِ: ‹إنْ كُنتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ حَقّاً أنْ أكُونَ مَلِكَةً عَلَيكُنَّ، فَهَيّا وَاحتَمِينَ فِي ظِلِّي، وَإلّا، فَلتَخرُجْ نارٌ مِنِّي وَلتَلتَهِمْ أرزَ لُبنانَ.›

And the bramble said to the trees, If in good faith you are anointing me king over you, then come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, let fire come out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon.

16 « وَالآنَ، هَلْ تَصَرَّفتُمْ بِإخلاصٍ كامِلٍ عِندَما جَعَلْتُمْ أبِيمالِكَ مَلِكاً؟ وَهَلْ تَعامَلْتُمْ بِإنصافٍ مَعَ يَرُبَّعَلَ وَعائِلَتِهِ؟ وَهَلْ عامَلْتُمُوهُ كَما تَستَحِقُّ أعمالُهُ؟

Now therefore, if you acted sincerely and honorably when you made Abimelech king, and if you have dealt well with Jerubbaal and his house and have done to him as his deeds deserved—

17 إ ذْ تَذكُرُونَ أنَّ أبِي قاتَلَ مِنْ أجلِكُمْ، مُخاطِراً بِحَياتِهِ، وَقَدْ أنقَذَكُمْ مِنْ سَيطَرَةِ المِديانِيِّينَ.

For my father fought for you, jeopardized his life, and rescued you from the hand of Midian;

18 ل َكِنَّكُمْ ثُرْتُمْ عَلَى عائِلَةِ أبِي اليَومَ، وَقَتَلْتُمْ أبناءَهُ، سَبعِينَ رَجُلاً، عَلَى حَجَرٍ واحِدٍ، وَجَعَلْتُمْ أبِيمالِكَ، ابْنَ جارِيَتِهِ، مَلِكاً عَلَى سَادَةِ شَكيمَ لِأنَّهُ قَرِيبُكُمْ.

And you have risen up against my father’s house this day and have slain his sons, seventy men, on one stone and have made Abimelech, son of his maidservant, king over the people of Shechem because he is your kinsman—

19 ف َإنْ كُنتُمْ تَصَرَّفتُمْ بِإخلاصٍ كامِلٍ مَعَ يَرُبَّعَلَ وَعائِلَتِهِ اليَومَ، فافرَحُوا بِأبِيمالِكَ، وَليَفرَحْ هُوَ أيضاً بِكُمْ.

If you then have acted sincerely and honorably with Jerubbaal and his house this day, then rejoice in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you;

20 و َإلّا، لِتَخرُجْ نارٌ مِنْ أبِيمالِكَ وَتَحرِقْ سَادَةَ شَكيمَ وَسَكّانَ القَلْعَةِ. وَلْتَخرُجْ نارٌ مِنْ سَادَةِ شَكيمَ وَمِنْ سَكّانِ القَلْعَةِ، وَلْتَحرِقْ أبِيمالِكَ.»

But if not, let fire come out from Abimelech and devour the people of Shechem and Beth-millo, and let fire come out from the people of Shechem and Beth-millo and devour Abimelech.

21 ث ُمَّ رَكَضَ يُوثامُ هارِباً، وَذَهَبَ إلَى بِئْرَ. وَبَقِيَ هُناكَ لِأنَّهُ كانَ خائِفاً مِنْ أخِيهِ أبِيمالِكَ. أبِيمالِكُ يُقاتِلُ شَكيم

And Jotham ran away and fled, and went to Beer and dwelt there for fear of Abimelech his brother.

22 و َحَكَمَ أبِيمالِكُ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ مُدَّةَ ثَلاثِ سَنَواتٍ.

Abimelech reigned three years over Israel.

23 ل َكِنَّ اللهَ أرْسَلَ رُوحَ عَداوَةٍ بَينَ أبِيمالِكَ وَسَادَةِ شَكيمَ، فَتَمَرَّدَ سَادَةُ شَكيمَ عَلَى ابِيمالِكَ.

And God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem, and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech,

24 ح َدَثَ هَذا لِكَي يَجعَلَ اللهُ أبِيمالِكَ يَدفَعُ ثَمَنَ عُنفِهِ مَعَ أبناءِ يَرُبَّعَلَ الَّذِينَ قَتَلَهُمْ، وَلِكَي يَدفَعَ سَادَةُ شَكيمَ ثَمَنَ تَشجِيعِهِمْ لَهُ عَلَى قَتلِ إخْوَتِهِ.

That the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and that their blood might be laid upon Abimelech their brother, who slew them, and upon the men of Shechem, who strengthened his hands to slay his brothers.

25 ف َكَمَنَ سَادَةُ شَكيمَ لَهُ عَلَى قِمَمِ الجِبالِ. وَكانُوا يَسلُبُونَ كَلَّ مَنْ يَمُرُّ بِهِمْ عَلَى الطَّرِيقِ. فَوَصَلَتْ هَذِهِ الأخبارُ إلَى أبِيمالِكَ.

And the men of Shechem set men in ambush against on the mountaintops, and they robbed all who passed by them along that way; and it was told to Abimelech.

26 و َعِندَما انتَقَلَ جَعَلُ بْنُ عابِدٍ مَعَ إخْوَتِهِ إلَى شَكيمَ، وَثِقَ بِهِ سَادَةُ شَكيمَ.

And Gaal son of Ebed came with his kinsmen and moved into Shechem, and the men of Shechem put confidence in him.

27 و َخَرَجُوا إلَى الحُقُولِ، وَقَطَفُوا العِنَبَ مِنْ كُرُومِهِمْ، وَعَصَرُوهُ فِي المِعْصَرَةِ، وَاحْتَفَلُوا فِي هَيْكَلِ إلَهِهِمْ، وَأكَلُوا وَشَرِبُوا وَهَزِئُوا بِأبِيْمالِكَ.

And they went out into the field, gathered their vineyard fruits and trod them, and held a festival; and going into the house of their god, they ate and drank and cursed Abimelech.

28 و َقالَ جَعَلُ بْنُ عابِدٍ: «مَنْ هُوَ أبِيْمالِكُ، حَتَّى نَخْدِمَهُ نَحْنُ أهلَ شَكيمَ؟ ألَيْسَ هُوَ ابْنُ يَرُبَّعلَ، أوَلَيْسَ زَبُولُ هُوَ المَسؤُولُ عِنْدَهُ؟ اخدِمُوا رِجالَ حَمُورَ، أبِي شَكيمَ. فَلِماذا نَخدِمُ أبِيْمالِكَ؟

Gaal son of Ebed said, Who is Abimelech, and who are we of Shechem, that we should serve him? Were not the son of Jerubbaal and Zebul, his officer, servants of the men of Hamor the father and founder of Shechem? Then why should we serve him?

29 ل َيتَ هَؤُلاءِ النّاسَ تَحتَ إمرَتِي، فَأُزِيلَ أبِيمالِكَ. كُنْتُ سَأقُولُ لَهُ: ‹جَهِّزْ جَيشَكَ وَاخرُجْ لِلْقِتالِ.›»

Would that this people were under my hand! Then would I remove Abimelech and say to him, Increase your army and come out.

30 ف َسَمِعَ زَبُولُ حاكِمُ المَدِينَةِ كَلامَ جَعَلَ بْنِ عابِدٍ هَذا، فَاشتَعَلَ غَضَبُهُ.

When Zebul the city’s mayor heard the words of Gaal son of Ebed, his anger was kindled.

31 و َأرسَلَ رُسُلاً إلَى أبِيمالِكَ فِي مَدِينَةِ أرُومَةَ، بِهَذِهِ الرِّسالَةِ: «ها قَدْ جاءَ جَعَلُ بْنُ عابِدٍ إلَى شَكيمَ، وَهُمْ يُثيرُونَ المَدِينَةَ ضِدَّكَ.

And he sent messengers to Abimelech slyly, saying, Behold, Gaal son of Ebed and his kinsmen have come to Shechem; and behold, they stir up the city to rise against you.

32 ف َالآنَ، قُمْ أثْناءَ اللَّيلِ، أنْتَ وَجَماعَتُكَ، وَاكْمُنُوا فِي الحُقُولِ.

Now therefore, rise up by night, you and the men with you, and lie in wait in the field.

33 ث ُمَّ فِي الصَّباحِ، عِنْدَ شُرُوقِ الشَّمسِ، تَتَحَرَّكُ وَتَندَفِعُ وَتُهاجِمُ المَدِيْنَةَ، وَعِنْدَما يَخْرُجُ هُوَ وَالقُوّاتُ الَّتي مَعَهُ لِلهُجُومِ عَلَيكَ، افْعَلْ بِهِمْ ما شِئْتَ.»

Then in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, rise early and set upon the city; and when Gaal and the men with him come out against you, do to them as opportunity permits.

34 ف َقامَ أبِيْمالِكُ وَجَماعَتُهُ لَيلاً، وَكَمُنُوا لِقُوّاتِ شَكيمَ فِي أربَعِ مَجْمُوعاتٍ.

And Abimelech rose up by night, and all the men with him, and they laid in wait against Shechem in four companies.

35 ث ُمَّ خَرَجَ جَعَلُ بْنُ عابِدٍ وَوَقَفَ فِي مَدْخَلِ بَوّابَةِ المَدِينَةِ. حِينَئِذٍ، قامَ أبِيمالِكُ وَجَماعَتُهُ مِنْ مَكانِهِمْ.

And Gaal son of Ebed came out and stood in the entrance of the city’s gate. Then Abimelech and the men with him rose up from ambush.

36 ف َلَمّا رَأى جَعَلٌ القُوّاتَ قالَ لِزَبُولَ: «ها هُمْ رِجالٌ يَنزِلُونَ مَنْ قِمَمِ التِّلالِ.» فَقالَ لَهُ زَبُولُ: «أنتَ تَرَى ظِلالَ التِّلالِ فَتَحْسَبُها رِجالاً!»

When Gaal saw the men, he said to Zebul, Look, men are coming down from the mountaintops! Zebul said to him, The shadow of the mountains looks to you like men.

37 ف َتَكَلَّمَ جَعَلُ ثانِيَةً وَقالَ: «ها يَنزِلُونَ مِنْ قِمَّةِ الأرْضِ. وَها جَماعَةٌ قادِمَةٌ مِنْ بَلُّوطَةِ العَرّافِينَ.»

And Gaal spoke again and said, See, men are coming down from the center of the land, and one company is coming from the direction of the oak of Meonenim.

38 ف َقالَ لَهُ زَبُولُ: «فَأينَ إذاً فَمُكَ الجَسُورُ الَّذِي قالَ: ‹مَنْ هُوَ أبِيمالِكَ لِكَي نَخدِمَهُ؟› ألَيسَتْ هَذِهِ هِيَ القُوّاتُ الَّتِي هَزِئْتَ بِها؟ فاذْهَبِ الآنَ وَقاتِلْهُمْ.»

Then said Zebul to Gaal, Where is your mouth now, you who said, Who is Abimelech, that we should serve him? Are not these the men whom you have despised? Go out now and fight with them.

39 ف َخَرَجَ جَعَلُ فِي مُقَدِّمَةِ سَادَةِ شَكيمَ، وَقاتَلَ أبِيمالِكَ،

And Gaal went out ahead of the men of Shechem and fought with Abimelech.

40 ف َطارَدَهُ أبِيمالِكُ. وَهَرَبَ جَعَلُ أمامَهُ عائِداً إلَى المَدينَةِ. وَسَقَطَ كَثِيرُونَ قَتلَى عَلَى طُولِ الطَّرِيقِ إلَى بَوّاباتِ المَدِينَةِ.

And Abimelech chased him, and he fled before him; and many fell wounded—even to the entrance of the gate.

41 ف َعَسْكَرَ أبِيمالِكُ عَلَى أرُومَةَ، وَمَنَعَ زَبُولُ جَعَلَ وَإخوَتَهُ مِنَ العَودَةِ إلَى شَكيمَ.

And Abimelech lodged at Arumah, and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his kinsmen so that they could not live in Shechem.

42 و َفِي اليَومِ التّالِي خَرَجَ الشَّعبُ إلَى الحُقُولِ، فَوَصَلَ خَبَرُ ذَلِكَ إلَى أبِيمالِكَ.

The next day the men went out into the fields, and Abimelech was told.

43 ف َأخَذَ جَماعَتَهُ وَقَسَّمَهُمْ إلَى ثَلاثِ مَجمُوعاتٍ، وَكَمُنَ فِي الحُقُولِ. وَلَمّا نَظَرَ وَرَأى الشَّعبَ خارِجاً مِنَ المَدِينَةِ، قامَ وَهاجَمَهُمْ.

He took his men and divided them into three companies and laid in wait in the field; and he looked and behold, the people were coming out of the city. And he rose up against them and smote them.

44 ا ندَفَعَ أبِيمالِكُ وَجَماعَتُهُ إلَى الأمامِ، وَوَقَفُوا عِنْدَ مَدْخَلِ المَدِينَةِ، وَاندَفَعَتِ المَجمُوعَتانِ الأُخرَيانِ نَحوَ الَّذِينَ كانُوا فِي الحُقُولِ وَهاجَمَتاهُمْ.

And Abimelech and the company with him rushed forward and stood in the entrance of the city’s gate, while the two other companies rushed upon all who were in the field and slew them.

45 و َحارَبَ أبِيمالِكُ المَدِينَةَ طَوالَ النَّهارِ، وَاسْتَولَى عَلَى المَدِينَةِ وَهاجَمَ النّاسَ الَّذِينَ كانُوا فِيها، ثُمَّ دَمَّرَ المَدِينَةَ وَنَثَرَ عَلَيها مِلْحاً.

And Abimelech fought against the city all that day. He took the city and slew the people who were in it. He demolished the city and sowed it with salt.

46 ف َلَمّا سَمِعَ كُلُّ سَادَةِ بُرجِ شَكيمَ هَذا الخَبَرَ، ذَهَبُوا إلَى قَلْعَةِ هَيكَلِ إيلِ بِرِيثَ.

And when all the men of the Tower of Shechem heard of it, they entered the stronghold of the house of El-berith.

47 ف َقِيلَ لِأبِيمالِكَ إنَّ كُلَّ سَادَةِ بُرجِ شَكيمَ اجتَمَعُوا مَعاً.

Abimelech was told that all the people of the Tower of Shechem were gathered together.

48 ف َصَعِدَ أبِيمالِكُ إلَى جَبَلِ صَلْمُونَ، هُوَ وَجَماعَتُهُ الَّذِينَ مَعْهُ. وَأخَذَ أبِيمالِكُ فُؤُوساً مَعَهُ، وَقَطَعَ حُزْمَةً مِنَ الخَشَبِ، وَرَفَعَها وَوَضَعَها عَلَى كَتِفِهِ، ثُمَّ قالَ لِجَماعَتِهِ الَّذِينَ مَعَهُ: «افعَلُوا بِسُرْعَةٍ ما رَأيتُمُونِي أفعَلُهُ!»

And Abimelech went up to Mount Zalmon, he and all the men with him; and Abimelech took an ax in his hand and cut down a bundle of brush, picked it up, and laid it on his shoulder. And he said to the men with him, What you have seen me do, make haste to do also.

49 ف َقَطَعَ كُلُّ واحِدٍ مِنْ جَماعَتِهِ حُزْمَةً مِنَ الخَشَبِ، وَتَبِعُوا أبِيمالِكَ، وَوَضَعُوا الخَشَبَ عَلَى قَلْعَةِ الهَيكَلِ، وَأحرَقُوا القَلْعَةَ عَلَى مَنْ فِيها بِالنّارِ. وَماتَ أيضاً كُلُّ سُكّانِ بُرجِ شَكيمَ، وَكانُوا نَحْوَ ألفِ رَجُلٍ وَامرَأةٍ. مَوتُ أبِيمالِك

So each of the men cut down his bundle and following Abimelech put it against the stronghold and set on fire over the people in it, so that all the people of the Tower of Shechem also died, about 1, 000 men and women.

50 ث ُمَّ ذَهَبَ أبِيمالِكُ إلَى تاباصَ، وَحاصَرَها وَاسْتَولَى عَلَيها.

Then Abimelech went to Thebez and encamped against Thebez and took it.

51 ل َكِنْ كانَ هُناكَ بُرجٌ قَوِيٌّ داخِلَ المَدِينَةِ، فَهَرَبَ إلَيهِ كُلُّ رِجالِ المَدِينَةِ وَنِسائِها وَأسيادِها، وَأغلَقُوا عَلَى أنفُسِهِمْ هُناكَ، وَصَعِدُوا إلَى سَطحِ البُرجِ.

But there was a strong tower in the city, and all the people of the city—men and women—fled to it, shut themselves in, and went to the roof of the tower.

52 ف َجاءَ أبِيمالِكُ إلَى البُرجِ وَهاجَمَهُ، وَاقتَرَبَ مِنْ مَدخَلِ البُرجِ لِكَي يُحرِقَهُ،

And Abimelech came to the tower and fought against it and drew near the door of the tower to burn it with fire.

53 ل َكِنَّ امْرأةً ألقَتْ بِالجُزءِ العُلوِيِّ مِنْ حَجَرِ رَحَى عَلَى رَأسِ أبِيمالِكَ، فَسَحَقَتْ جُمجُمَتَهُ.

But a certain woman cast an upper millstone upon Abimelech’s head and broke his skull.

54 ل َكِنَّهُ دَعا فَوراً خادِمَهُ الَّذِي يَحمِلُ دِرعَهُ، وَقالَ لَهُ: «اسْتَلَّ سَيفَكَ وَاقتُلْنِي، لِئِلّا يَقُولَ النّاسُ عَنِّي: ‹قَتَلَتْهُ امْرأةٌ!›» فَطَعَنَهُ خادِمُهُ وَقَتَلَهُ.

Then he called hastily to the young man, his armor-bearer, and said to him, Draw your sword and slay me, so that men may not say of me, A woman slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

55 و َلَمّا رَأى بَنُو إسْرائِيلَ أنَّ أبِيمالِكَ ماتَ، عادَ كُلُّ واحِدٍ إلَى بَيتِهِ.

And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they departed each man to his home.

56 و َهَكَذا عاقَبَ اللهُ أبِيمالِكَ عَلَى الشَّرِّ الَّذِي ارتَكَبَهُ ضِدَّ أبِيهِ بِقَتلِهِ إخْوَتَهُ السَّبعِينَ.

Thus God repaid the wickedness of Abimelech which he had done to his father by slaying his seventy brothers;

57 و َعاقَبَ اللهُ رِجالَ شَكيمَ عَلَى كُلِّ الشَّرِّ الَّذِي ارتَكَبُوهُ. وَجاءَتْ عَلَيهِمِ اللَّعنَةُ الَّتِي نَطَقَ بِها يُوثامُ بْنُ يَرُبَّعَلَ عَلَيهِمْ.

And all the wickedness of the men of Shechem God repaid upon their heads and caused to come upon them the curse of Jotham son of Jerubbaal.