1 و َمِنَ الأقمِشَةِ الزَّرقاءِ وَالبَنَفسَجِيَّةِ وَالحَمراءِ صَنَعُوا ثِياباً مَنسُوجَةً لِلخِدمَةِ فِي المَكانِ المُقَدَّسِ، وَصَنَعُوا الثِّيابَ المُقَدَسَةَ الَّتِي لِهارُونَ كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى. الثَّوبُ الكَهَنُوتِيّ
Moreover, from the blue and purple and scarlet material, they made finely woven garments for ministering in the holy place as well as the holy garments which were for Aaron, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
2 و َصَنَعَ بَصَلْئِيلُ الثَّوبَ الكَهَنُوتِيَّ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ وَأقمِشَةٍ زَرقاءَ وَبَنَفسَجِيَّةٍ وَحَمراءَ وَكِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ.
He made the ephod of gold, and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen.
3 ف َطَرَقُوا الذَّهَبَ وَجَعَلُوهُ صَفائِحَ ثُمَّ قَطَّعُوها إلَى خُيُوطٍ لِوَضعِها فِي الأقمِشَةِ الزَّرقاءِ وَالبَنَفسَجِيَّةِ وَالحَمراءِ وَالكِتّانِ بِتَصامِيمَ ماهِرَةٍ.
Then they hammered out gold sheets and cut them into threads to be woven in with the blue and the purple and the scarlet material, and the fine linen, the work of a skillful workman.
4 و َصَنَعُوا لِلثُوبِ الكَهَنوتِيِّ كَتِفَينِ مُتَّصِلَينِ عِندَ نِهايَتِهِما.
They made attaching shoulder pieces for the ephod; it was attached at its two upper ends.
5 و َصَنَعُوا الحِزامَ مِنْ نَفْسِ المَوادِّ المُسْتَخْدَمَةِ لِلثُوبِ، أي مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَأقمِشَةٍ زَرقاءَ وَبَنَفسَجِيَّةٍ وَحَمراءَ وَكِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى.
The skillfully woven band which was on it was like its workmanship, of the same material: of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
6 ث ُمَّ وَضَعُوا حَجَرَيِّ الجَزْعِ فِي إطارَينِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ. وَكانَتْ أسْماءُ أبناءِ إسْرائِيلَ مَحفُورَةً عَلَى حَجَرَيِّ الجَزْعِ كَنَقشِ الخاتَمِ.
They made the onyx stones, set in gold filigree settings; they were engraved like the engravings of a signet, according to the names of the sons of Israel.
7 و َوَضَعَهُما عَلَى كَتِفَيِّ الثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ كَحَجَرَي تَذكارٍ لِبَنِي إسْرائِيلَ، كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى. صُدرَةُ القَضاء
And he placed them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, as memorial stones for the sons of Israel, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
8 و َصَنَعَ الصُّدرَةَ خَيَّاطٌ ماهِرٌ كَما صُنِعَ الثَّوبُ الكَهَنُوتِيُّ. صُنِعَتْ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ وَأنْسِجَةٍ زَرقاءَ وَبَنَفسَجِيَّةٍ وَحَمراءَ وَكِتّانٍ نَقِيٍّ.
He made the breastpiece, the work of a skillful workman, like the workmanship of the ephod: of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.
9 و َقَدْ صُنِعَتْ مُرَبَّعَةً وَمَثنِيَّةً، طُولُها شِبرٌ وَعَرضُها شِبرٌ.
It was square; they made the breastpiece folded double, a span long and a span wide when folded double.
10 و َرُصِفَتْ بِأربَعَةِ صُفُوفٍ مِنَ الحِجارَةِ كَرِيمَةِ: فِي الصَّفِّ الأوَّلِ عَقِيقٌ أحمَرُ وَياقُوتٌ أصفَرُ وَزُمُرُّدُ،
And they mounted four rows of stones on it. The first row was a row of ruby, topaz, and emerald;
11 و َفِي الصَّفِّ الثّانِي فَيرُوزٌ وَياقُوتٌ أزرَقُ وَعَقِيقٌ أبْيَضُ،
and the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire and a diamond;
12 و َفِي الصَّفِّ الثّالِثِ عَينُ الهِرِّ وَيَشْمُ وَجَمشَتُ،
and the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
13 و َفِي الصَّفِّ الرّابِعِ زَبَرْجَدٌ وَجَزْعٌ وَيَشْبٌ. وُضِعَتْ جَمِيعاً فِي أُطُرٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ.
and the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They were set in gold filigree settings when they were mounted.
14 ك انَ هُناكَ اثْنا عَشَرَ حَجَراً تُمَثِّلُ أسْماءَ أبناءِ إسْرائِيلَ. وَحُفِرَ عَلَى كُلِّ حَجَرٍ اسْمُ إحْدَى القَبائِلِ الاثنَتَي عَشْرَةَ، كَما يُحفَرُ الاسْمُ عَلَى الخاتَمِ.
The stones were corresponding to the names of the sons of Israel; they were twelve, corresponding to their names, engraved with the engravings of a signet, each with its name for the twelve tribes.
15 و َصَنَعُوا لِلصُّدرَةِ سَلاسِلَ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ نَقِيٍّ مَجْدُولٍ كَالحَبلِ.
They made on the breastpiece chains like cords, of twisted cordage work in pure gold.
16 و َصَنَعُوا إطارَينِ وَحَلَقَتَينِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ، وَوَضَعُوا الحَلَقَتَينِ عَلَى طَرَفَيِّ الصُّدرَةِ.
They made two gold filigree settings and two gold rings, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastpiece.
17 و َأدخَلُوا سِلسِلَتَيِّ الذَّهَبِ فِي الحَلَقَتَينِ اللَّتَينِ عَلَى طَرَفَيِّ الصُّدرَةِ مِنَ الخَارِجِ.
Then they put the two gold cords in the two rings at the ends of the breastpiece.
18 و َوَصَلُوا الطَّرَفَينِ الآخَرَينِ لِلسِّلسِلَتَينِ بِالإطارَينِ. فَثَبَتا عَلَى كَتِفَيِّ الثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ مِنَ الأمامِ.
They put the other two ends of the two cords on the two filigree settings, and put them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front of it.
19 و َصَنَعُوا حَلَقَتَينِ أُخرَيينِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ، وَوَضَعُوهُما عَلَى طَرَفَي الصُّدرَةِ الآخَرَينِ، أي عَلَى الجانِبِ الدّاخِلِيِّ المُلاصِقِ لِلثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ.
They made two gold rings and placed them on the two ends of the breastpiece, on its inner edge which was next to the ephod.
20 و َصَنَعُوا حَلَقَتَينِ أُخْرَيينِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ، وَوَضَعُوهُما أسْفَلَ الكَتِفَينِ فِي مُقَدِّمَةِ الثُّوبِ الكَهَنوتِيِّ، فَوقَ الحِزامِ.
Furthermore, they made two gold rings and placed them on the bottom of the two shoulder pieces of the ephod, on the front of it, close to the place where it joined, above the woven band of the ephod.
21 و َرَبَطُوا حَلَقاتِ الصُّدرَةِ بِحَلَقاتِ الثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ بِخَيطٍ أزرَقَ. وَهَكَذا بَقِيَتْ صُدْرَةُ القَضاءِ قَرِيبَةً مِنْ حِزامِ الثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ، مُلتَصِقَةً بِالثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ، كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى. الجُبَّة
They bound the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a blue cord, so that it would be on the woven band of the ephod, and that the breastpiece would not come loose from the ephod, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
22 و َصَنَعَ جُبَّةَ الثَّوبِ الكَهَنُوتِيِّ كُلَّها مِنْ صُوفٍ أزرَقَ مَنْسُوجٍ.
Then he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue;
23 و َكانَتْ فُتْحَةُ الجُبَّةِ في وَسَطِها كَفُتْحَةِ الدِّرعِ. وَلِلفُتْحَةِ حافَّةٌ حَولَها كَي لا تَتَمَزَّقَ.
and the opening of the robe was at the top in the center, as the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding all around its opening, so that it would not be torn.
24 و َصَنَعُوا أشكالَ رُمّاناتٍ مِنْ أقمِشَةٍ زَرقاءَ وَبَنَفسَجِيَّةٍ وَحَمراءَ وَكِتّانٍ أبْيَضَ وَوَضَعُوها عَلَى الأطرافِ السُّفلَى لِلجُبَّةِ.
They made pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet material and twisted linen on the hem of the robe.
25 ك َما صَنَعُوا أجراساً مِنْ ذَهَبٍ نَقِيٍّ وَوَضَعُوها عَلَى أطرافِ الجُبَّةِ وَسَطَ الرُّمّاناتِ.
They also made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates all around on the hem of the robe,
26 ف َوَضَعُوا جَرَساً بَينَ كُلِّ رُمّانَتَينِ عَلَى امتِدادِ حافَّةِ الجُبَّةِ الَّتِي يَلبَسُها الكاهِنُ أثناءَ الخِدمَةِ، كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى. ثِيابُ الكَهَنَةِ الأُخرَى
alternating a bell and a pomegranate all around on the hem of the robe for the service, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
27 و َصَنَعُوا أثواباً مَنسُوجَةً مِنْ كِتّانٍ لِهارُونَ وَأبْنائِهِ.
They made the tunics of finely woven linen for Aaron and his sons,
28 و َصَنَعُوا العِمامَةَ مِنْ كِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ، وَأغْطِيَةَ الرّأسِ مِنْ كِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ، وَالمَلابِسَ الدَّاخِليَّةِ مِنْ كِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ،
and the turban of fine linen, and the decorated caps of fine linen, and the linen breeches of fine twisted linen,
29 و َالحِزامَ مِنْ كِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ مِنْ أنْسِجَةٍ زَرقاءَ وَبَنَفسَجِيَّةٍ وَحَمراءَ مُزَخرَفَةٍ، كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى.
and the sash of fine twisted linen, and blue and purple and scarlet material, the work of the weaver, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
30 و َصَنَعُوا الشِّعارَ الَّذِي فِي مُقَدَّمَةِ الإكلِيلِ المُقَدَّسِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ نَقِيٍّ. وَنَقَشُوا فَوقَهُ كَما يُنْقَشُ عَلَى الخاتَمِ: «مُخَصَّصٌ لِيهوه.»
They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and inscribed it like the engravings of a signet, “Holy to the Lord.”
31 و َرَبَطُوا بِها خَيطاً أزرَقَ لِوَضعِها عَلَى العِمامَةِ، كَما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى. اكتِمالُ الخَيمَة
They fastened a blue cord to it, to fasten it on the turban above, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
32 و َاكتَمَلَ كُلُّ العَمَلِ فِي مَسْكَنِ خَيمَةِ الاجْتِماعِ، وَعَمِلَ بَنو إسْرائِيلَ بِحَسَبِ ما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى بِهِ.
Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was completed; and the sons of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses; so they did.
33 ب َعْدَ ذَلِكَ اسْتَدْعَوا مُوسَى لِيَرَى المَسْكَنَ المُقَدَّسَ وَكُلَّ ما فِيهِ. فَرأى مُوسَى الخَيمَةَ مَعَ غِطائِها وَأدَواتِها وَمَشابِكِها وَألواحِها وَعَوارِضِها وَأعمِدَتِها وَقَواعِدِها،
They brought the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings: its clasps, its boards, its bars, and its pillars and its sockets;
34 و َغِطاءِ جُلُودِ الكِباشِ المَدبُوغَةِ وَغِطاءِ جُلُودِ التُّيُوسِ، وَالسِّتارَةِ الدّاخِلِيَّةِ.
and the covering of rams’ skins dyed red, and the covering of porpoise skins, and the screening veil;
35 و َرأى صُندُوقِ لَوحَيِّ الشَّهادَةِ وَعَصَوَيهِ وَغِطاءَ الصُّندُوقِ،
the ark of the testimony and its poles and the mercy seat;
36 و َالمائِدَةَ وَكُلَّ أدَواتِها وَخُبزَ حَضْرَةِ اللهِ،
the table, all its utensils, and the bread of the Presence;
37 و َمَنارَةَ الذَّهَبِ وَسُرُجَها، الَّتِي وُضِعَتْ فِي صَفٍّ واحِدٍ، وَأدَواتِها، وَزَيتَ الإنارَةِ.
the pure gold lampstand, with its arrangement of lamps and all its utensils, and the oil for the light;
38 و َرأى مَذبَحَ الذَّهَبِ وَزَيتَ المِسحَةِ وَالبَخُورَ الطَّيِّبَ وَسِتارَ مَدخَلِ الخَيمَةِ،
and the gold altar, and the anointing oil and the fragrant incense, and the veil for the doorway of the tent;
39 و َمَذبَحَ البُرونْزِ وَشَبَكَتِهِ البُرونْزِيَّةَ وَأدَواتِهِ، وَحَوضَ الاغتِسالِ وَقاعِدَتِهِ.
the bronze altar and its bronze grating, its poles and all its utensils, the laver and its stand;
40 و َرأى مُوسَى سَتائِرَ السّاحَةِ وَأعمِدَتِها وَقَواعِدَ أعْمِدَتِها وَسِتارَةَ مَدْخَلِ السّاحَةِ وَحِبالَها وَأوتادَها، وَكُلَّ الأدَواتِ المُستَخدَمَةِ لِلخِدمَةِ فِي المَسْكَنِ المُقَدَّسِ فِي خَيمَةِ الاجْتِماعِ.
the hangings for the court, its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the gate of the court, its cords and its pegs and all the equipment for the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;
41 و َرأى الثِّيابَ المَنسُوجَةَ لِلخِدمَةِ فِي المَكانِ المُقَدَّسِ، وَالثِّيابَ المُقَدَّسَةِ لِهارُونَ الكاهِنِ وَلأبْنائِهِ لِيَخدِمُوا كَكَهَنَةٍ.
the woven garments for ministering in the holy place and the holy garments for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons, to minister as priests.
42 و َعَمِلَ بَنو إسْرائِيلَ العَمَلَ بِحَسَبِ كُلِّ ما أمَرَ اللهُ مُوسَى بِهِ.
So the sons of Israel did all the work according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses.
43 و َرَأى مُوسَى بِأنَّهُمْ أنجَزُوا كُلَّ العَمَلِ بِحَسَبِ أمْرِ اللهِ ، فَبارَكَهُمْ.
And Moses examined all the work and behold, they had done it; just as the Lord had commanded, this they had done. So Moses blessed them.