Psalm 17 ~ Psalm 17


1 H ear what is right, O Lord. Listen to my cry. Hear my prayer, for it does not come from lying lips.

Hear the right, O Jehovah, attend unto my cry; give ear unto my prayer, which is not out of feigned lips.

2 M ay You decide in my favor. May Your eyes see what is right.

Let my judgment come forth from thy presence, let thine eyes regard equity.

3 Y ou have tested my heart. You have visited me during the night. You have tested me and have found nothing wrong. I have decided that my mouth will not sin.

Thou hast proved my heart, thou hast visited me by night; thou hast tried me, thou hast found nothing: my thought goeth not beyond my word.

4 A s for the actions of men, by the word of Your lips, I have kept myself from the paths of those who want to hurt others.

Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept from the paths of the violent.

5 M y steps have followed Your paths. My feet have not turned from them.

When thou holdest my goings in thy paths, my footsteps slip not.

6 I have called to You, O God, for You will answer me. Listen to me and hear my words.

I have called upon thee, for thou answerest me, O God. Incline thine ear unto me, hear my speech.

7 S how Your great loving-kindness. You save by Your right hand the people that come to You for help from those who hate them.

Shew wondrously thy loving-kindnesses, O thou that savest by thy right hand them that trust from those that rise up.

8 K eep me safe as You would Your own eye. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings,

Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,

9 f rom the sinful who fight against me, those who would kill me and are all around me.

From the wicked that destroy me, my deadly enemies, who compass me about.

10 T hey have closed their fat hearts to pity. And their mouths speak with pride.

They are enclosed in their own fat; with their mouth they speak proudly.

11 T hey have followed our every step and are all around us. They are watching for a way to bring us down to the ground.

They have now encompassed us in our steps; their eyes have they set, bowing down to the earth.

12 H e is like a hungry lion, like a young lion hiding and waiting.

He is like a lion that is greedy of its prey, and as a young lion lurking in secret places.

13 R ise up, O Lord. Stand against him. Bring him down. Save me from the sinful with Your sword.

Arise, Jehovah, anticipate him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, thy sword;

14 O Lord, save me by Your hand from such men. Their riches are in this life. Their stomach is filled with what you have stored for them. Their children are filled. Let them leave some for their babies.

From men thy hand, O Jehovah, from men of this age: their portion is in life, and their belly thou fillest with thy hid; they have their fill of sons, and leave the rest of their to their children.

15 A s for me, I will see Your face in what is right and good. I will be happy to see You when I awake.

As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.