1 E oku teina, kaua e waiho i runga i te whakapai kanohi te whakapono ki to tatou Ariki kororia, ki a Ihu Karaiti.
My brethren, hold not, in respect of persons, the faith of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ,
2 K i te tomo mai hoki tetahi tangata ki to koutou whare karakia he mowhiti koura nei tona, he kakahu pai; a ka tomo mai ano he rawakore, he kakahu paru nei tona;
for if there may come into your synagogue a man with gold ring, in gay raiment, and there may come in also a poor man in vile raiment,
3 A ka titiro atu koutou ki te tangata i te kakahu pai, ka mea ki a ia, E noho koe ki konei, ki te wahi pai; a ka mea ki te rawakore, E tu koe ki kona, E noho ranei ki konei, ki raro i toku turanga waewae:
and ye may look upon him bearing the gay raiment, and may say to him, `Thou -- sit thou here well,' and to the poor man may say, `Thou -- stand thou there, or, Sit thou here under my footstool,' --
4 H e teka ianei he tikanga tahatahi ta koutou, kua he hoki nga whakaaro o koutou, o nga kaiwhakawa?
ye did not judge fully in yourselves, and did become ill-reasoning judges.
5 W hakarongo, e oku teina aroha, Kahore ano koia te Atua i whiriwhiri i nga rawakore o tenei ao, kia whiwhi ki te taonga, ara ki te whakapono, kia riro hoki i a ratou te rangatiratanga kua whakaaria mai e ia mo te hunga e aroha ana ki a ia?
Hearken, my brethren beloved, did not God choose the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the reign that He promised to those loving Him?
6 H eoi ka whakakino na koutou ki te rawakore. He teka ianei ko nga tangata taonga hei whakatupu rangatira ki a koutou, hei toto i a koutou ki nga whakawakanga?
and ye did dishonour the poor one; do not the rich oppress you and themselves draw you to judgment-seats;
7 H e teka ianei he hunga kohukohu ratou i te ingoa pai kua whakahuatia na ki a koutou?
do they not themselves speak evil of the good name that was called upon you?
8 E ngari ki te rite i a koutou te ture kingi, to te karaipiture, Me aroha e koe tou hoa, ano ko koe, ka pai ta koutou hanga:
If, indeed, royal law ye complete, according to the Writing, `Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,' -- ye do well;
9 T ena ki te whakapai kanohi koutou, e mahi ana koutou i te hara, ka mau hoki i te ture he hunga he.
and if ye accept persons, sin ye do work, being convicted by the law as transgressors;
10 K i te mau hoki te ture katoa i tetahi tangata, a ka kotahi ano te mea e tapepa ai ia, kua he ia ki te katoa.
for whoever the whole law shall keep, and shall stumble in one, he hath become guilty of all;
11 I tana kiinga mai hoki, Kaua e puremu, i ki mai ano ia, Kaua e patu tangata. Na, ahakoa kahore koe e puremu, ki te patu tangata koe, kua takahia e koe te ture.
for He who is saying, `Thou mayest not commit adultery,' said also, `Thou mayest do no murder;' and if thou shalt not commit adultery, and shalt commit murder, thou hast become a transgressor of law;
12 K ia rite ta koutou korero, ta koutou mahi, ki ta te hunga e whakawakia a mua i runga i nga tikanga o te ture herekore.
so speak ye and so do, as about by a law of liberty to be judged,
13 K o te tangata hoki kahore ona ngakau tohu, e kore e tohungia ina whakawakia; ka whakapehapeha ia te ngakau tohu ki te whakawa.
for the judgment without kindness to him not having done kindness, and exult doth kindness over judgment.
14 H e aha te pai, e oku teina, ki te mea tetahi he whakapono tona, a kahore ana mahi? E taea ranei ia te whakaora e taua whakapono?
What the profit, my brethren, if faith, any one may speak of having, and works he may not have? is that faith able to save him?
15 K i te mea e noho tahanga ana tetahi teina, tuahine ranei, ki te mea ranei kua kore he kai mana mo tenei ra, mo tenei ra,
and if a brother or sister may be naked, and may be destitute of the daily food,
16 A ka mea atu tetahi o koutou ki a ratou, Haere marie, kia mahana, kia makona; a kahore e hoatu e koutou ki a ratou nga mea e matea ana e te tinana; he aha te pai?
and any one of you may say to them, `Depart ye in peace, be warmed, and be filled,' and may not give to them the things needful for the body, what the profit?
17 W aihoki ko te whakapono, ki te kahore ana mahi, he mea mate i roto ano i a ia.
so also the faith, if it may not have works, is dead by itself.
18 N a, he ki tenei ma tetahi, He whakapono tou, he mahi aku: whakakitea mai ki ahau tou whakapono motu ke i au mahi, a maku, ara ma aku mahi, e whakakite atu toku whakapono ki a koe.
But say may some one, Thou hast faith, and I have works, shew me thy faith out of thy works, and I will shew thee out of my works my faith:
19 E whakapono ana koe kotahi tonu te Atua; he pai tau meatanga: e whakapono ana hoki nga rewera, me te wiri ano.
thou -- thou dost believe that God is one; thou dost well, and the demons believe, and they shudder!
20 H eoi e pai ana ranei koe kia matau, e te kuware, he mea huakore te whakapono ki te kahore he mahi?
And dost thou wish to know, O vain man, that the faith apart from the works is dead?
21 K ihai ianei a Aperahama, to tatou matua, i tika i nga mahi, i a ia i whakaeke atu ai i tana tama, i a Ihaka, ki runga ki te aata?
Abraham our father -- was not he declared righteous out of works, having brought up Isaac his son upon the altar?
22 K a kite ranei koe i mahi tahi te whakapono me ana mahi, na nga mahi hoki i tino rite ai te whakapono?
dost thou see that the faith was working with his works, and out of the works the faith was perfected?
23 A i rite ano ta te karaipiture e mea nei, I whakapono a Aperahama ki tenei, I whakapono a Aperahama ki te Atua, a ka whakairia ki a ia hei tika: ka huaina ano hoki ia ko te hoa o te Atua.
and fulfilled was the Writing that is saying, `And Abraham did believe God, and it was reckoned to him -- to righteousness;' and, `Friend of God' he was called.
24 H eoi ka kite koutou kei nga mahi he tika mo te tangata, ehara i te mea kei te whakapono anake.
Ye see, then, that out of works is man declared righteous, and not out of faith only;
25 W aihoki ko Rahapa, te wahine kairau, kihai ianei ia i whakatikaia e nga mahi, i a ia i whakamanuhiri ai i nga karere, a tukua atu ana raua e ia ra tetahi ara ke?
and in like manner also Rahab the harlot -- was she not out of works declared righteous, having received the messengers, and by another way having sent forth?
26 K a rite hoki ki te tinana ka mate nei ki te kahore te manawa ora, waihoki ko te whakapono, ki te kahore he mahi, he mea mate.
for as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also the faith apart from the works is dead.