Psalm 107 ~ Psalm 107


1 W hakawhetai ki a Ihowa, he pai hoki ia: he pumau tonu hoki tana mahi tohu.

`Give ye thanks to Jehovah, For good, for to the age His kindness:'

2 K ia pena ano te korero a te hunga i hokona e Ihowa, i hokona nei e ia i roto i te ringa o te hoariri;

Let the redeemed of Jehovah say, Whom He redeemed from the hand of an adversary.

3 I kohikohia nei i nga whenua, i te rawhiti, i te uru, i te raki, i te tonga.

And from the lands hath gathered them, From east and from west, From north, and from the sea.

4 I haereere ratou i te koraha i te wahi mokemoke, te kitea tetahi pa hei nohoanga.

They wandered in a wilderness, in a desert by the way, A city of habitation they have not found.

5 I matekai ratou, i matewai: hemo noa to ratou wairua i roto i a ratou.

Hungry -- yea -- thirsty, Their soul in them becometh feeble,

6 N a ka tangi ratou ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri: a whakaorangia ana ratou e ia i o ratou mate.

And they cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distress He delivereth them,

7 A arahina ana e ia ra te ara tika; kia haere ai ki te pa hei nohoanga.

And causeth them to tread in a right way, To go unto a city of habitation.

8 A ue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!

They confess to Jehovah His kindness, And His wonders to the sons of men.

9 E whakamakonatia ana hoki e ia te wairua hiahia: ko te wairua hiakai, whakakiia ana e ia ki te pai.

For He hath satisfied a longing soul, And a hungry soul hath filled goodness.

10 K o te hunga i noho i te pouri, i te atarangi o te mate: he mea here ki te mamae, ki te rino;

Inhabitants of dark places and death-shade, Prisoners of affliction and of iron,

11 M o ratou i tutu ki nga kupu a te Atua, i whakahawea ki te whakaaro o te Runga Rawa;

Because they changed the saying of God, And the counsel of the Most High despised.

12 K oia i pehia iho ai e ia o ratou ngakau ki te mahi: hinga iho ratou, kahore hoki he kaiawhina.

And He humbleth with labour their heart, They have been feeble, and there is no helper.

13 N a ka tangi ratou ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri; a ka whakaorangia ratou e ia i o ratou mate.

And they cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distresses He saveth them.

14 W hakaputaina mai ana ratou e ia i te pouri, i te atarangi o te mate; motumotuhia ana o ratou here.

He bringeth them out from the dark place, And death-shade, And their bands He draweth away.

15 A ue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!

They confess to Jehovah His kindness, And His wonders to the sons of men.

16 K ua tukitukia hoki e ia nga tatau parahi: kua tapahia e ia nga tutaki rino, motu rawa.

For He hath broken doors of brass, And bars of iron He hath cut.

17 K o nga kuware, na a ratou mahi tutu, na o ratou kino, i pakia ai ratou.

Fools, by means of their transgression, And by their iniquities, afflict themselves.

18 K a wetiweti to ratou wairua ki nga kai katoa; a ka whakatata ratou ki nga kuwaha o te mate.

All food doth their soul abominate, And they come nigh unto the gates of death,

19 N a ka tangi ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri, a ka whakaorangia ratou e ia i o ratou mate.

And cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distresses He saveth them,

20 T ukua mai ana e ia tana kupu, a rongoatia ana ratou: a whakaputaina ana ratou i o ratou ngaromanga.

He sendeth His word and healeth them, And delivereth from their destructions.

21 A ue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!

They confess to Jehovah His kindness, And His wonders to the sons of men,

22 K ia tukua ano e ratou te whakahere, ara te whakamoemiti; kia whakapuaki i ana mahi i runga i te hari.

And they sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving, And recount His works with singing.

23 K o te hunga e haere ana ki raro, ki te moana, i runga kaipuke, a e whai mahi ana i nga wai nunui,

Those going down the sea in ships, Doing business in many waters,

24 K o ratou e kite i nga mahi a Ihowa, i ana mahi whakamiharo i te rire.

They have seen the works of Jehovah, And His wonders in the deep.

25 P uta kau tana kupu, kua maranga te tupuhi, mana e whakatutu ona ngaru.

And He saith, and appointeth a tempest, And it lifteth up its billows,

26 K a kake ratou ki runga ki te rangi, ka heke ano ki raro ki te rire: ngohe noa o ratou wairua i te pawera.

They go up the heavens, they go down the depths, Their soul in evil is melted.

27 K a tiu ratou, ka hurorirori ano he tangata e haurangi ana; a kahore he mahara i toe.

They reel to and fro, and move as a drunkard, And all their wisdom is swallowed up.

28 H eoi ka tangi ki a Ihowa i to ratou hemanawa: a whakaorangia ana ratou i o ratou mate.

And they cry to Jehovah in their adversity, And from their distresses He bringeth them out.

29 M einga ana e ia te tupuhi kia marino, ona ngaru kia mariri.

He establisheth a whirlwind to a calm, And hushed are their billows.

30 N a ka koa ratou, no te mea ka marie: a ka kawea ratou e ia ki te tauranga i hiahia ai ratou.

And they rejoice because they are quiet, And He leadeth them to the haven of their desire.

31 A ue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!

They confess to Jehovah His kindness, And His wonders to the sons of men,

32 K ia whakanui hoki ratou i a ia i roto i te whakaminenga o te iwi; kia whakamoemiti ki a ia i roto i te nohoanga kaumatua.

And they exalt Him in the assembly of the people, And in the seat of the elders praise Him.

33 K o ia hei mea i nga awa hei koraha, i nga puputanga wai hei oneone maroke;

He maketh rivers become a wilderness, And fountains of waters become dry land.

34 I te whenua whai hua, kia titohea, mo te hara o te hunga e noho ana i reira.

A fruitful land becometh a barren place, For the wickedness of its inhabitants.

35 K o ia hei mea i te koraha hei harotoroto wai, i te whenua maroke hei puputanga wai.

He maketh a wilderness become a pool of water, And a dry land become fountains of waters.

36 A whakanohoia iho e ia te hunga matekai ki reira, hanga ai i tetahi pa hei nohoanga;

And He causeth the hungry to dwell there, And they prepare a city of habitation.

37 H ei rui mara, hei whakato mara waina, e tupu ai, e maha ai nga hua.

And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, And they make fruits of increase.

38 K o ia ano hei manaaki i a ratou, no ka nui rawa; kahore hoki e tukua kia torutoru haere a ratou kararehe.

And He blesseth them, and they multiply exceedingly, And their cattle He doth not diminish.

39 N a kua iti haere ano ratou, kua piko i te tukino, i te he, i te pouri.

And they are diminished, and bow down, By restraint, evil, and sorrow.

40 E ringihia ana e ia te whakahawea ki runga ki nga rangatira: e meinga ana kia hehe i te ururua, i te wahi kahore nei he ara;

He is pouring contempt upon nobles, And causeth them to wander in vacancy -- no way.

41 O tira kei te whakateitei ia i te rawakore ki runga i te mamae, kei te mea i ona hapu kia rite ki te kahui hipi.

And setteth on high the needy from affliction, And placeth families as a flock.

42 K a kite nga tangata tika, a ka hari; ko nga he katoa hoki, kipia ake te mangai.

The upright do see and rejoice, And all perversity hath shut her mouth.

43 K o te tangata whakaaro nui ka mahara ki enei mea, a ka mohio ratou ki te aroha o Ihowa.

Who wise, and observeth these? They understand the kind acts of Jehovah!