1 J esus therefore, six days before the passover, came to Bethany, where was the dead Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from among dead.
Haddaba lix maalmood ka hor Iidda Kormaridda, Ciise wuxuu yimid Beytaniya, meeshuu joogay Laasaros, kii Ciise kuwa dhintay ka soo sara kiciyey.
2 T here therefore they made him a supper, and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those at table with him.
Sidaas daraaddeed halkaasaa casho loogu sameeyey, Maartana waa adeegaysay, oo Laasaros wuxuu ka mid ahaa kuwa cuntada ula fadhiistay.
3 M ary therefore, having taken a pound of ointment of pure nard of great price, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair, and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
Maryan haddaba waxay qaadday rodol cadar ah oo naaradiin qaaliya ah, waxayna marisay cagaha Ciise, oo timaheedii ayay cagihiisa ku tirtirtay. Gurigiina waxaa ka buuxsamay udgoonkii cadarka.
4 O ne of his disciples therefore, Judas of Simon, Iscariote, who was about to deliver him up, says,
Laakiin Yuudas Iskariyod, oo ahaa mid xertiisii ka mid ah, oo gacangelin lahaa, wuxuu yidhi,
5 W hy was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?
Maxaa cadarkan loogu iibin waayay saddex boqol oo dinaar, oo loo siin waayay masaakiinta?
6 B ut he said this, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the bag, and carried what was put into.
Sidaas uma uu odhan dan uu ka lahaa masaakiinta, laakiin wuxuu u yidhi wuxuu ahaa tuug, oo kiishadda lacagta ayuu hayn jiray, wuuna kala bixi jiray wixii lagu rido.
7 J esus therefore said, Suffer her to have kept this for the day of my preparation for burial;
Haddaba Ciise ayaa yidhi, Daaya. Waxay u haysay maalinta aasniintayda.
8 f or ye have the poor always with you, but me ye have not always.
Waayo, masaakiintu mar walba way idinla jiraan, aniguse idinlama joogo mar walba.
9 A great crowd therefore of the Jews knew that he was there; and they came, not because of Jesus only, but also that they might see Lazarus whom he raised from among dead.
Haddaba dad badan oo Yuhuud ah baa waxay ogaadeen inuu halkaas joogo, wayna u yimaadeen, ma aha Ciise aawadii oo keliya laakiin inay arkaan Laasarosna, kii uu kuwii dhintay ka soo sara kiciyey.
10 B ut the chief priests took counsel that they might kill Lazarus also,
Wadaaddadii sare waxay ku tashadeen inay Laasarosna dilaan.
11 b ecause many of the Jews went away on his account and believed on Jesus.
Waayo, aawadiis ayaa Yuhuud badani ku tagtay oo Ciise rumaysatay. Ciise Guul Buu Ku Galay Yeruusaalem
12 O n the morrow a great crowd who came to the feast, having heard that Jesus is coming into Jerusalem,
Maalintii xigtay dad badan oo u yimid iiddii, markay maqleen inuu Ciise Yeruusaalem imanayo,
13 t ook branches of palms and went out to meet him, and cried, Hosanna, blessed he that comes in the name of Lord, the King of Israel.
waxay qaateen laamihii geedaha timirta ah, oo ay baxeen inay ka hor tagaan, iyagoo ku dhawaaqaya Hoosanna, waxaa barakaysan kan Rabbiga magiciisa ku imanaya oo boqorka Israa'iil ah.
14 A nd Jesus, having found a young ass, sat upon it; as it is written,
Ciise wuxuu helay dameer yar oo fuulay, siday ugu qoran tahay,
15 F ear not, daughter of Zion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt.
Ha biqin, gabadhii Siyoonay; bal eeg, Boqorkaagu waa imanayaa isagoo fuushan qayl dameereed.
16 h is disciples knew not these things at the first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things to him.
Markii hore xertiisii waxyaalahaas ma ay garan, laakiin markii Ciise ammaanmay dabadeed ayay xusuusteen in waxyaalahaas xaggiisa laga qoray iyo in waxyaalahaas lagu sameeyey isaga.
17 T he crowd therefore that was with him bore witness because he had called Lazarus out of the tomb, and raised him from among dead.
Haddaba waxaa marag furay dadkii badnaa ee la joogay markuu Laasaros xabaasha uga yeedhay oo uu kuwa dhintay ka soo sara kiciyey.
18 T herefore also the crowd met him because they had heard that he had done this sign.
Sidaa daraaddeed dadkii badnaa waa u kaceen inay ka hor tagaan, waayo, waxay maqleen inuu calaamadaas sameeyey.
19 T he Pharisees therefore said to one another, Ye see that ye profit nothing: behold, the world is gone after him.
Haddaba Farrisiintii waxay dhexdoodii isku yidhaahdeen, Waad arkaysaan sidaydnaan waxba u taraynin. Eega, dunidii oo dhan baa raacdaye. Dadka Gariigta Ah Weyddiiskoodii
20 A nd there were certain Greeks among those who came up that they might worship in the feast;
Kuwa wakhtiga iidda u kacay inay Ilaah caabudaan, waxaa ku dhex jiray qaar Gariig ah.
21 t hese therefore came to Philip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and they asked him saying, Sir, we desire to see Jesus.
Kuwaas haddaba waxay u yimaadeen Filibos oo ahaa reer Beytsayda ee Galili, wayna weyddiisteen oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Sayidow, waxaannu doonaynaa inaannu Ciise aragno.
22 P hilip comes and tells Andrew, Andrew comes and Philip, and they tell Jesus.
Markaasaa Filibos u yimid oo Andaros u sheegay, oo haddana Andaros iyo Filibos baa wada yimid, oo ay Ciise u sheegeen.
23 B ut Jesus answered them saying, The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified.
Kolkaasaa Ciise u jawaabay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Saacaddii way timid uu Wiilka Aadanahu ammaanmi lahaa.
24 V erily, verily, I say unto you, Except the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, it abides alone; but if it die, it bears much fruit.
Runtii, runtii, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Xabbad sarreen ah haddaanay dhulka ku dhicin oo dhiman, keligeed bay iska jiraysaa, laakiin hadday dhimato, midho badan bay dhashaa.
25 H e that loves his life shall lose it, and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it to life eternal.
Kan naftiisa jecel, waa lumiyaa, kan dunidan naftiisa ku nebcaadaase, wuu hayn doonaa tan iyo nolosha weligeed ah.
26 I f any one serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there also shall be my servant. if any one serve me, him shall the Father honour.
Qof uun hadduu ii adeego, ha i soo raaco, meeshaan joogona, midiidinkayguna wuu joogi doonaa. Qof uun hadduu ii adeego, Aabbuhu waa murwayn doonaa isaga.
27 N ow is my soul troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. But on account of this have I come to this hour.
Haatan naftaydu waa murugootay, oo maxaan idhaahdaa? Aabbow, saacaddan iga badbaadi. Laakiin taas aawadeed ayaan saacaddan u soo gaadhay.
28 F ather, glorify thy name. There came therefore a voice out of heaven, I both have glorified and will glorify again.
Aabbow, magacaaga ammaan. Haddaba waxaa samada ka yimid cod leh, Waan ammaanay, waanan ammaani doonaa mar kale.
29 T he crowd therefore, which stood and heard, said that it had thundered. Others said, An angel has spoken to him.
Haddaba dadkii badnaa oo ag taagnaa, way maqleen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Waa onkod. Qaar kale waxay yidhaahdeen, Malaa'ig baa la hadashay isaga.
30 J esus answered and said, Not on my account has this voice come, but on yours.
Ciise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Codkaasu aawaday uma imanin, laakiin wuxuu u yimid aawadiin.
31 N ow is judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out:
Imminka weeye markii dunidan la xukumi lahaa, imminka kan madaxda dunida ah dibaddaa lagu tuuri doonaa.
32 a nd I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me.
Aniguna haddii kor layga qaado dhulka, dhammaan xaggaygaan u soo jiidi doonaa.
33 B ut this he said signifying by what death he was about to die.
Wuxuu waxaas u yidhi inuu tuso siduu u dhiman doono.
34 T he crowd answered him, We have heard out of the law that the Christ abides for ever; and how sayest thou that the Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this, the Son of man?
Haddaba dadkii badnaa waxay ugu jawaabeen, Waxaannu sharciga ka maqallay in Masiixu weligiis jiri doono. Sidee baad u leedahay, Wiilka Aadanaha waa in kor loo qaado? Waa ayo Wiilka Aadanahu?
35 J esus therefore said to them, Yet a little while is the light amongst you. Walk while ye have the light, that darkness may not overtake you. And he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes.
Ciise haddaba ayaa ku yidhi, Weli in yar nuurka ayaa idinla jiraya. Socda intaad nuurka haysataan, si aan gudcurku idiin soo gaadhin. Kan gudcurka ku socdaana ma yaqaan meeshuu u socdo.
36 W hile ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may become sons of light. Jesus said these things, and going away hid himself from them.
Intaad nuurka haysataan, rumaysta nuurka, inaad noqotaan wiilasha nuurka. Qaar Badan Baa Rumaysan Waayay, Laakiin Qaar Baa Si Qarsoon U Rumaystay Waxyaalahaas Ciise ayaa ku hadlay, markaasuu ka tegey oo ka dhuuntay iyaga.
37 B ut though he had done so many signs before them, they believed not on him,
Laakiin in kastuu calaamooyin badan ku sameeyey hortooda, weli ma ay rumaysan isaga;
38 t hat the word of the prophet Esaias which he said might be fulfilled, Lord, who has believed our report? and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
inuu noqdo hadalka nebi Isayos oo uu ku hadlay, Rabbiyow, yaa warkayagii rumaystay, Oo yaa gacantii Rabbiga loo muujiyey?
39 O n this account they could not believe, because Esaias said again,
Sidaa aawadeed ayay rumaysan kari waayeen, waayo, Isayos ayaa haddana yidhi,
40 H e has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, that they may not see with their eyes, and understand with their heart and be converted, and I should heal them.
Wuu indhatiray, qalbigoodana ayuu engejiyey, Si aanay indhahooda wax ugu arkin, oo aanay qalbigoodana wax ugu garan, Oo aanay u soo noqon, Oo aanan u bogsiin.
41 T hese things said Esaias because he saw his glory and spoke of him.
Waxyaalahaas Isayos ayaa yidhi, maxaa yeelay, ammaantiisuu arkay, wuuna ka hadlay isaga.
42 A lthough indeed from among the rulers also many believed on him, but on account of the Pharisees did not confess, that they might not be put out of the synagogue:
Hase ahaatee qaar badan oo taliyayaasha ka mid ahaa way rumaysteen, laakiin Farrisiintii aawadood ma ay qiran si aan sunagogga looga saarin,
43 f or they loved glory from men rather than glory from God.
waayo, waxay ammaanta Ilaah ka jeclaayeen ammaanta dadka. Ciise Waxbariddiisii La Soo Koobay
44 B ut Jesus cried and said, He that believes on me, believes not on me, but on him that sent me;
Ciise ayaa ku dhawaaqay oo yidhi, Kii i rumaystaa, ima rumaysto, wuxuuse rumaystaa kan i soo diray.
45 a nd he that beholds me, beholds him that sent me.
Kii i arkaana, wuxuu arkaa kan i soo diray.
46 I am come into the world light, that every one that believes on me may not abide in darkness;
Waxaan dunida u imid inaan nuur u ahaado, in mid kasta oo i rumaystaa uusan gudcurka ku sii jirin.
47 a nd if any one hear my words and do not keep, I judge him not, for I am not come that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.
Nin uun hadduu erayadayda maqlo oo uusan xajin, xukumi maayo, waayo, uma iman inaan dunida xukumo, waxaanse u imid inaan dunida badbaadiyo.
48 H e that rejects me and does not receive my words, has him who judges him: the word which I have spoken, that shall judge him in the last day.
Kii i diida oo aan erayadayda aqbalin, wuxuu haystaa mid xukuma; ereygaan ku hadlay baa xukumi doona isaga maalinta u dambaysa.
49 F or I have not spoken from myself, but the Father who sent me has himself given me commandment what I should say and what I should speak;
Waayo, anigu amarkayga kuma hadlin, laakiinse Aabbihii i soo diray isagaa i amray waxaan idhaahdo iyo waxaan ku hadloba.
50 a nd I know that his commandment is life eternal. What therefore I speak, as the Father has said to me, so I speak.
Oo waanan garanayaa inuu amarkiisu yahay nolosha weligeed ah. Sidaa daraaddeed waxaan ku hadlayaa, sidii Aabbuhu igu yidhi, sidaasaan ku hadlayaa.