1 O n my bed, in the nights, I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.
Goor habeennimo ah ayaan sariirtayda ka doondoonay kan naftaydu jeceshahay. Waan doondoonay, laakiinse ma aanan helin.
2 I will rise now, and go about the city; In the streets and in the broadways Will I seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.
Haddaba waan kacayaa, oo magaaladaan dhex wareegayaa, Oo dariiqyada iyo jidadka waaweyn Ayaan ka dhex goobayaa kan naftaydu jeceshahay. Waan doondoonay laakiinse ma aanan helin.
3 T he watchmen that go about the city found me:—Have ye seen him whom my soul loveth?
Waxaa i helay waardiyayaashii magaalada dhex warwareegayay, Oo anna waxaan ku idhi, Kan naftaydu jeceshahay ma aragteen?
4 — Scarcely had I passed from them, When I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, Until I had brought him into my mother's house, And into the chamber of her that conceived me.
Oo kolkaan iyagii in yar sii dhaafay Ayaan helay kii naftaydu jeceshahay. Waan qabtay, mana sii dayn, Ilaa aan isaga gurigii hooyaday keenay, Oo aan qolladdii tii i uuraysatay geliyey.
5 I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles, or by the hinds of the field, That ye stir not up, nor awake love, till he please.
Gabdhaha reer Yeruusaalemow, waxaan idinku dhaarinayaa Cawsha iyo deerada duurka Inaydaan jacayl kicin ama aydaan toosin Ilaa uu doono.
6 W ho is this, that cometh up from the wilderness Like pillars of smoke, Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, With all powders of the merchant? …
Waa kuma kan cidlada uga soo baxaya sida tiirar qiiq ah? Oo ay malmalka, iyo fooxa, Iyo dhirta udgoon ee baayacmushtariga oo dhammu ka carfayaan?
7 B ehold his couch, Solomon's own: Threescore mighty men are about it, Of the mighty of Israel.
Bal eeg, waa sariirta Sulaymaan lagu qaadee. Lixdan nin oo xoog badan oo ka mid ah kuwa xoogga badan ee reer binu Israa'iil Ayaa hareereheeda ku wareegsan.
8 T hey all hold the sword, Experts in war; Each hath his sword upon his thigh Because of alarm in the nights.
Kulligood seefta aad bay u yaqaaniin, waana wada dagaalyahan. Ninkood kastaba seeftiisii dhexday ugu xidhan tahay, Cabsida habeenka aawadeed.
9 K ing Solomon made himself a palanquin Of the wood of Lebanon.
Boqor Sulaymaan wuxuu kursi la qaado Ka samaystay qoryihii Lubnaan.
10 I ts pillars he made of silver, Its support of gold, Its seat of purple; The midst thereof was paved love By the daughters of Jerusalem.
Tiirarkiisii lacag buu ka dhigay, Hoostiisiina dahab buu ka dhigay, oo meeshuu fadhiistayna guduud buu ka dhigay, Oo dhexdiisiina gabdhaha reer Yeruusaalem ayaa jacayl ku sharraxay.
11 G o forth, daughters of Zion, And behold king Solomon With the crown wherewith his mother crowned him In the day of his espousals, And in the day of the gladness of his heart.
Gabdhaha reer Siyoonow, bal baxa, oo Boqor Sulaymaan eega, Isagoo qaba taajkii hooyadiis madaxa u saartay maalintii arooskiisa, Iyo maalintii qalbigiisu faraxsanaa.