1 B rethren and fathers, hear my defence which I now make to you.
Walaalayaal iyo aabbayaalow, maqla isdaafacidda aan imminka idiin sheegayo.
2 A nd hearing that he addressed them in the Hebrew tongue, they kept the more quiet; and he says,
Kolkay maqleen inuu af Cibraaniga kula hadlay, ayay sidii hore ka sii aamuseen. Markaasuu ku yidhi,
3 I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, at the feet of Gamaliel, educated according to exactness of the law of fathers, being zealous for God, as ye are all this day;
Waxaan ahay nin Yuhuudi ah oo ku dhashay Tarsos oo ku taal Kilikiya, laakiin magaaladan baa laygu koriyey anoo Gamalii'eel hoostiisa wax laygu baray sidii caadadii adkayd oo sharcigii awowayaasheen, anigoo Ilaah qiiro u leh sida aad dhammaantiin maanta tihiin.
4 w ho have persecuted this way unto death, binding and delivering up to prisons both men and women;
Jidkanna waan silcin jiray tan iyo dhimasho, anigoo xidhaya oo xabsiga geeynaya rag iyo dumarba.
5 a s also the high priest bears me witness, and all the elderhood: from whom also, having received letters to the brethren, I went to Damascus to bring those also who were there, bound, to Jerusalem, to be punished.
Sidatan ayay iigu markhaati furayaan wadaadka sare iyo waayeelladii oo dhammuba, kuwaasoo aan warqado uga helay walaalaha, oo aan Dimishaq u sodcaalay inaan kuwa halkaas joogayna, iyagoo xidhxidhan, Yeruusaalem keeno si loo ciqaabo.
6 A nd it came to pass, as I was journeying and drawing near to Damascus, that, about mid-day, there suddenly shone out of heaven a great light round about me.
Oo waxaa dhacday, intaan sodcaalayay oo Dimishaq u soo dhowaanayay, iyadoo duhur ah, in dhaqsiba iftiin weyn oo samada ka yimid hareerahayga ka iftiimay.
7 A nd I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
Markaasaan dhulka ku dhacay, oo waxaan maqlay cod igu leh, Sawlosow, Sawlosow, maxaad ii silcinaysaa?
8 A nd I answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus the Nazaraean, whom thou persecutest.
Markaasaan u jawaabay oo ku idhi, Yaad tahay, Sayidow? Markaasuu igu yidhi, Waxaan ahay Ciisaha reer Naasared oo aad silcinaysid.
9 B ut they that were with me beheld the light,, but heard not the voice of him that was speaking to me.
Oo kuwii ila joogayna runtii waxay arkeen iftiinkii, laakiin ma ay maqlin kii ila hadlay codkiisii.
10 A nd I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, Rise up, and go to Damascus, and there it shall be told thee of all things which it is appointed thee to do.
Markaasaan ku idhi, Maxaan sameeyaa, Rabbiyow? Kolkaasaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Kac oo Dimishaq gal; meeshaasaana laguugu sheegi doonaa waxa ku saabsan waxyaalihii lagu amray inaad samaysid oo dhan.
11 A nd as I could not see, through the glory of that light, being led by the hand of those who were with me, I came to Damascus.
Markaan waxba arki waayay dhalaalkii iftiinka aawadiis, kuwii ila joogay ayaa gacanta igu hagay oo waxaan imid Dimishaq.
12 A nd a certain Ananias, a pious man according to the law, borne witness to by all the Jews who dwelt,
Oo mid la odhan jiray Ananiyas, oo nin cibaadaysan ahaa sida sharcigu leeyahay, oo ahaa mid Yuhuuddii halkaas joogtay oo dhanba marag wanaagsan u furtay,
13 c oming to me and standing by me, said to me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And I, in the same hour, received my sight and saw him.
ayaa ii yimid oo iskay ag taagay isagoo igu leh, Walaal Sawlosow, araggaaga hel. Oo saacaddiiba waan arkay isagii.
14 A nd he said, The God of our fathers has chosen thee beforehand to know his will, and to see the just one, and to hear a voice out of his mouth;
Markaasuu igu yidhi, Ilaaha awowayaasheen ayaa ku doortay inaad doonistiisa ogaatid, iyo inaad Kan Xaqa ah aragtid oo aad afkiisa cod ka maqashid.
15 f or thou shalt be a witness for him to all men of what thou hast seen and heard.
Maxaa yeelay, dadka oo dhan hortiisa waxaad isaga uga markhaati furaysaa waxaad aragtay oo aad maqashay.
16 A nd now why lingerest thou? Arise and get baptised, and have thy sins washed away, calling on his name.
Haddaba maxaad u sugaysaa? Kac ha lagu baabtiiso, oo dembiyadaada iska maydh, adoo magiciisa ku baryaya.
17 A nd it came to pass when I had returned to Jerusalem, and as I was praying in the temple, that I became in ecstasy,
Oo waxaa dhacday, markaan Yeruusaalem ku soo noqday dabadeed, intaan macbudka ku tukanayay, inaan riyooday,
18 a nd saw him saying to me, Make haste and go quickly out of Jerusalem, for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
oo waxaan arkay isagoo igu leh, Degdeg, oo dhaqso Yeruusaalem uga bax; maxaa yeelay, markhaatigaad ii furaysid kaama ay aqbali doonaan.
19 A nd I said, Lord, they themselves know that I was imprisoning and beating in every synagogue those that believe on thee;
Markaasaan idhi, Rabbiyow, iyaga qudhoodu way og yihiin inaan xidhxidhay oo aan sunagog walba ku garaacay kuwa ku rumaystay;
20 a nd when the blood of thy witness Stephen was shed, I also myself was standing by and consenting, and kept the clothes of them who killed him.
oo markii la daadshay dhiigga Istefanos oo ahaa markhaatigaaga, aniguna waan ag taagnaa oo u oggolaanayay oo haynayay kuwii isagii dilay dharkoodii.
21 A nd he said to me, Go, for I will send thee to the nations afar off.
Markaasuu igu yidhi, Tag, maxaa yeelay, waxaan kuu dirayaa meel fog inaad dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn ugu tagtid. Bawlos Wuxuu Isku Sheegay Waddani Reer Rooma
22 A nd they heard him until this word, and lifted up their voice, saying, Away with such a one as that from the earth, for it was not fit he should live.
Wayna dhegaysteen ilaa hadalkaas; markaasay codkoodii sare u qaadeen iyagoo leh, Dhulka ka fogee ninka caynkan ah, maxaa yeelay, ma qummana inuu noolaado.
23 A nd as they were crying, and throwing away their clothes, and casting dust into the air,
Oo markay qaylinayeen oo dharka iska xoorayeen oo siigo hawada ku tuurayeen,
24 t he chiliarch commanded him to be brought into the fortress, saying that he should be examined by scourging, that he might ascertain for what cause they cried thus against him.
ayaa sirkaalkii sare wuxuu amray in isagii qalcaddii la soo geliyo, oo wuxuu u sheegay in karbaash lagu imtixaamo si uu ku ogaado sababtii ay sidaas ugu qaylinayeen isagii.
25 B ut as they stretched him forward with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion who stood, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man a Roman and uncondemned?
Oo markay suumanka ku xidheen dabadeed ayaa Bawlos wuxuu ku yidhi boqol-u-taliyihii oo ag taagnaa, Ma qaynuun baa inaad karbaashtaan nin reer Rooma ah oo aan la xukumin?
26 A nd the centurion, having heard it, went and reported it to the chiliarch, saying, What art thou going to do? for this man is a Roman.
Markii boqol-u-taliyihii taas maqlayna, wuxuu u tegey sirkaalkii sare oo u sheegay, isagoo leh, Maxaad samaynaysaa? Waayo, ninkanu waa nin reer Rooma ah.
27 A nd the chiliarch coming up said to him, Tell me, Art thou a Roman? And he said, Yes.
Markaasaa sirkaalkii sare u yimid oo ku yidhi isagii, Ii sheeg, ma nin reer Rooma ah baad tahay? Markaasuu yidhi, Haah.
28 A nd the chiliarch answered, I, for a great sum, bought this citizenship. And Paul said, But I was also born.
Kolkaasaa sirkaalkii sare u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waddaninimadan waxaan siistay lacag badan. Laakiin Bawlos wuxuu ku yidhi, Anigu reer Rooma ayaan u dhashay.
29 I mmediately therefore those who were going to examine him left him, and the chiliarch also was afraid when he ascertained that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him.
Haddaba kuwii doonayay inay isagii imtixaamaan markiiba way ka tageen, xataa sirkaalkii sarena waa cabsaday markuu ogaaday inuu yahay reer Rooma, maxaa yeelay, wuu xidhay. Bawlos Baa Iskaga Daafacay Shirka Hortiisa
30 A nd on the morrow, desirous to know the certainty why he was accused of the Jews, he loosed him, and commanded the chief priests and all the council to meet, and having brought Paul down set him before them.
Laakiin maalintii dambe, isagoo doonaya inuu hubsado waxa Yuhuuddu ku dacwaysay, ayuu isagii furay, oo wuxuu wadaaddadii sare iyo shirka oo dhan ku amray inay isu yimaadaan, markaasuu Bawlos hoos u keenay oo soo hor taagay iyagii.