1 ص الِحٌ هُوَ اللهُ لإسْرائِيلَ، لأنقِياءِ القُلُوبِ وَالدَّوافِعِ.
For sure God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 ل َكِنِّي كِدْتُ أزِلُّ وَأتَوَقَّفُ عَنِ اتِّباعِهِ.
But as for me, my feet came close to falling. My steps had almost tripped.
3 ل أنِّي رَأيتُ حالَ الأشرارِ الحَسَنِ، وَغِرتُ مِنْ أُولَئِكَ النّاسِ المُتَغَطرِسِينَ.
For I was jealous of the proud when I saw that all was going well with the sinful.
4 ف َما مِنْ ألَمٍ يُزْعِجُهُمْ طَوالَ حَياتِهِمْ، وَصِحَّتُهُمْ مُمتازَةٌ.
For they suffer no pain in their death, and their body is fat.
5 ل ا يُضطَرُّونَ إلَى الكِفاحِ كَبَقِيَّةِ النّاسِ، وَلا يُشارِكُونَهُمْ ضِيقاتِهِمْ.
They do not have the troubles of other men or suffer like other men.
6 و َلِهَذا يَعرِضُونَ كِبرِياءَهُمْ كَقِلادَةٍ، وَقَساوَتَهُمْ كَرِداءٍ يَلُفُّونَهُ حَولَهُمْ.
So they wear pride around their neck. Fighting covers them like a coat.
7 ي ُرِيدُونَ المَزِيدَ دائِماً وَيَحْصُلُونَ عَلَيْهِ. وَدائِماً يُدَبِّرُونَ المَكائِدَ لِلحُصُولِ عَلَيهِ.
They are so fat that their eyes are pushed out. The crazy thoughts of their hearts run wild.
8 ب ِالنّاسِ يَستَهزِئُونَ وَلِلشَّرِّ يُخَطِّطُونَ. وَمِنْ عَليائِهِمْ يَرسُمُونَ طُرُقاً لِظُلمِ الآخَرِينَ.
They laugh at the truth, and speak sinful things about making it hard for others. They speak from a high place.
9 ي َتَحَدَّثُونَ وَكَأنَّهُمْ آلِهَةٌ.
They say bad things against heaven, and their tongue walks through the earth.
10 ل ِذَلِكَ، حَتَّى شَعبُ اللهِ يَلجَأُ إلَيْهِمْ طَلَباً لِلعَونِ، وَيَقبَلُ كُلَّ ما يَقُولُونَهُ.
And so his people return to this place and drink water from a full cup.
11 ي َقُولُ أُولَئِكَ المُتَكَبِّرُونَ: «لا يَعرِفُ اللهُ ما نَحنُ نَفعَلُهُ.»
They say, “How does God know? Is there much learning with the Most High?”
12 ه ا أُولَئِكَ أشرارٌ، لَكِنَّهُمْ أغنِياءٌ وَيَزدادُونَ غِنىً!
See, this is what the sinful are like. They always have it easy and their riches grow.
13 ف َلِماذا أظَلُّ مُخلِصاً للهِ؟ وَلِماذا أُبقِي نَفسِي طاهِرَةً؟
For no good reason I have kept my heart pure and have not sinned.
14 ل ِماذا أُعانِي الوَقتَ كُلَّهُ؟ وَلِماذا أحتَمِلُ التَّأنِيبَ كُلَّ صَباحٍ؟
For I have suffered all day long. I have been punished every morning.
15 ل َكِنْ لَوْ قَرَّرتُ أنْ أتَحَدَّثَ هَكَذا، لَكُنتُ قَدْ خُنْتُ شَعبَكَ.
I would not have been true to Your children if I had spoken this way.
16 ج اهِداً حاوَلتُ أنْ أفهَمَ هَذِهِ الأُمُورَ، لَكِنَّ فَهمَها صَعبٌ كَثِيراً عَلَيَّ.
It was too hard for me when I tried to understand this,
17 ا ستَصْعَبْتُ فَهمَها إلَى أنْ دَخَلْتُ هَيكَلَكَ. عِندَئِذٍ فَهِمتُ أخِيراً!
until I went into the holy place of God. Then I understood their end.
18 أ نتَ وَضَعتَهُمْ يا اللهُ فِي وَضعٍ خَطِرٍ! وَأعدَدْتَهُمْ لِسُقُوطِهِمْ.
For sure, You set the sinful in places where there is danger at every step. You throw them down to be destroyed.
19 و َذاتَ يَومٍ سَيَسقُطُونَ دُونَ سابِقِ إنذارٍ. أهوالٌ سَتُصِيبُهُمْ فَيَنتَهِي أمرُهُمْ!
How they are destroyed right away! They come to an end with much fear.
20 س َيَكُونُ هَؤُلاءِ يا رَبُّ كَحُلمٍ نَنساهُ عِندَ الصَّحوِ! سَيَكُونُونَ مُرعِبِينَ كَالوُحُوشِ لَكِنْ فِي كَوابِيسِنا.
Like a dream when one wakes up, so You will hate what they look like when You rise up, O Lord.
21 ع ِندَما حَزِنتُ وَانزَعَجْتُ وَأنا أُفَكِّرُ فِي أُولَئِكَ الأغبِياءِ الأشرارِ.
My heart was troubled and I was hurt inside.
22 ك ُنتُ غَبِيّاً حَقّاً عِندَكَ، غَبِيّاً كَالثَّورِ!
I was without reason and did not know better. I was like an animal before You.
23 ل َكِنَّنِي بَقِيتُ عَلَى الدَّوامِ مَعَكَ! وَأنتَ تُمسِكُ بِيَدِي.
Yet I am always with You. You hold me by my right hand.
24 ب ِنَصائِحِكَ تَقُودُنِي. وَإلَى المَجدِ سَتَأخُذُنِي.
You will lead me by telling me what I should do. And after this, You will bring me into shining-greatness.
25 ل َيسَ لِي فِي السَّماءِ سِواكَ، وَلا أُرِيدُ عَلَى الأرْضِ غَيرَكَ.
Whom have I in heaven but You? I want nothing more on earth, but You.
26 ق َدْ يَضعُفُ جَسَدِي وَعَقلِي، لَكِنَّ اللهَ هُوَ قُوَّتِي وَهَوَ حِصَّتِي إلَى الأبَدِ!
My body and my heart may grow weak, but God is the strength of my heart and all I need forever.
27 ل َكِنَّ البَعِيدِينَ عَنكَ سَيُبادُونَ. وَسَتُهلِكُ غَيرَ المُخلِصِينَ لَكَ.
For, see, those who are far from You will be lost from You forever. You have destroyed all those who are not faithful to You.
28 أ مّا أنا فَيَطِيبُ لِي قُربُكَ. فِي الرَّبِّ الإلَهِ وَضَعتُ ثِقَتِي، وَسَأخبِرُ بِكُلِّ صَنائِعِكَ!
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Lord God my safe place. So I may tell of all the things You have done.