1 « وَفِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ، قالَ اللهُ لِي: ‹انحَتْ لَوحَينِ مِنْ حَجَرٍ مَثلَ الَّلوحَينِ الأوَّلَينِ، وَاصعَدْ إلَيَّ إلَى الجَبَلِ. اصنَعْ لَكَ صُندُوقاً مِنْ خَشَبٍ،
“At that time the Lord said to me, ‘Cut out for yourself two pieces of stone like the other ones. Then come up to Me on the mountain, and make a box of wood.
2 و َسَأكتُبُ عَلَى اللَّوحَينِ الوَصايا الَّتِي كانَتْ عَلَى اللَّوحَينِ الأوَلِينِ اللَّذَينِ حَطَّمتَهُما. ثُمَّ ضَعِ اللَّوحَينِ فِي الصُّنْدُوقِ.›
I will write on the pieces of stone the words that were on the other pieces of stone which you broke. And you will put them in the box.’
3 « فَصَنَعتُ الصُّنْدُوقَ مِنْ خَشَبِ السَّنطِ. وَنَحَتُّ لَوحَينِ حَجَرِيَّينِ مِثلَ اللَّوحَينِ الأوَّلَينِ. ثُمَّ صَعِدْتُ إلَى الجَبَلِ وَاللَّوحانِ فِي يَدَيَّ.
So I made a box of acacia wood and cut out two pieces of stone like the other ones. Then I went up the mountain with the two stone pieces in my hand.
4 و َكَتَبَ اللهُ عَلَى اللَّوحَينِ ما كانَ قَدْ كَتَبَهُ عَلَى اللَّوحَينِ الأوَّلَينِ. أي الوَصايا العَشَرَ الَّتِي تَكَلَّمَ اللهُ بِها إلَيكُمْ عَلَى الجَبَلِ مِنْ وَسَطِ النّارِ يَومَ اجتَمَعتُمْ هُناكَ، وَقَدْ أعْطاها لِي.
The Lord wrote the Ten Laws the same as before on the pieces of stone which He had spoken to you on the mountain from the fire on the day of the meeting. And the Lord gave them to me.
5 ح ِينَئِذٍ، نَزَلتُ مِنَ الجَبَلِ وَوَضَعْتُ اللَّوحَينِ فِي الصُّنْدُوقِ الَّذِي صَنَعتُهُ، وَقَدْ بَقِيا هُناكَ كَما أوصانِي اللهُ.»
Then I turned and came down from the mountain, and put the stone pieces in the box I had made. There they are, as the Lord told me.”
6 ث ُمَّ ارتَحَلَ بَنُو إسْرائِيلَ مِنْ آبارِ اليَعقانِيِّينَ إلَى مُوسِيرَ، حَيثُ ماتَ هَرُونُ وَدُفِنَ هُناكَ. فَصارَ ألِعازَرُ ابْنُهُ كاهِناً مَكانَهُ.
(The people of Israel traveled from the wells of the sons of Jaakan to Moserah. Aaron died there and was buried and his son Eleazar took his place as religious leader.
7 و َمِنْ هُناكَ ارتَحَلُوا إلَى الجِدْجُودِ، وَمِنْها إلَى يُطباتَ، وَهُوَ مَكانٌ مَعْرُوفٌ بِكَثْرَةِ يَنابِيعِ الماءِ.
From there they traveled to Gudgodah. And from Gudgodah they went to Jotbathah, a land of rivers of water.
8 « فِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ، عَيَّنَ اللهُ قَبِيلَةَ لاوِي لِحَملِ صُندُوقِ عَهْدِ اللهِ ، وَلِيَمثُلُوا فِي حَضرَةِ اللهِ لِيَخدِمُوهُ، وَلِيُبارِكُوا الشَّعبَ بِاسْمِ اللهِ ، كَما يَفعَلُونَ حَتَّى اليَومِ.
At that time the Lord set apart the family of Levi to carry the special box of the Law of the Lord, and to stand before the Lord to work for Him and honor His name to this day.
9 ل ِهَذا لا تَملِكُ قَبِيلَةُ لاوِي حِصَّةً مِنَ الأرْضِ كَالقَبائِلِ الأُخرَى، لِأنَّ اللهَ هُوَ حِصَّتُها كَما وَعَدَ لاوِي.
So Levi does not have a share of what is given to his brothers. The Lord is his share, just as the Lord your God promised him.)
10 « وَأمّا أنا فَقَدْ بَقِيتُ عَلَى الجَبَلِ أربَعِينَ نَهاراً وَأربَعِينَ لَيلَةً كَالمَرَّةِ الأُولَى، وَقَدِ استَمَعَ اللهُ لِي ثانِيَةً فِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ، فَما أهلَكَكُمْ.
“Once more I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights, like the first time. And the Lord listened to me that time also. The Lord did not destroy you.
11 ث ُمَّ قالَ اللهُ لِي: ‹قُمْ وَاذْهَبْ وَارتَحِلْ أمامَ الشَّعبِ، لِيَدخُلُوا وَيَمتَلِكُوا الأرْضَ الَّتِي أقسَمْتُ لآبائِكُمْ بِأنْ أُعطِيها لَهُمْ.› ما يُرِيدُهُ الله
Then the Lord said to me, ‘Get up. Travel in front of the people, so they may go in and take the land which I promised to give their fathers.’ What God Wants
12 « وَالآنَ يا إسْرائِيلُ، ما الَّذِي يَطلُبُهُ إلَهُكَ مِنكَ؟ أنْ تَتَّقِي إلَهَكَ ، وَأنْ تَحيا بِحَسَبِ كَلامِهِ، وَأنْ تُحِبَّهُ، وَتَخدِمَ اللهَ بِكُلِّ قَلْبِكَ وَنَفْسِكَ.
“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you? He wants you to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him. He wants you to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.
13 و َأنْ تَحفَظَ شَرائِعَ إلَهِكَ وَوَصاياهُ الَّتِي أُعْطِيها لَكَ اليَومَ لَخَيْرِكَ.
He wants you to keep all the Laws of the Lord which I am telling you today for your good.
14 « فَمَعَ أنَّ السَّماواتِ وَأعَلَى السَّماواتِ وَالأرْضَ وَكُلَّ ما فِيها لإلَهِكَ ،
See, heaven and the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it belong to the Lord your God.
15 ف َقَدْ أحَبَّ اللهُ آباءَكُمْ بِشَكلٍ خاصٍّ. وَاختارَكُمْ، أنتُمْ نَسلَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ، مِنْ بَينِ جَمِيعِ الشُّعُوبِ، لِتَكُونوا شَعبَهُ. وَما زِلْتُمْ كَذَلِكَ إلَى اليَومِ.
The Lord had joy in loving your fathers more than other nations, and you are still His chosen people to this day.
16 ف َلتَتَطَهَّرْ قُلُوبُكُمْ، وَلا تُعانِدُوا بَعْدُ.
So then, from now on, obey the Lord. Do not be strong-willed any more.
17 ل ِأنَّ إلَهَكَمْ هُوَ إلَهُ الآلِهَةِ وَرَبُّ الأرِبابِ. الإلَهُ المُنتَصِرُ الرَّهِيبُ، وَهُوَ لا يَتَحَيَّزُ وَلا يأخُذُ رِشْوَةً.
For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords. He is the great and powerful God and is to be honored with fear. He does not show favor, and cannot be bought with money.
18 ي َضْمَنُ العَدلَ لِليَتامَى وَالأرامِلِ، وَيُحِبُّ الغَرِيبَ وَيُعطِيهِ طَعاماً وَثِياباً.
He does what is right and fair for the child without parents and the woman whose husband has died. He shows His love for the stranger by giving him food and clothing.
19 « فَأحِبُّوا أنتُمْ أيضاً الغَرِيبَ لِأنَّكُمْ كُنتُمْ غُرَباءَ فِي أرْضِ مِصْرَ.
So show your love for the stranger. For you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
20 ه ابُوا إلَهَكُمْ وَاعبُدُوهُ. تَمَسَّكُوا بِهِ وَحْدَهُ، وَلا تَحلِفُوا إلّا بِاسْمِهِ.
Fear the Lord your God. Work for Him, hold on to Him, and swear by His name.
21 ه ُوَ تَسبِيحُكُمْ، وَهوَ إلَهُكُمْ الَّذِي صَنَعَ لِأجلِكُمْ جَمِيعَ هَذِهِ الأشياءَ العَظِيمَةِ وَالرَّهِيبَةِ الَّتِي رَأيتُمُوها بَعُيُونِكُمْ.
He is your praise and He is your God. You have seen the great and powerful things He has done for you.
22 ف َعِندَما نَزَلَ آباؤكُمْ إلَى مِصْرَ، كانُوا سَبعِينَ شَخْصاً فَقَطْ، لَكِنْ كَثَّرَكُمْ إلَهُكُمْ مِثلَ نُجُومِ السَّماءِ.
Your fathers went to Egypt, seventy people in all. And now the Lord your God has made you as many as the stars of heaven.