1 ف َأجابَ أيُّوبُ:
Then Job answered,
2 « ما أعْجَبَ طَريقَتُكَ فِي مَعُونَةِ الضَّعِيفِ، وَخَلاصِ مَنْ لا قُوَّةَ لَهُ!
“What a help you are to the weak! How you have saved the arm that has no strength!
3 م ا أحْكَمَ مَشُورَتُكَ عَلَى مَنْ لا حِكمَةَ لَهُ! فَها قَدْ ظَهَرَ فَهْمُكَ بِوضُوحٍ!
How you have given wise words to him who has no wisdom! How much true learning you have given!
4 ف َمِن أينَ جِئتَ بِمِثلِ هَذِهِ الأقْوالِ؟ وَمَنْ ألهَمَكَ هَذِهِ الأفْكارَ؟
To whom have your words been said? And from whose spirit have you spoken?
5 « تَرتَجِفُ أرواحُ المَوتَى فِي الأسفَلِ، تَحْتَ المِياهِ العَظِيمَةِ يَسكُنُونَ.
“The spirits of the dead shake under the waters and those living in them.
6 ا لهاوِيَةُ عارِيَةٌ فِي حَضْرَةِ اللهِ، وَلَيسَ لِمَوْضِعِ الهَلاكِ غَطاءٌ.
The place of the dead has no covering before God and the place that destroys has no covering.
7 ي َمُدُّ السَّماواتِ الشَّمالِيَّةَ عَلَى الفَراغِ، وَيُعَلِّقُ الأرْضَ عَلَى لا شَيءٍ.
He spreads out the north over empty waste, and hangs the earth on nothing.
8 ي َحزِمُ المِياهَ فِي سُحُبِهِ الكَثِيفَةِ، فَلا تَتَمَزَّقُ السُّحُبُ تَحتَها.
He holds the waters in His clouds, and the cloud does not break under them.
9 ي َحجُبُ وَجهَ البَدرِ، وَيَبْسِطُ سَحابَهُ كَغِطاءٍ فَوقَهُ فَيُخْفِيهِ.
He covers the face of the moon and spreads His cloud over it.
10 ر َسَمَ دائِرَةً تُحَدِّدُ وَجهَ المِياهِ، عِندَ مُلتَقَى الضِّياءِ وَالظُلمَةِ.
He has marked the sides around the waters where light and darkness are divided.
11 ت َهتَزُّ أساساتُ السَّماواتِ بِذُهُولٍ عِندَما يَنتَهِرُها.
The pillars of heaven shake with fear. They are surprised and afraid of His sharp words.
12 ه َدَّأ البَحرَ بِقُوَّتِهِ، وَمَزَّقَ رَهَبَ بِفَهْمِهِ.
He made the sea quiet by His power. And by His understanding He destroyed Rahab.
13 ب ِرُوحِهِ تَصفُو السَّماواتُ، وَيَداهُ طَعَنَتا الحَيَّةَ الهارِبَةَ.
By His breath the heavens are made beautiful. His hand cut through the snake as it tried to get away.
14 و َما هَذا إلّا لَمحَةٌ مِمّا يَستَطِيعُهُ، وَلا نَسمَعُ إلّا هَمسَةً مِنهُ. فَمَنْ يَستَطِيعُ إذاً أنْ يَفهَمَ رَعْدَ قُوَّتِهِ؟»
See, these are only a few of the things He does. And how quiet are the words spoken about Him! But who can understand His powerful thunder?”