1 ث ُمَّ رَأيتُ عَلامَةً عَظِيمَةً وَمُدهِشَةً أُخْرَى فِي السَّماءِ. رَأيتُ سَبعَةَ مِلائِكَةٍ وَمَعَهُمُ الكَوارِثُ السَّبعُ الأخِيرَةُ الَّتِي يَنتَهِي بِها غَضَبُ اللهِ.
Then I saw something else special in heaven that was great and made me wonder. There were seven angels with the seven last kinds of trouble. With these, God’s anger is finished.
2 ث ُمَّ رَأيتُ شَيئاً يُشبِهُ بَحراً مِنَ الزُّجاجِ المَخلُوطِ بِالنّارِ، وَرَأيتُ الَّذِينَ انتَصَرُوا عَلَى الوَحشِ وَتِمثالِهِ، وَعَلَى العَدَدِ الَّذِي يُوافِقُ اسْمَهُ. كانُوا يَقِفُونَ بِقَياثيرِهُمْ إلَى جانِبِ بَحرِ الزُّجاجِ
Then I saw something that looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire. I saw many standing on the sea of glass. They were those who had won their fight with the wild animal and his false god and with his mark. All of them were holding harps that God had given to them.
3 و َهُمْ يُنشِدُونَ تَرنِيمَةَ مُوسَى عَبْدِ اللهِ، وَأُنشُودَةَ الحَمَلِ: «عَظِيمَةٌ وَرائِعَةٌ هِيَ أفعالُكَ، أيُّها الرَّبُّ الإلَهُ القَدِيرُ. طُرُقُكَ عَدلٌ وَحَقٌّ، يا مَلِكَ الأُمَمِ.
They were singing the song of Moses, who was a servant owned by God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “The things You do are great and powerful. You are the All-powerful Lord God. You are always right and true in everything You do. You are King of all nations.
4 ك ُلُّ الشُّعُوبِ سَتَهابُكَ يا رَبُّ، وَسَتُسَبِّحُ اسْمَكَ. لِأنَّكَ وَحدَكَ القُدُّوسُ. كُلُّ الأُمَمِ سَتَأتِي وَتَسجُدُ فِي حَضرَتِكَ، لِأنَّ أحكامَكَ العادِلَةَ صارَتْ مَعرُوفَةً.»
Who will not honor You, Lord, with love and fear? Who will not tell of the greatness of Your name? For You are the only One Who is holy. All nations will come and worship before You. Everyone sees that You do the right things.”
5 ب َعدَ هَذا نَظَرتُ، فَإذا بِالهَيكَلِ السَّماوِيِّ، أيْ خَيمَةُ الشَّهادَةِ، قَدْ فُتِحَ،
After this I looked and saw that the Holiest Place of All in the house of God was opened.
6 و َخَرَجَ مِنهُ المَلائِكَةُ السَّبعَةُ الَّذِينَ يَحمِلُونَ الكَوارِثَ السَّبعَ الأخِيرَةَ. كانُوا يَلبِسُونَ أثواباً مِنَ الكِتّانِ النَّظِيفِ البَهِيِّ، وَحَولَ صُدُورِهِمْ أحزِمَةٌ ذَهَبِيَّةٌ.
The seven angels who had the seven last kinds of trouble came out of the house of God. They were wearing clothes made of clean white linen. They were wearing belts made of gold around their chests.
7 ث ُمَّ أعطَى أحَدُ المَخلُوقاتِ الأربَعَةِ لِلمَلائِكَةِ السَّبعَةِ سَبعَ آنِيَةٍ ذَهَبِيَّةٍ مَملُوءَةٍ بِغَضَبِ اللهِ الحَيِّ إلَى أبَدِ الآبِدِينَ.
Then one of the four living beings gave to each of the seven angels a jar made of gold. These jars were filled with the anger of God Who lives forever.
8 و َامتَلأ الهَيكَلُ بِالدُّخانِ مِنْ مَجدِ اللهِ وَقُوَّتِهِ، فَلَمْ يَستَطِعْ أحَدٌ أنْ يَدخُلَ الهَيكَلَ حَتَّى تَنتَهِي الكَوارِثُ السَّبعُ الَّتِي حَمَلَها المَلائِكَةُ السَّبعَةُ.
The house of God was filled with smoke from the shining-greatness and power of God. No one was able to go into the house of God until the seven angels had completed the seven kinds of trouble.