1 و َفِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ كانَ يُوناثانُ بْنُ شاوُلَ يَتَحَدَّثُ إلَى الشّابِّ الَّذِي كانَ يَحمِلُ أسلِحَتَهُ، فَقالَ: «لِنَذْهَبْ إلَى مُخَيَّمِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ عَلَى الجانِبِ الآخَرِ مِنَ الوادِي.» لَكِنَّ يُوناثانَ لَمْ يُخبِرْ أباهُ بِما يَنوِي عَمَلَهُ.
One day Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who was carrying his battle-clothes, “Come, let us go over to the place where the Philistine soldiers are on the other side.” But he did not tell his father.
2 و َكانَ شاوُلُ جالِساً تَحتَ شَجَرَةِ رُمّانٍ فِي مِغْرُونَ عِندَ طَرَفِ التَّلَّةِ. وَمَعَهُ نَحْوَ سِتَّ مِئَةِ رَجُلٍ.
Saul was staying beside Gibeah under the pomegranate tree in Migron. There were about 600 men with him,
3 و َكانَ مَعَهُ رَجُلٌ اسْمُهُ أبِيّا بْنُ أخِيطُوبَ أخِي إيخابُودَ بْنِ فِينْحاسَ بْنِ عالِي الَّذِي كانَ كاهِناً لِلرَّبِّ فِي شِيلُوهَ. كانَ أبِيّا هَذا كاهِنَ اللهِ يَرْتَدي الثَّوبَ الكَهَنُوتِيَّ. وَلَمْ يَعلَم هَؤُلاءِ الرِّجالُ أنَّ يُوناثانَ قَدْ تَرَكَهُمْ.
and Ahijah the son of Ahitub, Ichabod’s brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the religious leader of the Lord at Shiloh, wearing the linen vest. And the people did not know Jonathan had gone.
4 ن َوَى يُوناثانُ أًنْ يَمُرَّ مِنْ مَعبَرٍ لِلوُصُولِ إلَى مُعَسكَرِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. وَكانَتْ هُناكَ صَخرَةٌ كَبِيرَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ جانبٍ مِنْ جانِبَيِّ المَعبَرِ. اسْمُ الصَّخرَةِ الكَبِيرَةِ الأُولَى عَلَى الجانِبِ الأوَّلِ «بُوصِيصُ،» وَاسْمُ الصَّخرَةِ الكَبِيرَةِ الثّانِيَةِ عَلَى الجانِبِ الثّانِي «سَنَّةَ.»
Between the passes where Jonathan went to cross over to the Philistine soldiers, there was a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side. The name of one was Bozez. The name of the other was Seneh.
5 ك انَتْ إحدَى الصَّخرَتَينِ مُقابِلَ مِخماسَ، وَالأُخرَى مُقابِلَ جِبْعَ.
One rock stood on the north in front of Michmash. The other stood on the south in front of Geba.
6 و َقالَ يُوناثانُ لِمُعاوِنِهِ وَحامِلِ سِلاحِهِ: «لِنَذهَبْ إلَى مُعَسكَرِ هَؤُلاءِ اللامَخْتُونِينَ! فَلَعَلَّ اللهَ يَكُونُ مَعَنا فَنَهزِمَهُمْ. فَلا فَرقَ عِندَ اللهِ إنْ استَخدَمَ جُنُوداً كَثِيرِينَ أوْ قَلِيلِينَ، فَهُوَ قادِرٌ عَلَى الانتِصارِ فِي الحالَتَينِ.»
Jonathan said to the young man who was carrying his battle-clothes, “Come, let us go over to the place where the soldiers are who have not gone through the religious act of the Jews. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for there is nothing to keep the Lord from saving by many or by few.”
7 ف َقالَ لَهُ حامِلُ سلاحِهِ: «افعَلْ ما تَراهُ الأفضَلَ. وَأنا مَعَكَ حَتَّى النِّهاَيَةِ.»
The young man who was carrying his battle-clothes said to him, “Do all that is in your mind. I am with you in whatever you think to do.”
8 ف َقالَ يُوناثانُ: «لِنَعبُرِ الوادِي إلَى الحَرَسِ الفِلِسْطِيِّ. وَسَنَدَعُهُمْ يَرونَنا.
Jonathan said, “We will cross over to the men and show ourselves to them.
9 ف َإذا قالُوا لَنا: ‹الزَما مَكانَيْكُما إلَى أنْ نَأْتِيَ إلَيكُما،› فَسَنَلزَمُ مَكانَنا. وَلَنْ نَصْعَدَ إلَيْهِمْ.
If they say to us, ‘Wait until we come to you,’ then we will stand still in our place and not go up to them.
10 ل َكِنْ إذا قالَ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ لَنا: ‹اصْعَدُوا إلَى هُنا،› حِينَئِذٍ، سَنَصعَدُ إلَيْهِمْ. فَتَكُونُ هَذِهِ عَلامَةً مِنَ اللهِ. إذْ سَيَعنِي هَذا أنَّ اللهَ سَيَنصُرُنا عَلَيهِمْ.»
But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ then we will go up. For the Lord has given them into our hands. This will be the special thing for us to see.”
11 ف َأظهَرَ يُوناثانُ وَمُساعِدُهُ نَفسَيهِما لِلفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. فَقالَ الحُرّاسُ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ: «ها هُمُ العِبرانِيُّونَ يَخرُجُونَ مِنَ الجُحُورِ الَّتِي كانُوا يَختَبِئُونَ فِيها.»
So both of them showed themselves to the Philistine soldiers. The Philistines said, “See, Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hidden themselves.”
12 ف َنادَى الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ الَّذِينَ فِي المُعَسْكَرِ عَلَى يُوناثانَ وَمُساعِدِهِ: «اصعَدا إلَى هُنا، وَسَنُلَقِّنُكُما دَرساً.» فَقالَ يُوناثانُ لِمُساعِدِهِ: «اصعَدِ التَّلَّةَ وَرائِي. فَاللهُ يَنصُرُ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ عَلَى الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ الآنَ.»
The soldiers of that place said to Jonathan and the one who was carrying his battle-clothes, “Come up to us and we will tell you something.” Jonathan said to the one who was carrying his battle-clothes, “Come up after me. For the Lord has given them into the hands of Israel.”
13 ف َصَعِدَ يُوناثانُ التَّلَّةَ زاحِفاً عَلَى يَدَيهِ وَقَدَمَيهِ، وَمُعاوِنُهُ خَلفَهُ مُباشَرَةً. وَسَقَطَ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ قَتلَى أمامَ يُوناثانَ، وَكانَ مُعاوِنُهُ وَراءَهُ يَقتُلُ الجَرحَى.
Then Jonathan went up the hill on his hands and feet, with the one who was carrying his battle-clothes behind him. The soldiers fell in front of Jonathan. The young man, who was carrying his battle-clothes after him, killed them.
14 ف َقَتَل يُوناثانُ وَمُعاوِنُهُ عِشرِينَ فِلِسْطِيّاً فِي الهُجُومِ الأوَّلِ، فِي أرْضٍ لا تَزِيدُ مَساحَتُها عَنْ نِصفِ فَدّانٍ.
In that first killing done by Jonathan and the man who carried his battle-clothes, about twenty men fell dead within a small piece of land.
15 ف َذُعِرَ كُلُّ الجُنُودِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ الَّذِينَ فِي الحَقلِ، وَالَّذِينَ فِي المُعَسْكَرِ. ذُعِرَ حَتَّى أكثَرُ الجُنُودِ بَسالَةً. وَبَدَأتِ الأرْضُ تَهتَزُّ، مِمّا زادَ ذُعرَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ.
There was fear among the Philistines, in the field, and among all the people. Even the soldiers shook with fear. And the earth shook, so there was much fear.
16 و َرَأى رُقَباءُ شاوُلَ فِي جِبعَةَ فِي أرْضِ بَنْيامِيْنَ الجُنُودَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ وَهُمْ يَفِرُّونَ فِي اتِّجاهاتٍ مُختَلِفَةٍ.
Saul’s men who were watching in Gibeah of Benjamin looked and saw the people running away. They went here and there.
17 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ لِلجَيشِ الَّذِي مَعَهُ: «أحصُوا الجَيشَ. أُرِيدُ أنْ أعرِفَ مَنْ تَغَيَّبَ.» فَلَمّا أحصُوا الرِّجالَ، اكْتَشَفُوا أنَّ يُوناثانَ وَمُعاوِنَهُ مُتَغَيِّبانِ.
Saul said to the people who were with him, “Number them, and see who has left us.” When they numbered, they found that Jonathan and the young man who carried his battle-clothes were not there.
18 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ لِأبِيّا: «أحْضِرْ صُنْدُوقَ اللهِ.» فَفِي ذَلِكَ الوَقتِ، كانَ صُنْدُوقُ اللهِ مَعَ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ.
Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the special box of God here.” For the special box of God was with the people of Israel at that time.
19 و َبَينَما شاوُلُ يُكَلِّمُ الكاهِنَ أبِيّا، ازْدادَ الضَّجِيجُ وَالفَوضَى فِي المُعَسكَرِ الفِلِسْطِيِّ أكثَرَ فَأكثَرَ. فَنَفِدَ صَبْرُ شاوُلَ. وَقالَ لِلْكاهِنِ أبِيّا: «كَفَى. أنزِلْ يَدَكَ وَكُفَّ عَنِ الصَّلاةِ.»
While Saul talked to the religious leader, the noise of the Philistines became louder. So Saul said to the religious leader, “Take your hand away.”
20 و َحَشَدَ شاوُلُ جَيشَهُ وَذَهَبَ إلَى المَعرَكَةِ. فَكانَ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ فِي فَوضَى وَارتِباكٍ شَدِيدَينِ، حَتَّى صارَ يُقاتِلُ بَعضُهُمْ بَعضاً بِسُيُوفِهِمْ.
Then Saul and all the people with him gathered together and went into the battle. Every man’s sword was against the man next to him. It was as if no one knew what to do.
21 و َكانَ هُناكَ عِبرانِيُّونَ فِي مُعَسكَرِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ مِمَّنْ سَبَقَ أنْ خَدَمُوا الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. فانضَمَّ هَؤُلاءِ العِبرانِيُّونَ إلَى بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ مَعَ شاوُلَ وَيُوناثانَ.
The Hebrews, who had been with the Philistines and had gone up with them among the tents returned. They returned to be with the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 و َسَمِعَ كُلُّ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ الَّذِينَ كانُوا مُختَبِئِينَ فِي المِنطَقَةِ الجَبَلِيَّةِ مِنْ أفْرايِمَ الجُنُودَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ وَهُمْ يَفِرُّونَ. فانضَمُّوا إلَى جَيشِهِمْ فِي المَعرَكَةِ، وَراحُوا يُطارِدُونَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ.
When all the men of Israel who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines had run away, they ran after them in the battle.
23 ف َخَلَّصَ اللهُ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ فِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ. وَامتَدَّتِ المَعْرَكَةُ إلَى ما بَعْدَ بَيْتِ آوِنَ وَمِنطَقَةِ أفرايِمَ الجَبَلِيَّةِ. وَكانَ عَدَدُ جَيشِ شاوُلَ كُلِّهِ يَصِلُ إلَى عَشْرَةِ آلافِ رَجُلٍ. شاوُلُ يَرتَكِبُ خَطِيَّةً أُخْرَى
So the Lord saved Israel that day. And the battle spread farther than Beth-aven.
24 ل َكِنَّ شاوُلِ ارتَكَبَ خَطَأً كَبِيراً فِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ، فَقَدْ كانَ بَنُو إسْرائِيلَ مُنهَكِينَ وَجائِعِينَ بِسَبَبِ قَسَمٍ أقسَمَهُ شاوُلُ. إذْ قالَ: «إنْ أكَلَ أيُّ رَجُلٍ طَعاماً قَبلَ حُلُولِ المَساءِ وَقَبلَ أنْ أقضِيَ عَلَى أعدائِي، فَسَيُقتلُ.» فَلَمْ يَأكُلْ أيُّ واحِدٍ مِنْ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ طَعاماً.
Now the men of Israel were troubled that day. For Saul made a promise and said to the people, “Cursed will be the man who eats food before evening and before I have punished those who fight against me.” So none of the people tasted any food.
25 و َدَخَلَ الشَّعبُ إلَى الأحْراشِ، فَرَأَوْا عَسَلاً عَلَى وَجْهِ الأرْضِ.
And all the people came among the trees, and there was honey on the ground.
26 د َخَلُوا وَرَأَوْا العَسَلَ يَقْطُرُ، لَكِنْ لَمْ يَذُقْ أحَدٌ مِنْهُمْ شَيئاً، خَوْفاَ مِنْ قَسَمِ شاوُلَ.
The people went among the trees and saw honey flowing, but no man tasted it. For the people were afraid of Saul’s promise.
27 ل َكِنَّ يُوناثانَ لَمْ يَكُنْ يَعرِفُ عَنْ ذَلِكَ القَسَمِ. وَلَمْ يَسْمَعْ أباهُ وَهُوَ يُجبِرُ الشَّعبَ عَلَى أنْ يُقسِمُوا. وَكانَتْ مَعَهُ عَصاً فِي يَدِهِ، فَغَمَسَ طَرَفَها فِي العَسَلِ وَأخَذَ مِنَ العَسَلِ. وَأكَلَ العَسَلَ، فَانْتَعَشَ.
But Jonathan had not heard his father make the promise to the people. So he put the stick that was in his hand into the honeycomb. Then he put it to his mouth, and his eyes became bright.
28 ف َقالَ أحَدُ الجُنُودِ لِيُوناثانَ: «أجبَرَنا أبُوكَ أنْ نُقسِمَ قَسَماً، وَقالَ مَلْعُونٌ كُلُّ مَنْ يَأكُلُ اليَومَ طَعاماً. فَلَمْ يَذُقِ الرِّجالُ أيَّ طَعامٍ. وَلِهَذا هُمْ مُنْهَكُونَ.»
One of the men told him, “Your father put the people under a promise, saying, ‘Cursed will be the man who eats food today.’” The people were tired and weak.
29 ف َقالَ يُوناثانُ: «لَقَدْ جَلَبَ أبِي مَتاعِبَ كَثِيرَةً عَلَى هَذِهِ الأرْضِ. فانْظُرْ كَيفَ انتَعَشْتُ بَعْدَ أنْ تَذَوَّقتُ قَلِيلاً مِنَ العَسَلِ.
Jonathan said, “My father has troubled the land. See how my eyes have become bright because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 ك انَ مِنَ الأفْضَلِ لَوْ أنَّ الرِّجالَ أكَلُوا الطَّعامَ الَّذِي استَولُوا عَلَيهِ مِنْ أعدائِهِمْ. فَلَو فَعَلُوا، لَقَتَلُوا عَدداً أكبَرَ مِنَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ.»
How much better it would be if the men had been free to eat today of the food that had belonged to those who fought against them! For not many Philistines have been killed.”
31 ف ِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ، هَزَمَ بَنُو إسْرائِيلَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. وَحارَبُوهُمْ مِنْ مِخماسَ وَأيَّلُونَ. وَأَنْهَكَ الجُوعُ الشَّعبَ إنْهاكاً شَديداً.
They killed the Philistines that day from Michmash to Aijalon. And the people were very tired and weak.
32 و َكانُوا قَدْ أخَذُوا غَنَماً وَأبقاراً وَعُجُولاً مِنَ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. فاشتَدَّ بِهِمِ الجُوعُ، فَذَبَحُوا المَواشِيَ عَلَى الأرْضِ وَأكَلُوها وَدَمُها ما يَزالُ فِيها.
The people rushed upon the things that had belonged to the Philistines. They took sheep and cattle and calves, and killed them on the ground. And the people ate them with the blood.
33 ف َقالَ أحَدُهُمْ لِشاوُلَ: «ها هُمُ الرِّجالُ يُخطِئُونَ إلَى اللهِ وَيَأكُلُونَ لَحماً فِيهِ دَمُهُ.» فَقالَ شاوُلُ: «لَقَدْ أخطَأْتُمْ. فَدَحرِجُوا الآنَ صَخرَةً هُنا.»
Then Saul was told, “See, the people are sinning against the Lord by eating meat with the blood in it.” And Saul said, “You have not been faithful. Roll a big stone to me here.”
34 ث ُمَّ قالَ شاوُلُ: «اذْهَبُوا إلَى الرِّجالِ وَمُرُوا كُلَّ واحِدٍ مِنهُمْ أنْ يُحضِرَ ثَورَهُ وَخَرُوفَهُ إلَيَّ. وَبَعدَ ذَلِكَ لِيَذْبَحِ الرِّجالُ ثِيرانَهُمْ وَغَنَمَهُمْ هُنا، لا تُخطِئُوا إلَى اللهِ بِأنْ تَأْكُلُوا لَحماً فِيهِ دَمُهُ.» فَأحضَرُوا كُلُّهُمْ فِي تِلكَ اللَّيلَةِ مَواشِيَهُمْ وَذَبَحُوها هُناك.
And he said, “Divide yourselves among the people and say to them, ‘Each one of you bring me his bull or his sheep, and kill it here and eat. Do not sin against the Lord by eating with the blood.’” So every one of the people brought his bull with him that night, and killed it there.
35 ث ُمَّ بَنَى شاوُلُ مَذبَحاً للهِ. وَقَدْ بَدَأ هُوَ نَفسُهُ العَمَلَ عَلَى بِناءِ المَذبَحِ للهِ.
And Saul built an altar to the Lord. It was the first altar that he built to the Lord.
36 و َقالَ شاوُلُ: «لِنُهاجِمِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ اللَّيلَةَ، فَنَأخُذَ كُلَّ شَيءٍ مِنهُمْ وَنَفْنِيهِمْ تَماماً.» فَقالَ الجَيشُ: «افعَلْ ما تَراهُ الأفضَلَ.» لَكِنَّ الكاهِنَ قالَ:
Then Saul said, “Let us go down to the Philistines during the night and take until morning what belongs to them. Let us not leave a man of them alive.” They said, “Do whatever you think is best.” So the religious leader said, “Let us ask of God here.”
37 « لِنَسألِ اللهَ.» فَسَألَ شاوُلُ اللهَ: «هَلْ أُطارِدُ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ؟ وَهَلْ سَتَنصُرُنا عَلَيهِمْ؟» لَكِنَّ اللهَ لَمْ يُجِبْ شاوُلَ فِي ذَلِكَ اليَومِ.
So Saul asked God, “Should I go down to the Philistines? Will You give them into the hand of Israel?” But God did not answer him that day.
38 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ: «اجمَعُوا لِيَ القادةَ! أُرِيدُ أنْ أعرِفَ مَنِ الَّذِي ارتَكَبَ هَذِهِ الخَطِيَّةَ اليَومَ.
Saul said, “Come here, all you leaders of the people. Look and see how this sin has happened today.
39 ف َأُقْسِمُ بِاللهِ الحَيِّ الَّذِي يُخَلِّصُ إسْرائِيلَ، أنَّ الفاعِلَ سَيَمُوتُ، حَتَّى لَوْ كانَ ابنِي يُوناثانَ.» فَلَمْ يَنْطِقْ أحَدٌ مِنَ الشَّعبِ بِكَلِمَةٍ.
For as the Lord lives Who saves Israel, even if it is in Jonathan my son, he will die for sure.” But not one of all the people answered him.
40 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ لِكُلِّ جَيشِ إسْرائِيلَ: «أنتُمْ تَقِفُونَ عَلَى هَذا الجانِبِ. وَأنا وَابنِي يُوناثانُ نَقِفُ عَلَى الجانِبِ الآخَرِ.» فَقالَ الجُنُودُ: «كَما تُرِيدُ يا سَيِّدِي.»
Then Saul said to all Israel, “You will be on one side and I and my son Jonathan will be on the other side.” And the people said to Saul, “Do what you think is best.”
41 ث ُمَّ صَلَّى شاوُلُ: «يا اللهُ ، يا إلَهَ إسْرائِيلَ، لِماذا لَمْ تُجِبنِي أنا عَبدَكَ اليَومَ؟ إنْ كُنتُ أخطَأْتُ أنا أوِ ابنِي، فَأظْهِرِ اليُورِيمَ فِي القُرْعَةِ، يا اللهُ ، يا إلَهَ إسْرائِيلَ. وَإنْ كانَ شَعبُكَ هُمُ الَّذِينَ أخطَأُوا، فَأظْهِرِ التَّمِيمَ.» فَأشارَ اللهُ بِالقُرْعَةِ إلَى شاوُلَ وَيُوناثانَ، وَبَرَّأ الشَّعبَ.
So Saul said to the Lord, the God of Israel, “May the right name be drawn.” And the names of Saul and Jonathan were drawn, and the people went free.
42 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ: «أَلْقِ القُرعَةَ لِنَتَبَيَّنَ مَنْ هُوَ المُذنِبُ، أنا أمِ ابْنِي.» فَوَقَعَتِ القُرعَةُ عَلَى يُوناثانَ.
Then Saul said, “Draw names between me and my son Jonathan.” And Jonathan’s name was drawn.
43 ف قالَ شاوُل لِيُوناثانَ: «أخْبِرْنِي ما الذي فَعَلْتَهُ.» فَقالَ يُوناثانُ لِشاوُلَ: «تَذَوَّقْتُ قَلِيلاً مِنَ العَسَلِ بِطَرَفِ عَصايَ. فَهَلْ أمُوتُ مِنْ أجلِ هَذا الأمْرِ التّافِهِ؟»
Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” So Jonathan told him, “I tasted a little honey with the end of the stick that was in my hand. Here I am. I must die.”
44 ف َقالَ شاوُلُ: «قَدْ أقسَمْتُ، وَسَيُعاقِبَنِي إذا لَمْ أفِ بِقَسَمِي. يَنْبَغِي أنْ يَمُوتَ يُوناثانُ.»
Saul said, “May God do this to me and more also, for you will die for sure, Jonathan.”
45 ل َكِنَّ الجُنُودَ قالُوا لِشاوُلَ: «الفَضلُ فِي انتِصارِ إسْرائِيلَ العَظِيمِ اليَومَ هُوَ لِيُوناثانَ. فَهَلْ يَسْتَحِقُّ مِثلُهُ المَوتَ؟ لا يَكُونُ هَذا! نُقسِمُ بِاللهِ الحَيِّ، لَنْ تَسقُطَ شَعرَةٌ واحِدَةٌ مِنْ رَأسِ يُوناثانَ! فَقَدْ أعانَهُ اللهُ عَلَى الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ اليَومَ.» فَأنقَذَ الشَّعبُ يُوناثانَ. فَلَمْ يُقتَلْ.
But the people said to Saul, “Must Jonathan die, who has saved all these people of Israel? Far from it! As the Lord lives, not one hair of his head will fall to the ground. For he has worked with God this day.” So the people saved Jonathan and he did not die.
46 و َتَوَقَّفَ شاوُلُ عَنْ مُطارَدَةِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. فَرَجِعَ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ إلَى مَكانِهِمْ. شاوُلُ يُحارِبُ أعداءَ إسْرائِيل
Then Saul stopped going after the Philistines, and the Philistines went to their own place. Saul’s Family
47 و َأكمَلَ شاوُلُ سَيطَرَتَهُ عَلَى كُلِّ إسْرائِيلَ وَحارَبَ كُلَّ أعدائِها المُحِيطِينَ بِها. فَحارَبَ شاوُلُ المُوآبِيِّينَ وَالعَمُّونِيِّينَ وَالأدُومِيِّينَ، وَمَلِكَ صُوبَةَ، وَالفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. وَانْتَصَرَ حَيثُما ذَهَبَ.
When Saul had become king over Israel, he fought against all those around him who hated him. He fought against Moab, the Ammonites, Edom, the kings of Zobah, and the Philistines. He punished them in every way he turned.
48 ك انَ شاوُلُ شُجاعاً جِدّاً. فَخَلَّصَ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ مِنْ جَمِيعِ أعْدائِهِمِ الَّذِينَ حاوَلُوا أنْ يَنهَبُوها. وَهَزَمَ شاوُلُ حَتَّى عَمالِيقَ.
He acted with strength of heart and destroyed the Amalekites. He saved Israel from those who came to rob them.
49 و َكانَ لِشاوُلَ أولادٌ هُمْ يُوناثانُ وَيَشْوِي وَمَلْكِيشُوعُ. وَاسْمُ ابنَتِهِ البِكرِ مِيرَبُ، وَاسْمُ ابنَتِهِ الأصغَرِ مِيكالُ.
Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, Ishvi and Malchishua. And he had two daughters. The name of the first-born was Merab, and the name of the younger one was Michal.
50 و َاسْمُ زَوجَتِهِ أخِينُوعَمُ بِنتُ أخِيمَعَصَ. وَاسْمُ قائِدِ جَيشِهِ أبْنَيْرُ بْنُ نَيْرَ عَمِّ شاوُلَ.
The name of Saul’s wife was Ahinoam the daughter of Ahimaaz. The name of the captain of his army was Abner the son of Ner, the brother of Saul’s father.
51 أ مّا قَيْسٌ أبُو شاوُلَ وَنَيْرُ أبُو أبْنَيْرَ فَهُما ابْنِي أبِيئِيلَ.
Kish was the father of Saul. And Abner’s father Ner was the son of Abiel.
52 ك انَ شاوُلُ شُجاعاً طَوالَ حَياتِهِ. كانَتِ الحَرْبُ ضِدَّ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ شَدِيدَةً. وَكُلَّما رَأى شاوُلُ رَجُلاً قَوِيّاً أوْ شُجاعاً، ضَمَّهُ إلَى جَيشِهِ.
There was fighting against the Philistines all of Saul’s life. When Saul saw any strong man, or any man with strength of heart, he would have the man join him.