ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 1 ~ Jeremiah 1


1 ه َذِا كَلامُ إرْمِيا بْنِ حَلْقِيّا، أحَدِ الكَهَنَةِ الَّذِينَ عاشُوا فِي عَناثُوثَ فِي أرْضِ بَنْيامِيْنَ.

The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin,

2 ا لكَلامُ الَّذِي قالَهُ اللهُ ، وَأعلَنَهُ لإرْمِيا فِي السَّنَةِ الثّالِثَةَ عَشْرَةَ مِنْ حُكمِ يُوشِيّا بْنِ آمُونَ مَلِكِ يَهُوذا.

to whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

3 و َخِلالَ فَترَةِ حُكمِ يَهُوياقِيمَ بْنِ يُوشِيّا مَلِكِ يَهُوذا، إلَى الشَّهرِ الخامِسِ مِنَ السَنَةِ الحادِيَةَ عَشْرَةَ مِنْ حُكْمِ صِدْقيّا بْنِ يُوشِّيا مَلِكِ يَهُوذا. أي إلَى وَقْتِ سَبيِ مَدينَةِ القُدْسِ. دَعوَةُ اللهِ لإرْمِيا

It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. The Prophet Is Called

4 ه َذِهِ هِيَ رِسالَةُ اللهِ الَّتِي أُعلِنَتْ لِي:

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

5 « قَبلَ أنْ أُشَكِّلَكَ فِي الرَّحِمِ عَرَفْتُكَ. وَقَبلَ خُرُوجِكَ مِنْ بَطنِ أُمِّكَ خَصَّصتُكَ لِخِدْمَتِي، وَعَيَّنتُكَ نَبِيّاً لِلشُّعُوبِ.»

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

6 ف َقُلْتُ: «وَلَكِنِّي أيُّها الرَّبُّ الإلَهُ ، لا أُحسِنُ الكَلامَ كَنَبِيٍّ، لأنِّي لَستُ سِوَى وَلَدٍ صَغِيرٍ.»

Then said I: “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.”

7 ف َقالَ اللهُ لِي: «لا تَقُلْ: ‹لَستُ سِوَى وَلَدٍ صَغِيرٍ،› لأنَّكَ سَتَذهَبُ إلَى كُلِّ مَكانٍ سَأُرسِلُكَ إلَيهِ. وَسَتَتَكَلَّمُ بِكُلِّ ما آمُرُكَ بِهِ.

But the Lord said to me: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak.

8 ل ا تَخَفْ مِنَ النّاسِ، لأنِّي سَأكُونَ مَعَكَ لأحمِيَكَ.» هَذا هُوَ الكَلامُ الَّذِي قالَهُ اللهُ.

Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord.

9 ث ُمَّ مَدَّ اللهُ يَدَهُ وَلَمَسَ فَمِي، وَقالَ لِي: «ها إنِّي وَضَعْتُ كَلامِيَ فِي فَمِكَ.

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.

10 ه ا أنا قَدْ أعطَيتُكَ سُلطاناً عَلَى الشُّعُوبِ وَالمَمالِكِ. تَقلَعُها وَتُحَطِّمُها وَتُهلِكُها وَتُدَمِّرُها، وَتُعِيدُ بِناءَها وَزِراعَتَها.» رُؤيَتان

See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.”

11 و َأعلَنَ لِي اللهُ الرِّسالَةَ التّالِيَةَ، فَقالَ: «ماذا تَرَى يا إرْمِيا؟» فَقُلْتُ: «أرَى غُصْنَ لَوْزٍ.»

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”

12 ف َقالَ اللهُ لِي: «أحْسَنْتَ الرُّؤيَةَ. فَأنا ساهِرٌ عَلَى كَلِمَتِي لأضمَنَ تَحقِيقَها.»

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”

13 و َأعلَنَ لِي اللهُ رِسالَةً أُخْرَى، فَقالَ: «ماذا تَرَى؟» فَقُلْتُ: «أرَى قِدراً مَملُوءَةً بِالماءِ المَغلِيِّ، وَفُتْحَتُها تَتَّجِهُ مِنَ الشَّمالِ نَحوَ الجَنُوبِ.»

And the word of the Lord came to me the second time, saying, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a boiling pot, and it is facing away from the north.”

14 ف َقالَ اللهُ لِي: «مِنَ الشَّمالِ سَيَنطَلِقُ الشَّرُّ عَلَى كُلِّ سُكّانِ يَهُوذا.

Then the Lord said to me: “Out of the north calamity shall break forth On all the inhabitants of the land.

15 ه ا إنِّي سَأدعُو كُلَّ عَشائِرِ مَمالِكِ الشَّمالِ، وَسَيَأتُونَ. وَسَيَضَعُ كُلُّ واحِدٍ مِنهُمْ عَرْشَهُ عِندَ مَداخِلِ بَوّاباتِ مَدينَةِ القُدْسِ. سَيُهاجِمُونَ أسوارَها وَالبَلداتِ المُحِيطَةَ بِها. يَقُولُ اللهُ.

For behold, I am calling All the families of the kingdoms of the north,” says the Lord; “They shall come and each one set his throne At the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, Against all its walls all around, And against all the cities of Judah.

16 « وَسَأُعلِنُ حُكمِي عَلَيهِمْ بِسَبَبِ شُرُورِهِمْ، الَّتِي تَرَكُونِي لأجلِها، إذْ أحرَقُوا بَخُوراً لآلِهَةٍ أُخْرَى، وَانحَنُوا لأشياءَ صَنَعَتْها أيدِيهُمْ.

I will utter My judgments Against them concerning all their wickedness, Because they have forsaken Me, Burned incense to other gods, And worshiped the works of their own hands.

17 « أمّا أنتَ، فَاسْتَعِدْ وَانهَضْ، أخبِرْهُمْ بِكُلِّ ما آمُرُكَ بِأنْ تَقُولَهُ. لا تَرتَعِبْ أمامَهُمْ، وَإلّا أرعَبْتُكَ أمامَهُمْ.

“Therefore prepare yourself and arise, And speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them.

18 ه ا قَدْ جَعَلْتُكَ اليَومَ مَدِينَةً حَصِينَةً، كَعَمُودٍ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ، وَكَحائِطٍ مِنْ بُرونْزٍ أمامَ كُلِّ الأرْضِ، تَصْمِدُ ضِدَّ مُلُوكِ يَهُوذا وَرُؤَسائِها وَكَهَنَتِها، وَضِدَّ شَعبِ الأرْضِ.

For behold, I have made you this day A fortified city and an iron pillar, And bronze walls against the whole land— Against the kings of Judah, Against its princes, Against its priests, And against the people of the land.

19 س َيُحارِبُونَكَ، لَكِنَّهُمْ لَنْ يَقدِرُوا أنْ يَهزِمُوكَ، لأنِّي سَأكُونُ مَعَكَ لأحمِيَكَ،» يَقُولُ اللهُ.

They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.”