Ecclesiastes - 6


1 T here is another bad thing which I have seen under the sun, and it is hard for men:

2 G od gives a man riches and many good things and honor, so that he has everything he wants. But He does not allow him to have joy from them, for a stranger has joy from them. This is for nothing, and is very bad.

3 I f a man becomes the father of a hundred children and lives many years until he is very old, but he is not happy with good things, and is not buried as he should be, then I say that the child who dies before it is born is shown more favor than he.

4 F or this child comes for nothing and goes into darkness, and in darkness its name is covered.

5 I t never sees the sun and it never knows anything. It is better off than he.

6 E ven if the other man lives a thousand years twice and does not find joy in good things, do not all go to the same place?

7 A ll a man’s work is for his mouth, and yet his hunger is not filled.

8 F or what is better for the wise man than for the fool? And what good does the poor man have who knows how to walk among the living?

9 W hat the eyes see is better than what there is a desire for. This also is for nothing, like trying to catch the wind.

10 W hatever has come to be has already been given a name. It is known what man is, and that he cannot argue with one who is stronger than he.

11 T he more words there are, the more they are worth nothing. What good is that to anyone?

12 F or who knows what is good for a man during his life, during the few years of his living for nothing? He will spend them like a shadow. For who can tell a man what will happen after he is gone under the sun?