Job - 23


1 T hen Job answered,

2 Even today my complaining is bitter. His hand is heavy even when I cry inside myself.

3 I f only I knew where to find Him, that I might go where He is!

4 I would tell Him how things are with me, and my mouth would be ready to argue.

5 I would know His answer, and could think about what He would say to me.

6 W ould He go against me using His great power? No, He would listen to me.

7 T here a man who is right could reason with Him. And I would be set free by my Judge.

8 See, I go east, but He is not there. I go west, but I cannot see Him.

9 W hen He works to the left, I cannot see Him. When He turns to the right, I cannot see Him.

10 B ut He knows the way that I take. When He has tried me, I will come out as gold.

11 M y foot has kept close to His steps. I have kept His way and have not turned aside.

12 I have not turned away from the words of His lips. I have stored up the words of His mouth. They are worth more to me than the food I need.

13 B ut He cannot be changed. Who can go against Him? He does whatever He wants.

14 F or He does what He has planned for me, and many such things are in His mind.

15 S o I am afraid to be with Him. When I think about it, I am very afraid of Him.

16 G od has made my heart weak. The All-powerful has filled me with fear.

17 B ut I am not made quiet by the darkness or the deep shadow which covers my face.