Job - 40


1 T hen the Lord said to Job,

2 Will one who finds fault not agree with the All-powerful? He who speaks strong words against God, let him answer.”

3 J ob answered the Lord and said,

4 See, I am not important. What can I answer You? I put my hand on my mouth.

5 I have spoken once, and I cannot answer; even twice, and I have no more to say.”

6 T hen the Lord answered out of the storm, and said,

7 Get ready like a man. I will ask you, and you answer Me.

8 W ill you say what I decide is wrong? Will you say that I have done wrong, that you may be made right?

9 D o you have an arm like God? Can you thunder with a voice like His?

10 Dress yourself with shining-greatness and great power. Cover yourself with honor and greatness.

11 P our out your anger that is flowing over. Look on everyone who is proud, and put him to shame.

12 L ook on everyone who is proud, and bring him down. Crush the sinful where they stand.

13 H ide them all in the dust together. Shut them up in the hidden place.

14 T hen I will also tell you that your own right hand can save you.

15 See now the hippopotamus, which I made as well as you. He eats grass like an ox.

16 S ee, his strength is in his body. His power is in his stomach.

17 H e moves his tail like a cedar tree. His legs are made very strong.

18 H is bones are like brass. His legs are like pieces of iron.

19 He is the first of the works of God. Let his maker bring him his sword.

20 F or sure the mountains bring food to him where all the animals of the field play.

21 H e lies down under the lotus plants, hidden in the high river grass.

22 H e lies in the shadow of the lotus plants, with the willow trees of the river around him.

23 I f a river flows over, he is not afraid. He is sure of himself even if the Jordan rushes against his mouth.

24 C an anyone take him when he is watching? Can anyone catch him and put a ring in his nose?