Exodus - 29


1 This is what you will do to set them apart to serve as religious leaders for Me. Take one young bull and two rams that are perfect.

2 H ave bread without yeast, and bread mixed with oil, and hard bread made without yeast and spread with oil. Make them of fine grain flour.

3 P ut them in one basket. Then bring them in the basket with the bull and the two rams.

4 B ring Aaron and his sons to the door of the meeting tent, and wash them with water.

5 T ake the clothing and dress Aaron in the long coat, the clothing over the linen vest, the linen vest, and the breast-piece. Put on him the well-made belt of the linen vest.

6 P ut the covering on his head, and the holy crown on the head covering.

7 T hen take the oil for holy use and pour it on his head to set him apart for My work.

8 B ring his sons and dress them with long coats.

9 P ut belts on Aaron and his sons. Tie head coverings on them. And they will be religious leaders by law for all time. So you will set apart Aaron and his sons for My work.

10 Then bring the bull in front of the meeting tent. Aaron and his sons will lay their hands on the head of the bull.

11 T hen kill the bull before the Lord at the door of the meeting tent.

12 T ake some of the blood of the bull and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger. Then pour out all the blood at the base of the altar.

13 T ake all the fat that covers the inside parts, and the part that is on the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.

14 B ut the flesh of the bull, its skin, and its waste you will burn away from the tents. It is a sin gift.

15 Then take one of the rams and have Aaron and his sons lay their hands on the head of the ram.

16 K ill the ram and take its blood and put it around the altar.

17 C ut the ram into pieces. Wash its inside parts and its legs. And put them with its pieces and its head.

18 B urn the whole ram on the altar for a burnt gift in worship to the Lord. It is a pleasing smell, a gift by fire to the Lord.

19 Then take the other ram and have Aaron and his sons lay their hands on the ram’s head.

20 K ill the ram and put some of its blood on the bottom of Aaron’s right ear, on the bottom of his sons’ right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Put the rest of the blood around the altar.

21 T ake some of the blood from the altar and some of the special oil. Put some on Aaron and his sons and their clothing. So Aaron and his clothing and his sons and their clothing will be set apart and made holy.

22 T ake the fat from the ram, the fat tail, the fat that covers the inside parts, the part that is on the liver, the two kidneys with their fat, and the fat that is on the right thigh. For it is a ram used to set apart those who work for Me.

23 A nd take one loaf of bread, and one loaf of bread mixed with oil, and one piece of hard bread from the basket of bread without yeast that is set before the Lord.

24 P ut all these in the hands of Aaron and his sons. They will wave them for a wave gift before the Lord.

25 T hen take them from their hands and burn them on the altar for a burnt gift in worship. It is a pleasing smell before the Lord. It is a gift by fire to the Lord.

26 Take the breast of Aaron’s ram used to set him apart. Wave it as a wave gift before the Lord. And it will be your share.

27 T hen set apart the breast of the wave gift and the thigh that was waved and given from the ram used to set apart those who work for Me. One was for Aaron and one for his sons.

28 I t will be for Aaron and his sons as their share forever from the people of Israel. For it is the religious leaders’ share to be given by the people of Israel from their peace gifts. It is their gift to the Lord.

29 The holy clothing of Aaron will be for his sons after him. They will wear them when the oil for holy use is poured on them and they are set apart for My work.

30 T he son who takes his place as religious leader will wear them seven days as he goes into the meeting tent to serve in the holy place.

31 Take the ram used to set apart those who work for Me and boil its flesh in a holy place.

32 A aron and his sons will eat the flesh of the ram, and the bread that is in the basket, at the door of the meeting tent.

33 T hey will eat those things that were used in worship when they were forgiven of their sin and when they were set apart for My work. But one who is not a religious leader may not eat them, because they are holy.

34 I f any of the meat or bread used to set apart those who work for Me is left until morning, it must be burned. It must not be eaten, because it is holy.

35 Do to Aaron and his sons all I have told you. For seven days you will set them apart for My work.

36 G ive a bull each day for a sin gift, to take away sin. Make the altar clean by taking sin away from it and pour special oil on it to set it apart for Me.

37 F or seven days give gifts upon the altar to take away sin and set it apart for Me. Then the altar will be most holy. And whatever touches the altar will be holy. The Gifts Given Each Day

38 Now this is what you will give on the altar: Two lambs one year old, given every day.

39 G ive one lamb in the morning, and the other lamb in the evening.

40 W ith the first lamb give a jar of fine flour mixed with a half jar of beaten oil, and a half jar of wine to be poured out.

41 G ive the other lamb in the evening. Do it with a grain gift and a gift to pour out as in the morning. It has a pleasing smell, a gift by fire to the Lord.

42 F or all time to come this burnt gift is to be given at the door of the meeting tent before the Lord. There I will meet with you and speak to you.

43 I will meet there with the people of Israel. It will be set apart by My shining-greatness.

44 I will set apart the meeting tent and the altar. And I will set apart Aaron and his sons to work as religious leaders for Me.

45 I will live among the people of Israel and will be their God.

46 T hey will know that I am the Lord their God, Who brought them out of the land of Egypt to live among them. I am the Lord their God.