Proverbs - 11


1 T he Lord hates a false weight, but a true weight is His joy.

2 W hen pride comes, then comes shame, but wisdom is with those who have no pride.

3 T he honor of good people will lead them, but those who hurt others will be destroyed by their own false ways.

4 R iches are of no use in the day of God’s anger, but being right with God saves from death.

5 T hose right with God, who are without blame, make a straight way for themselves, but the sinful will fall by their own wrong-doing.

6 B eing right with God will save the honest man, but those who hurt others will be trapped by their wrong desires.

7 W hen a sinful man dies, his hope dies with him, and all his power comes to nothing.

8 T he one who is right with God is kept from trouble, but the sinful get into trouble instead.

9 T he sinful man destroys his neighbor with his mouth, but those who are fair will be saved through knowing God.

10 T he city is glad when everything goes well with those who are right with God, and there are shouts of joy when the sinful are destroyed.

11 A city is honored by the good things that come to the faithful, but it is torn down by the mouth of the sinful.

12 H e who hates his neighbor does not think well, but a man of understanding keeps quiet.

13 H e who is always telling stories makes secrets known, but he who can be trusted keeps a thing hidden.

14 A nation falls where there is no wise leading, but it is safe where there are many wise men who know what to do.

15 H e who puts himself as trust for what a stranger owes to another will suffer for it, but he who hates to be trusted for what another owes is safe.

16 A kind woman gets honor, and bad men get riches.

17 T he man who shows loving-kindness does himself good, but the man without pity hurts himself.

18 T he sinful man earns false pay, but he who spreads what is right and good gets pay that is sure.

19 H e who will not be moved from being right with God will live, but he who goes for what is bad will bring about his own death.

20 T he Lord hates those who are sinful in heart, but those who walk without blame are His joy.

21 K now for sure that the sinful man will not go without being punished, but the children of those who are right with God will be saved.

22 A beautiful woman who does not think well is like a gold ring in the nose of a pig.

23 T he desire of those who are right with God is only good, but the hope of the sinful is anger.

24 T here is one who is free in giving, and yet he grows richer. And there is one who keeps what he should give, but he ends up needing more.

25 T he man who gives much will have much, and he who helps others will be helped himself.

26 T he people curse him who keeps grain for himself, but good comes to him who sells it.

27 H e who looks for good finds favor, but he who looks for wrong-doing will have bad come to him.

28 H e who trusts in his riches will fall, but those who are right with God will grow like a green leaf.

29 H e who troubles his own house will be given the wind, and the foolish will serve those with a wise heart.

30 T he fruit of those who are right with God is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.

31 I f those who are right with God will be paid on earth, how much more the sinful and the wrong-doer!