Psalm - 81


1 S ing for joy to God our strength! Call out for joy to the God of Jacob!

2 S ing a song, beat the timbrel. Play the sweet-sounding harps.

3 B low the horn at the new moon, at the full moon on the day of our special supper.

4 F or this is a Law for Israel, a Law of the God of Jacob.

5 H e made it a Law for Joseph, when he went through the land of Egypt. I heard a language that I did not know:

6 I took the load off his shoulders. His hands were set free from the basket.

7 Y ou called in your trouble, and I took you out of it. I answered you in the hiding place of thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.

8 H ear, O My people, and I will tell you what to do. O Israel, if you would listen to Me!

9 L et there be no strange god among you. Do not worship any false god.

10 I , the Lord, am your God. I brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

11 But My people did not listen to My voice. And Israel did not obey Me.

12 S o I let them follow the desires of their sinful hearts. They followed their own plans.

13 I f only My people would listen to Me! If only Israel would follow My ways!

14 I would hurry to crush those who fight against them. I would turn My hand against those who hate them.

15 T hose who hate the Lord would pretend to obey Him. And their punishment would last forever.

16 B ut I would feed you with the best of grain. And I would fill you with honey from the rock.”