Ezekiel - 45


1 When the land is divided and each family receives its part, you must give a part to the Lord. This will be a holy piece of land, as long as 12, 500 long steps and as wide as 5, 000 long steps. This whole piece of land will be holy.

2 O f this, there will be a piece of land for the holy place, as long as 250 long steps and as wide as 250 long steps. It will have four sides of the same length. And there will be an open space around it as wide as fifty cubits.

3 I n the holy piece of land, number a length of 12, 500 long steps and a width of 5, 000 long steps. And in it will be the most holy place.

4 I t will be the holy part of the land. It will be for the religious leaders, those who do the work in the holy place, who come near to serve the Lord. It will also be a place for their houses, and a holy place for the Lord’s House.

5 A nother piece of land as long as 12, 500 long steps and as wide as 5, 000 long steps will be for the Levites who serve in the house. It will be land to build their houses on.

6 N ext to the holy piece of land, another piece as wide as 2, 500 long steps and as long as 12, 500 long steps will be set aside for a city belonging to all the people of Israel.

7 T he ruler will have land on both sides of the holy piece of land and the place for the city. His land will be next to these two pieces of land, on the west side and on the east side. It will be as long as one of the shares of land, from the west side of the whole land to the east side.

8 T his land in Israel will belong to him. So My rulers will no longer make it hard for My people. They will give the rest of the land to the people of Israel by their family groups.”

9 The Lord God says, “Enough, you rulers of Israel! Stop ruling in bad ways with your power and do what is right and good. Stop driving My people off their land,” says the Lord God.

10 Be honest in your weights.

11 O ne barrel of grain must be the same amount as one barrel of water. And one-tenth part of a barrel of grain must be the same amount as one-tenth part of a barrel of water.

12 T he silver piece of money must be worth the same as twenty small silver pieces. And sixty silver pieces of money must be worth the same as the heavy silver weight.

13 This is the gift that you must bring: One-sixtieth part of a barrel of wheat, one-sixtieth part of a barrel of barley,

14 a nd one-hundredth part of a barrel of oil.

15 A lso bring one lamb from each flock of 200 sheep from the well-watered fields of Israel. Bring them for a grain gift, a burnt gift, and a peace gift, to pay for the people’s sins,” says the Lord God.

16 All the people of the land must take these gifts to the ruler in Israel.

17 I t will be the ruler’s duty to bring the burnt gifts, the grain gifts, and the drink gifts, to the special suppers on the new moons and on the Days of Rest, and to all the special suppers of the people of Israel. He must bring the sin gift, the grain gift, the burnt gift, and the peace gifts, to pay for the sins of the people of Israel.” The Special Suppers

18 The Lord God says, “On the first day of the first month, you must take a young bull that is perfect and make the holy place clean.

19 T he religious leader will take some of the blood from the sin gift and put it on the door pillars of the house, on the four corners of the altar, and on the pillars of the gate of the inner open space.

20 Y ou must do the same on the seventh day of the month for every one who sins by mistake or because he does not know any better. In this way you will keep the Lord’s house holy.

21 On the fourteenth day of the first month, you will have the Passover, a special supper that lasts for seven days. Every one will eat bread made without yeast.

22 O n that day the ruler is to bring a bull as a sin gift for himself and all the people of the land.

23 D uring the seven days of the special supper he will bring as a burnt gift to the Lord seven bulls and seven rams that are perfect, on each of the seven days. And he will bring a male goat each day for a sin gift.

24 F or a grain gift he will bring a tenth part of a barrel of grain for each bull, a tenth part of a barrel for each ram. And he will bring a large jar of oil for each tenth part of a barrel of grain.

25 O n the fifteenth day of the seventh month, and for the seven days of the special supper, he is to bring the same amount for the sin gift, the burnt gift, the grain gift, and the oil.”