Isaiah - 12


1 A nd thou hast said in that day: `I thank thee, O Jehovah, Though Thou hast been angry with me, Turn back doth Thine anger, And Thou dost comfort me.

2 L o, God my salvation, I trust, and fear not, For my strength and song Jah Jehovah, And He is to me for salvation.

3 A nd ye have drawn waters with joy Out of the fountains of salvation,

4 A nd ye have said in that day, Give ye praise to Jehovah, call in His name. Make known among the peoples His acts. Make mention that set on high is His name.

5 P raise ye Jehovah, for excellence He hath done, Known is this in all the earth.

6 C ry aloud, and sing, O inhabitant of Zion, For great in thy midst the Holy One of Israel!'