1 T o the Overseer. -- An Instruction. By sons of Korah. As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God.
2 M y soul thirsted for God, for the living God, When do I enter and see the face of God?
3 M y tear hath been to me bread day and night, In their saying unto me all the day, `Where thy God?'
4 T hese I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!
5 W hat! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? Yea, art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him: The salvation of my countenance -- My God!
6 I n me doth my soul bow itself, Therefore I remember Thee from the land of Jordan, And of the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.
7 D eep unto deep is calling At the noise of Thy water-spouts, All Thy breakers and Thy billows passed over me.
8 B y day Jehovah commandeth His kindness, And by night a song with me, A prayer to the God of my life.
9 I say to God my rock, `Why hast Thou forgotten me? Why go I mourning in the oppression of an enemy?
10 W ith a sword in my bones Have mine adversaries reproached me, In their saying unto me all the day, `Where thy God?'
11 W hat! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? And what! art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him, The salvation of my countenance, and my God!