O o waxay tidhi, Miyaanay wax helin oo boolidii qaybsan? Oo nin kastaaba miyaanu helin gabadh ama laba gabdhood; Oo Siiseraana sow ma helin dhar booli ah oo kala midab ah, Oo miyaanu helin daabac kala midab ah, Oo miyaanu helin daabac kala midab ah oo labada dhan ku yaal, oo boolida qoortooda sudhan?
’Are they not finding and dividing the riches? Is there not a girl or two for every man? Is there not colored cloth for Sisera to take? Is there not colored cloth with beautiful sewing on it? Are there not two pieces of colored cloth with beautiful sewing on them for the neck of the one who takes them?’
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