Xaakinnada 16:5 ~ Judges 16:5


O o amiirradii reer Falastiin ayaa u yimid iyadii, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Bal sasab isaga oo soo ogow meesha xooggiisa weynu kaga jiro, iyo sida aannu kaga adkaan karno, oo aannu intaannu xidhno u saxariirin karno; oo midkayo kastaaba wuxuu ku siin doonaa kun iyo boqol xabbadood oo lacag ah.

And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.

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