O o kuwii reer Laawi oo dadka Israa'iil oo dhan wax bari jiray ee Rabbiga aawadiis quduus u ahaa wuxuu ku yidhi, Sanduuqa quduuska ah waxaad gelisaan gurigii uu dhisay Sulaymaan oo uu dhalay boqorkii reer binu Israa'iil oo Daa'uud ahaa, hadda ka dib culaab dambe garbihiinna saarnaan mayso, haddaba Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah iyo dadkiisa reer binu Israa'iil u adeega.
and saith to the Levites -- who are teaching all Israel -- who are sanctified to Jehovah, `Put the holy ark in the house that Solomon son of David king of Israel built; it is not to you a burden on the shoulder. `Now, serve Jehovah your God, and His people Israel,
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