Maleahi 3:5 ~ Malachi 3:5


M ă voi apropia de voi pentru judecată, şi Mă voi grăbi să mărturisesc împotriva descîntătorilor şi preacurvarilor, împotriva celor ce jură strîmb, împotriva celor ce opresc plata simbriaşului, cari asupresc pe văduvă şi pe orfan, nedreptăţesc pe străin, şi nu se tem de Mine, zice Domnul oştirilor.

Then I will come to judge you. I will be quick to speak against those who use witchcraft, and those who do sex sins, and those who make false promises. I will speak against those who do not pay a man what he has earned, and who make it hard for the woman whose husband has died and for children who have no parents. And I will speak against those who turn away the stranger and do not fear Me,” says the Lord of All.

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