Malaquias 3:5 ~ Malachi 3:5


E chegar-me-ei a vós para juízo; e serei uma testemunha veloz contra os feiticeiros, contra os adúlteros, contra os que juram falsamente, contra os que defraudam o trabalhador em seu salário, a viúva, e o órfão, e que pervertem o direito do estrangeiro, e não me temem, diz o Senhor dos exércitos.

Then I will come to judge you. I will be quick to speak against those who use witchcraft, and those who do sex sins, and those who make false promises. I will speak against those who do not pay a man what he has earned, and who make it hard for the woman whose husband has died and for children who have no parents. And I will speak against those who turn away the stranger and do not fear Me,” says the Lord of All.

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