Ezekiel 48:31 ~ ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 48:31


( the gates of the city shall be named after the tribes of Israel), the three gates northward: one gate for Reuben, one gate for Judah, and one gate for Levi;

وَتُسَمَّى بَوّاباتُ المَدِينَةِ بِأسماءِ قَبائِلِ إسْرائِيلَ. وَبَوّاباتُ الجِهَةِ الشَّمالِيَّةِ هِيَ رَأُوبَيْنَ وَيَهُوذا وَلاوِي.

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