2 Летописи 34:8 ~ 2 Chronicles 34:8


А в осемнадесетата година от царуването си, когато беше очистил земята и Божия дом, прати Сафан, Азалиевия син, и градския началник Маасия, и летописеца Йоах, син на Йоахаз, за да поправят дома на Господа, неговия Бог.

Now it was the eighteenth year of his rule, and Josiah had made the land and the Lord’s house free from worshiping false gods. At that time he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, Maaseiah the leader of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz, who wrote down the things that happened, to do the work needed on the house of the Lord his God.

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