Ester 2:15 ~ Esther 2:15


O ra, quando chegou a vez de Ester, filha de Abiail, tio de mardoqueu, que a tomara por sua filha, para ir ao rei, coisa nenhuma pediu senão o que indicou Hegai, eunuco do rei, guarda das mulheres. Mas Ester alcançava graça aos olhos de todos quantos a viam.

And in the drawing nigh of the turn of Esther -- daughter of Abihail, uncle of Mordecai, whom he had taken to him for a daughter -- to come in unto the king, she hath not sought a thing except that which Hegai eunuch of the king, keeper of the women, saith, and Esther is receiving grace in the eyes of all seeing her.

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