a nd that which He hath done to Dathan, and to Abiram, sons of Eliab, sons of Reuben, when the earth hath opened her mouth and swalloweth them, and their houses, and their tents, and all that liveth, which is at their feet, in the midst of all Israel:
iyo wixii uu reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan dhexdooda kaga sameeyey Daataan iyo Abiiraam oo ahaa ilma Elii'aab oo ahaa reer Ruubeen, iyo sidii ciiddu afkeeda u kala qaadday oo ay u liqday iyagii, iyo reerahoodii, iyo teendhooyinkoodii, iyo wax alla wixii noolaa oo iyaga raacay,
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