a s also the chief priest doth testify to me, and all the eldership; from whom also having received letters unto the brethren, to Damascus, I was going on, to bring also those there bound to Jerusalem that they might be punished,
وَيُمكِنُ أنْ يَشهَدَ عَلَى صِحَّةِ كَلامِي رَئيسُ الكَهَنَةِ وَجَمِيعُ أعضاءِ مَجلِسِ الشُّيُوخِ. فَقَدْ أخَذتُ مِنهُمْ رَسائِلَ إلَى أهلِنا فِي دِمَشقَ. وَذَهَبتُ لِأقبِضَ عَلَى المَسِيحِيِّيْنَ هُناكَ، وَأُحضِرُهُمْ إلَى القُدسِ مُقَيَّدِينَ لِكَي يَلقَوا عِقابَهُمْ. بُولُسُ يَتَحَدَّثُ عَنِ اهتِدائِه
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