` And I have set thy border from the Red Sea, even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River: for I give into your hand the inhabitants of the land, and thou hast cast them out from before thee;
«سَأجعَلُ حُدُودَكَ مِنَ البَحرِ الأحْمَرِ إلَى بَحرِ الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ، وَمِنَ الصَّحْراءِ إلَى نَهْرِ الفُراتِ. لِأنِّي سَأُعطِي سُكّانَ الأرْضِ لَكَ لِتَطرُدَهُمْ مِنْ أمامِكَ.
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