t hen the priest shall examine it; and behold, if the hair in the bright spot has turned white, and its appearance is deeper than the skin; it is leprosy. It has broken out in the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the plague of leprosy.
يُعايِنُهُ الكاهِنُ، فَإنْ كانَ بَعضُ الشَّعرِ فِي البُقعَةِ الَّلامِعَةِ قَدْ صارَ أبْيَضَ، وَغائِراً فِي الجِلْدِ، فَإنَّهُ بَرَصٌ قَدْ نَشَأ عَنِ الحَرقِ. فَيُعلِنُ الكاهِنُ أنَّ المُصابَ نَجِسٌ، فَهُوَ بَرَصٌ.
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