Деяния 17:18 ~ Acts 17:18


В беседу с ним вступали и некоторые философы, принадлежавшие к школам эпикурейцев и стоиков. Одни спрашивали: – И что этот пустомеля хочет сказать? Другие говорили: – Он, кажется, возвещает о чужеземных богах, – потому что Павел возвещал Радостную Весть об Иисусе и воскресении.

Some men from two different groups were arguing with Paul. The one group thought that men might as well get all the fun out of life that they can. The other group thought that wisdom alone makes men happy. Some of them said, “This man has lots of little things to talk about. They are not important. What is he trying to say?” Others said, “He preaches about strange gods.” It was because he preached of Jesus and of His being raised from the dead.

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