O o waxaa dhexdeeda jiifsan doona xoolo iyo xayawaanka quruumaha oo dhan, oo cantalyaaga iyo caanaqubtuba waxay ku dhex hoyan doonaan tiirarkeeda. Cod baa ka gabyi doona daaqadaheeda, oo waxaa marinnada joogi doona abaar, waayo, isagu wuu soo bandhigay shuqulkii qoriga kedarka ah laga qabtay.
Herds shall lie down in the midst of, all the beasts of the nations and of every kind; both the pelican and the hedgehog shall lodge on the upper part of her pillars; the voice shall sing in the windows; desolation and drought shall be on the thresholds, for her cedar paneling will He lay bare.
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