Yeremyaah 39:5 ~ Jeremiah 39:5


L aakiinse ciidankii reer Kaldayiin ayaa iyagii eryaday, oo waxay Sidqiyaah ku gaadheen bannaannadii Yerixoo, oo markay qabsadeen ayay Nebukadresar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon ugu geeyeen Riblaah oo ku tiil dalka Xamaad, wuuna xukumay.

But the Chaldean army pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho. And when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he pronounced sentence upon him.

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