Nexemyaah 7:3 ~ Nehemiah 7:3


O o waxaan iyagii ku idhi, Jeer ay qorraxdu kululaato yaan la furin irdaha Yeruusaalem, oo intay waardiyayaashu taagan yihiin albaabbada ha la xidho, oo idinku qataara, dadka Yeruusaalem degganna waardiyayaal ka doorta, oo mid waluba ha dhawro meel gurigiisa ka soo hor jeedda. Tiradii Maxaabiista Dib U Soo Noqotay

And I said to them that the gates of Jerusalem should not be opened until the sun was hot, and that they should shut the doors and bar them while they stood by; and that there should be appointed watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one in his watch, and every one over against his house.

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